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Tragically, the relationship between the Great Chinese Empire, or the Celestial Empire, as it was called by the Chinese themselves, and the rest of the Western world throughout their history have undergone a number of difficulties, and often came to a standstill.
Текст реферата.
As long as there is no clarity in the future intentions of both. "Ordinary people", of course, is sleeping, but it's actually not as simple as it wants to see his new Arab friends, but because he was sleeping in box-eye and the ear-in box, perfect seeing and hearing everything that is going on.
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Tragically, the relationship between the Great Chinese Empire, or the Celestial Empire, as it was called by the Chinese themselves, and the rest of the Western world throughout their history have undergone a number of difficulties, and often came to a standstill.
Текст реферата.
As long as there is no clarity in the future intentions of both. "Ordinary people", of course, is sleeping, but it's actually not as simple as it wants to see his new Arab friends, but because he was sleeping in box-eye and the ear-in box, perfect seeing and hearing everything that is going on.
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