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An event, occurred in the process of vehicle movement on a highway and with its participation, that caused death or injuries of people, vehicles, structures, cargo got damaged or other material damage is caused is called a traffic accident (furthermore – TA). The majority of traffic accidents are performed through fault of the drivers of vehicles, their density in total is 75%. This article deals with one of the most common types of TA – collision, namely with the incidental-oblique type.
Key-words: Traffic accident, highway, carriageway, vehicle, accident rate, collision, incidental-oblique collision, manoeuvre, dynamic corridor, safety interval, impact pulse, angular velocity, stopping road, braking distance.
Grounding: In the article one of the most common types of collisions at a traffic accident - incidental-oblique collision is described. It is described, at which situations that type of collision may occur, what should be paid attention to while expertise and investigation of such a case.
1. Domke EH. R. Rassledovanie i ehkspertiza dorozhno-transportnyh proisshestvij: uchebnoe posobie / EH. R. Domke – M. : Izdatel'skij centr "Akademiya", 2009. - 288 s.
2. Kristi M. N. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po proizvodstvu avtotekhnicheskoj ehkspertizy / M. N. Kristi – M. : CNIISEH, 1985. – 58 s.
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An event, occurred in the process of vehicle movement on a highway and with its participation, that caused death or injuries of people, vehicles, structures, cargo got damaged or other material damage is caused is called a traffic accident (furthermore – TA). The majority of traffic accidents are performed through fault of the drivers of vehicles, their density in total is 75%. This article deals with one of the most common types of TA – collision, namely with the incidental-oblique type.
Key-words: Traffic accident, highway, carriageway, vehicle, accident rate, collision, incidental-oblique collision, manoeuvre, dynamic corridor, safety interval, impact pulse, angular velocity, stopping road, braking distance.
Grounding: In the article one of the most common types of collisions at a traffic accident - incidental-oblique collision is described. It is described, at which situations that type of collision may occur, what should be paid attention to while expertise and investigation of such a case.
1. Domke EH. R. Rassledovanie i ehkspertiza dorozhno-transportnyh proisshestvij: uchebnoe posobie / EH. R. Domke – M. : Izdatel'skij centr "Akademiya", 2009. - 288 s.
2. Kristi M. N. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po proizvodstvu avtotekhnicheskoj ehkspertizy / M. N. Kristi – M. : CNIISEH, 1985. – 58 s.
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