Автор молодец, Все сделал качественно и в срок.
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This text carriers an interesting topic about the youth and the modern world.
The text is headlined “The role of the youth and the modern world”, so the headline tends us to suggest the main idea of this topic, to think and to discuss it.
The text opens in generally accepted and widespread myths about the young: the first myth says that the new generation is hopeless, which is not entirely true as the author wants to show us. And the second myth is based on the thought that the young are not hopeless at all, but rather our only true hope. The author tried to open the main ideas of those myths briefly.
Рендеринг статьи на тему молодежи в современном мире, 550 слов
Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
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This text carriers an interesting topic about the youth and the modern world.
The text is headlined “The role of the youth and the modern world”, so the headline tends us to suggest the main idea of this topic, to think and to discuss it.
The text opens in generally accepted and widespread myths about the young: the first myth says that the new generation is hopeless, which is not entirely true as the author wants to show us. And the second myth is based on the thought that the young are not hopeless at all, but rather our only true hope. The author tried to open the main ideas of those myths briefly.
Рендеринг статьи на тему молодежи в современном мире, 550 слов
Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
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