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Экскурсия по набережной реки Фонтанка и в музее Анны Ахматовой (английский язык)

  • 15 страниц
  • 2014 год
  • 242 просмотра
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Фрагменты работ

Saint Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in Russia and all over the world. It’s famous of many sightseeing’s and a lot of rivers and channels. Fontanka is a left branch of the river Neva, which goes through the whole of Central Saint Petersburg. Its total length is 6,700 meters, its total width is up to 70 meters, and its total depth is up to 3,5 meters. The Fontanka Embankment is lined with the former private residences of Russian nobility [1].
This river, one of more than 90 rivers and channels in Saint Petersburg, was firstly named Anonymous Creek (Bezymyanny Yerik in Russian). In Russian language, yerik is a secondary or intermittent river channel (creek or brook). The river received its present name in 1719, because water from it supplied the fountains of the Summer Garden.

Introduction 3
Chapter I. The History of Fontanka Sights 4
Chapter II. Excursion along the Embankment of Fontanka 10
Conclusion 14
Bibliography 15

In contrast to the Neva and its many rivers and canals, Fontaka has a single embankment running along its seven kilometer course. Until mid of the 18th century Fontanka served as southern boundary of the city, and after it was considered as a boundary of fine construction of St. Petersburg. Not surprisingly, there are a huge number of buildings here that are now of historical and cultural value. Moreover, you can get acquainted with them not only walking along the promenade but also on-board a tour on a boat.
The Fontanka is spanned by fifteen bridges, including 18th-century Lomonosov Bridge and extravagant Egyptian Bridge. The most famous of these, the Anichkov Bridge, carries the Nevsky Prospekt over the river.
A delicate iron-cast railing, separating the park from the public walk of the Palace Embankment, was installed between 1771 and 1784 to a design by G. von Veldten. Grille is suspended between 36 granite columns crowned with urns and vases. The great Russian poetess Anna Akhmatova, among others, considered the grille to be a pinnacle of art-casting and one of the symbols of St. Petersburg

1. Канн П.Я. Прогулки по Петербургу: Вдоль Мойки, Фонтанки, Садовой. – St. Petersburg, 1994.
2. Anna Akhmatova Literary and Memorial Museum [URL] http://www.encspb.ru/object/2804034066;jsessionid=2D522B8252DA0F306A1B35ADC2E96B13?lc=en.
3. Axelrod V.I., Bulankova L.P. Anichkov dvorets – legendy i byli. – SPb, 1996.
4. Feinstein E. Anna of all the Russians: A life of Anna Akhmatova. – London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2006.
5. The Summer Garden and the Palace of Peter I [URL] http://www.nevsky-prospekt.com/summer.html
6. Tselyadt M.P. Dvorets Beloselskikh-Belozerskikh. – SPb, 1996.

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Фрагменты работ

Saint Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in Russia and all over the world. It’s famous of many sightseeing’s and a lot of rivers and channels. Fontanka is a left branch of the river Neva, which goes through the whole of Central Saint Petersburg. Its total length is 6,700 meters, its total width is up to 70 meters, and its total depth is up to 3,5 meters. The Fontanka Embankment is lined with the former private residences of Russian nobility [1].
This river, one of more than 90 rivers and channels in Saint Petersburg, was firstly named Anonymous Creek (Bezymyanny Yerik in Russian). In Russian language, yerik is a secondary or intermittent river channel (creek or brook). The river received its present name in 1719, because water from it supplied the fountains of the Summer Garden.

Introduction 3
Chapter I. The History of Fontanka Sights 4
Chapter II. Excursion along the Embankment of Fontanka 10
Conclusion 14
Bibliography 15

In contrast to the Neva and its many rivers and canals, Fontaka has a single embankment running along its seven kilometer course. Until mid of the 18th century Fontanka served as southern boundary of the city, and after it was considered as a boundary of fine construction of St. Petersburg. Not surprisingly, there are a huge number of buildings here that are now of historical and cultural value. Moreover, you can get acquainted with them not only walking along the promenade but also on-board a tour on a boat.
The Fontanka is spanned by fifteen bridges, including 18th-century Lomonosov Bridge and extravagant Egyptian Bridge. The most famous of these, the Anichkov Bridge, carries the Nevsky Prospekt over the river.
A delicate iron-cast railing, separating the park from the public walk of the Palace Embankment, was installed between 1771 and 1784 to a design by G. von Veldten. Grille is suspended between 36 granite columns crowned with urns and vases. The great Russian poetess Anna Akhmatova, among others, considered the grille to be a pinnacle of art-casting and one of the symbols of St. Petersburg

1. Канн П.Я. Прогулки по Петербургу: Вдоль Мойки, Фонтанки, Садовой. – St. Petersburg, 1994.
2. Anna Akhmatova Literary and Memorial Museum [URL] http://www.encspb.ru/object/2804034066;jsessionid=2D522B8252DA0F306A1B35ADC2E96B13?lc=en.
3. Axelrod V.I., Bulankova L.P. Anichkov dvorets – legendy i byli. – SPb, 1996.
4. Feinstein E. Anna of all the Russians: A life of Anna Akhmatova. – London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2006.
5. The Summer Garden and the Palace of Peter I [URL] http://www.nevsky-prospekt.com/summer.html
6. Tselyadt M.P. Dvorets Beloselskikh-Belozerskikh. – SPb, 1996.

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Отзывы студентов

Отзыв Алексей Михайлов об авторе EkaterinaKonstantinovna 2017-06-15

Отличная работа. Очень помогли!

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Отзыв vmarina об авторе EkaterinaKonstantinovna 2015-08-16

в срок и качественно

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Отзыв Алгыш Гасанов об авторе EkaterinaKonstantinovna 2015-01-20

все быстро, все как нужно раньше срока ! спасибо!!

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Отзыв sumrak2x об авторе EkaterinaKonstantinovna 2018-04-23

Все отлично выполнила

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