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Our Earth is a beautiful home for living beings, common for all the humanity forever. When people pursue great profits, they often act unwisely- destroy nature, pollute the environment. The poisoning of air, land and oceans is the fastest spreading disease of civilization.
Radiation has become one of the main problems. There are some atomic power stations in our country. It is even a greater disaster for the world. We all remember about Chernobyl catastrophe and its tragic results. Many people, who fought against that fire and received a certain doze of radiation are invalids now.
Air pollution.
Water pollution.
The problem of forests felling.
The problem of biological variety.
Global warming.
The hole in the ozone layer.
“English language: reference book for the schoolchildren and students”/N.V.Beregovaya, N.G.Brusova/Moscow/Dropha/2000.
“Ecology. School text-book”/ S.A.Bogolubov / Moscow/Znanie/ 1999.
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Our Earth is a beautiful home for living beings, common for all the humanity forever. When people pursue great profits, they often act unwisely- destroy nature, pollute the environment. The poisoning of air, land and oceans is the fastest spreading disease of civilization.
Radiation has become one of the main problems. There are some atomic power stations in our country. It is even a greater disaster for the world. We all remember about Chernobyl catastrophe and its tragic results. Many people, who fought against that fire and received a certain doze of radiation are invalids now.
Air pollution.
Water pollution.
The problem of forests felling.
The problem of biological variety.
Global warming.
The hole in the ozone layer.
“English language: reference book for the schoolchildren and students”/N.V.Beregovaya, N.G.Brusova/Moscow/Dropha/2000.
“Ecology. School text-book”/ S.A.Bogolubov / Moscow/Znanie/ 1999.
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