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The relations between the Russian Federation and the European Union represent the interaction of two major geopolitical players. The history of relations between modern Russia and the European Union dates back about 30 years. The Foundation of successful cooperation between the EU and the Russian Federation was laid by the first President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin.
The European Union after the annexation of Crimea to Russia did not completely close the Russian market from itself. Yes, trade has declined. There is a crisis in relations, but not as serious as Russian and foreign political analysts assumed in 2014. The Ukrainian crisis has managed to create an imbalance in relations, but despite this, Russia in 2018 fell only from the 3rd to the 4th line of the main trading partners of the EU [4]. This once again confirms the fact that the two geopolitical players cannot do without diplomatic and economic cooperation.
In the next 10 years, the risks for further conflict between Russia and the EU due to the Ukrainian and Syrian crises will decrease. Gazprom's major gas project Nord Stream-2 and other equally important scientific projects should form the basis for the start of the reset of relations from 2020. The resumption of cooperation in a number of sectors between the Russian Federation and the EU can put an end to the discord in their relations and call on both sides to resolve conflicts on which there were differences.
1. Atomic energy. Joint research project of the European Union and Russia. [Electronic resource] URL: http://www.atomic-energy.ru/news/2015/10/09/60372.
2. Gromyko A. A. "UPS and downs of relations between Russia and the European Union" / / Modern world and geopolitics / Moscow: Publishing house "Canon +" 2015, pp. 267-292.
3. Interfax-Tourism. Interview with Sergey Lavrov on visa-free regime with the EU [Electronic resource] URL: https://tourism.interfax.ru/ru/news/articles/15856/.
4. Representation of the European Union in the Russian Federation [Electronic resource] URL: https://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/russia/35940/европейский-союз-и-российская-федерация_ru.
5. The Russia — European Union: opportunities for partnership / [I. M. Busygina (hands.), etc.]; [CH. ed. I. S. Ivanov]; Russian Council for international relations. cases. - Moscow: Spetskniga, 2013. - P. 96.
6. Russian expert. Relations between Russia and the European Union. [Electronic resource] URL: https://ruxpert.ru/Отношения_России_и_Европейского_Союза http://www.perspektivy.info/book/rossija_i_jevropejskij_sojuz_tendencii_ekonomicheskih_otnoshenij_2008-09-20.htm.
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The relations between the Russian Federation and the European Union represent the interaction of two major geopolitical players. The history of relations between modern Russia and the European Union dates back about 30 years. The Foundation of successful cooperation between the EU and the Russian Federation was laid by the first President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin.
The European Union after the annexation of Crimea to Russia did not completely close the Russian market from itself. Yes, trade has declined. There is a crisis in relations, but not as serious as Russian and foreign political analysts assumed in 2014. The Ukrainian crisis has managed to create an imbalance in relations, but despite this, Russia in 2018 fell only from the 3rd to the 4th line of the main trading partners of the EU [4]. This once again confirms the fact that the two geopolitical players cannot do without diplomatic and economic cooperation.
In the next 10 years, the risks for further conflict between Russia and the EU due to the Ukrainian and Syrian crises will decrease. Gazprom's major gas project Nord Stream-2 and other equally important scientific projects should form the basis for the start of the reset of relations from 2020. The resumption of cooperation in a number of sectors between the Russian Federation and the EU can put an end to the discord in their relations and call on both sides to resolve conflicts on which there were differences.
1. Atomic energy. Joint research project of the European Union and Russia. [Electronic resource] URL: http://www.atomic-energy.ru/news/2015/10/09/60372.
2. Gromyko A. A. "UPS and downs of relations between Russia and the European Union" / / Modern world and geopolitics / Moscow: Publishing house "Canon +" 2015, pp. 267-292.
3. Interfax-Tourism. Interview with Sergey Lavrov on visa-free regime with the EU [Electronic resource] URL: https://tourism.interfax.ru/ru/news/articles/15856/.
4. Representation of the European Union in the Russian Federation [Electronic resource] URL: https://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/russia/35940/европейский-союз-и-российская-федерация_ru.
5. The Russia — European Union: opportunities for partnership / [I. M. Busygina (hands.), etc.]; [CH. ed. I. S. Ivanov]; Russian Council for international relations. cases. - Moscow: Spetskniga, 2013. - P. 96.
6. Russian expert. Relations between Russia and the European Union. [Electronic resource] URL: https://ruxpert.ru/Отношения_России_и_Европейского_Союза http://www.perspektivy.info/book/rossija_i_jevropejskij_sojuz_tendencii_ekonomicheskih_otnoshenij_2008-09-20.htm.
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