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Development of a strategy for managing the Bank's loan portfolio

  • 10 страниц
  • 2018 год
  • 84 просмотра
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The article is devoted to the problems of formation of the Bank's credit policy, its impact on the stability of the Bank and the results of its activities. The importance of an effective credit policy of the Bank, which improves the quality of assets, their profitability and ultimately provides a positive financial result, is substantiated. The author highlights the global, final and operational objectives of the Bank's credit policy, allowing realizing the ultimate goal of the credit policy. The process of their development in connection with the overall development strategy of the Bank is considered. The importance of continuous monitoring of the implementation, status and adjustment of the goals is noted, since the well-thought-out and timely adjusted goals are the key to an effective credit policy of a commercial Bank. The criteria for reducing the effectiveness of credit policy in the case of a formal approach to its development. The basic principles of the process of formation of the strategy of Bank credit policy, assuming a systemic nature, complexity, etc. the classification of types of credit policy on various grounds. The article highlights the main methods of risk management of the Bank's loan portfolio, as the fundamental point in the development of a lending strategy of a commercial Bank is to minimize credit risks arising from the insolvency of the borrower.
credit policy; commercial banks; credit operations; credit portfolio; creditworthiness; credit portfolio analysis; credit portfolio management; credit risk.
To date, it is impossible to clearly assess the current state of the banking sector, as in all areas of banking remain high. Almost all banks cannot guarantee that they are insured against bankruptcy. The reason is that most of their assets receive credit transactions and, accordingly, maintain a high level of its credit activity. The reason for the inability of banks to lend to the real sector is not due to a decrease in banks ' interest in economic development, but to the poor quality of their loan portfolio. If the borrower is able to pay it to an individual or legal entity, it is considered a quality credit resource in the portfolio. In the case of below many the repayment of the loans, the collateral the banks are falling in price, we are talking about age. 30-35% of the loan portfolio of some banks consists of bad credit. In this regard, in the post-crisis conditions, one of the most important tasks is to improve the forms of lending to commercial banks and improve the quality of its loan portfolio. A loan portfolio is a description of the structure and quality of loans classified according to certain criteria and issued.

to pay attention to the quality of the loan portfolio.
The loan portfolio should contain the main and priority assets that generate income for the Bank. At the same time, a certain share of loans issued by the Bank may be irrevocable, which negatively affects the final financial result. In this regard, the bankruptcy of one Bank leads to a decrease in depositors ' confidence in the entire banking system. Ways to improve the credit portfolio management system of commercial banks are as follows:
1. In the management of the Bank's loan portfolio, it is necessary, first of all, to manage its quality. To manage quality, it is necessary to reduce the level of credit risk. To reduce the level of credit risk, it is necessary to apply all these methods periodically. Comma management of the Bank's credit policy;
2. Improvement of the management system in commercial banks using the processed collected data on the quality of a given loan with the help of automated management systems and databases of the National Bank;
3. Improvement of the management system in commercial banks using the database of the National Bank. Improvement of the mechanism of assessment and organization of hazardous types of lending.
Today, the loan portfolio is a judgment on the quality of the Bank's credit policy and a determining criterion for predicting the results of credit activities for the reporting period. The analysis and assessment of the quality of the loan portfolio serves for the Bank's managers to effectively manage their credit operations.
The loan portfolio is formed only in the case of determining the key objectives of the Bank's credit activities, developing a credit policy strategy, determining the special objectives of the loan portfolio formation taking into account the prevailing conditions of the external environment, market conditions, and the Bank's own capabilities within the framework of these strategies.

Разработка стратегии управления кредитным портфелем банка на английском языке.

1. Topical issues of Economics and management in modern Russia. Monographic collection. Issue 3 / ed. V. D. Golichev. Smolensk: Smolensk city printing house, 2016-p. 190-195.
2. Booker M. Ya. Credit work in the Bank: methodology and accounting. - M.: KNORUS, Zipser, 2012. - 240 p.
3. Burnt N.In. The organization of lending in commercial banks: a tutorial / N. In. Burnt. - Moscow: publishing house "FORUM": INFRA-M, 2012. - 208 p.
4. Nozdryov I. E., Stepanova S. A. Managing troubled loans in commercial banks // Economics and entrepreneurship. - 2015. - №10 h. 1 (631). p. 519 to 524.
5. Nozdreva I. E. Economic and financial security of the state / / in the collection: Economic growth and competitiveness of Russia: trends, problems and strategic priorities. - Collection of scientific articles on the materials Of the international scientific-practical conference VZFEI: in 2 volumes. Editorial Board: I. I. Lukasevich (Chairman), Y. M. lyalkov (Executive Secretary), M. A. Fedotova, etc., 2012. - p. 373-374.
6. Sivakova S. Y. Ensuring the financial stability of the organization // the Innovative development of modern science: collection of articles of international scientific-practical conference: in 9 parts / ed. red. - Ufa: RITS Bashgu, 2014. - Pp. 187-190.
7. Sivakova S. Y. Management of financial stability of enterprises // Actual problems of theory and practice of management: Materials of II international scientific-practical conference (1-2 June 2012). - Smolensk: Publishing house of Smolensk state University, 2012. - Pp. 179-185.
8. Nozdreva I. E. Lending by commercial banks of Smolensk region to enterprises of agro-industrial complex. Problems and prospects of socio-economic development of regions: proceedings of the all-Russian scientific-practical conference: in 2 vol. 8 November 2015, Kirov. - Kirov: LLC "rainbow PRESS", 2015. - pp. 108 - 111.
9. Credit rating of borrowers in the banking risk management: textbook / E. P. Shatalov, A. N. Loose. - M.: KNORUS, 212. - 168 p.
10. Risk management in a commercial Bank: monograph / group of authors; ed. I. V. Larionova. - M.: KNORUS, 2016. - 456 p.

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Фрагменты работ

The article is devoted to the problems of formation of the Bank's credit policy, its impact on the stability of the Bank and the results of its activities. The importance of an effective credit policy of the Bank, which improves the quality of assets, their profitability and ultimately provides a positive financial result, is substantiated. The author highlights the global, final and operational objectives of the Bank's credit policy, allowing realizing the ultimate goal of the credit policy. The process of their development in connection with the overall development strategy of the Bank is considered. The importance of continuous monitoring of the implementation, status and adjustment of the goals is noted, since the well-thought-out and timely adjusted goals are the key to an effective credit policy of a commercial Bank. The criteria for reducing the effectiveness of credit policy in the case of a formal approach to its development. The basic principles of the process of formation of the strategy of Bank credit policy, assuming a systemic nature, complexity, etc. the classification of types of credit policy on various grounds. The article highlights the main methods of risk management of the Bank's loan portfolio, as the fundamental point in the development of a lending strategy of a commercial Bank is to minimize credit risks arising from the insolvency of the borrower.
credit policy; commercial banks; credit operations; credit portfolio; creditworthiness; credit portfolio analysis; credit portfolio management; credit risk.
To date, it is impossible to clearly assess the current state of the banking sector, as in all areas of banking remain high. Almost all banks cannot guarantee that they are insured against bankruptcy. The reason is that most of their assets receive credit transactions and, accordingly, maintain a high level of its credit activity. The reason for the inability of banks to lend to the real sector is not due to a decrease in banks ' interest in economic development, but to the poor quality of their loan portfolio. If the borrower is able to pay it to an individual or legal entity, it is considered a quality credit resource in the portfolio. In the case of below many the repayment of the loans, the collateral the banks are falling in price, we are talking about age. 30-35% of the loan portfolio of some banks consists of bad credit. In this regard, in the post-crisis conditions, one of the most important tasks is to improve the forms of lending to commercial banks and improve the quality of its loan portfolio. A loan portfolio is a description of the structure and quality of loans classified according to certain criteria and issued.

to pay attention to the quality of the loan portfolio.
The loan portfolio should contain the main and priority assets that generate income for the Bank. At the same time, a certain share of loans issued by the Bank may be irrevocable, which negatively affects the final financial result. In this regard, the bankruptcy of one Bank leads to a decrease in depositors ' confidence in the entire banking system. Ways to improve the credit portfolio management system of commercial banks are as follows:
1. In the management of the Bank's loan portfolio, it is necessary, first of all, to manage its quality. To manage quality, it is necessary to reduce the level of credit risk. To reduce the level of credit risk, it is necessary to apply all these methods periodically. Comma management of the Bank's credit policy;
2. Improvement of the management system in commercial banks using the processed collected data on the quality of a given loan with the help of automated management systems and databases of the National Bank;
3. Improvement of the management system in commercial banks using the database of the National Bank. Improvement of the mechanism of assessment and organization of hazardous types of lending.
Today, the loan portfolio is a judgment on the quality of the Bank's credit policy and a determining criterion for predicting the results of credit activities for the reporting period. The analysis and assessment of the quality of the loan portfolio serves for the Bank's managers to effectively manage their credit operations.
The loan portfolio is formed only in the case of determining the key objectives of the Bank's credit activities, developing a credit policy strategy, determining the special objectives of the loan portfolio formation taking into account the prevailing conditions of the external environment, market conditions, and the Bank's own capabilities within the framework of these strategies.

Разработка стратегии управления кредитным портфелем банка на английском языке.

1. Topical issues of Economics and management in modern Russia. Monographic collection. Issue 3 / ed. V. D. Golichev. Smolensk: Smolensk city printing house, 2016-p. 190-195.
2. Booker M. Ya. Credit work in the Bank: methodology and accounting. - M.: KNORUS, Zipser, 2012. - 240 p.
3. Burnt N.In. The organization of lending in commercial banks: a tutorial / N. In. Burnt. - Moscow: publishing house "FORUM": INFRA-M, 2012. - 208 p.
4. Nozdryov I. E., Stepanova S. A. Managing troubled loans in commercial banks // Economics and entrepreneurship. - 2015. - №10 h. 1 (631). p. 519 to 524.
5. Nozdreva I. E. Economic and financial security of the state / / in the collection: Economic growth and competitiveness of Russia: trends, problems and strategic priorities. - Collection of scientific articles on the materials Of the international scientific-practical conference VZFEI: in 2 volumes. Editorial Board: I. I. Lukasevich (Chairman), Y. M. lyalkov (Executive Secretary), M. A. Fedotova, etc., 2012. - p. 373-374.
6. Sivakova S. Y. Ensuring the financial stability of the organization // the Innovative development of modern science: collection of articles of international scientific-practical conference: in 9 parts / ed. red. - Ufa: RITS Bashgu, 2014. - Pp. 187-190.
7. Sivakova S. Y. Management of financial stability of enterprises // Actual problems of theory and practice of management: Materials of II international scientific-practical conference (1-2 June 2012). - Smolensk: Publishing house of Smolensk state University, 2012. - Pp. 179-185.
8. Nozdreva I. E. Lending by commercial banks of Smolensk region to enterprises of agro-industrial complex. Problems and prospects of socio-economic development of regions: proceedings of the all-Russian scientific-practical conference: in 2 vol. 8 November 2015, Kirov. - Kirov: LLC "rainbow PRESS", 2015. - pp. 108 - 111.
9. Credit rating of borrowers in the banking risk management: textbook / E. P. Shatalov, A. N. Loose. - M.: KNORUS, 212. - 168 p.
10. Risk management in a commercial Bank: monograph / group of authors; ed. I. V. Larionova. - M.: KNORUS, 2016. - 456 p.

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Development of a strategy for managing the Bank's loan portfolio

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