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Frozen foods - fruits, berries and vegetables - or parts of them with a constant consistency, fast-acting with a temperature in the middle of the product not higher (minus 20 ± 2) ° С, in addition, crystals form in the quick-frozen case at a cooling medium temperature not higher (minus 33 ± 2)) ° C.
Frozen foods - fruits, berries and vegetables - or parts of them with a constant consistency, fast-acting with a temperature in the middle of the product not higher (minus 20 ± 2) ° С, in addition, crystals form in the quick-frozen case at a cooling medium temperature not higher (minus 33 ± 2)) ° C.
Работа написана в 2020 году. Работа на английском языке, представляет собой анализ рынка замороженных продуктов в Эстонии. Оценка — отлично!
1. URL: https://www.europages.com.ru/ /companies/Estonia/frozen foods.html
2. Zalessky, B. L. (2017). Modern advertising market.
3. Sapolgina, L.A. (2017). ACCOUNTING OF ADVERTISING COSTS. In Modern Trade: Theory, Practice, Innovation (pp. 221-227).
4. Chen, P. Y. (2018). Cost minimisation for television advertising schedules designed by media agencies. International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 9 (2), 160-175.
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Frozen foods - fruits, berries and vegetables - or parts of them with a constant consistency, fast-acting with a temperature in the middle of the product not higher (minus 20 ± 2) ° С, in addition, crystals form in the quick-frozen case at a cooling medium temperature not higher (minus 33 ± 2)) ° C.
Frozen foods - fruits, berries and vegetables - or parts of them with a constant consistency, fast-acting with a temperature in the middle of the product not higher (minus 20 ± 2) ° С, in addition, crystals form in the quick-frozen case at a cooling medium temperature not higher (minus 33 ± 2)) ° C.
Работа написана в 2020 году. Работа на английском языке, представляет собой анализ рынка замороженных продуктов в Эстонии. Оценка — отлично!
1. URL: https://www.europages.com.ru/ /companies/Estonia/frozen foods.html
2. Zalessky, B. L. (2017). Modern advertising market.
3. Sapolgina, L.A. (2017). ACCOUNTING OF ADVERTISING COSTS. In Modern Trade: Theory, Practice, Innovation (pp. 221-227).
4. Chen, P. Y. (2018). Cost minimisation for television advertising schedules designed by media agencies. International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 9 (2), 160-175.
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250 ₽ | Цена | от 300 ₽ |
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