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Reflection on “The Gettysburg Address” by Abraham Lincoln

  • 1 страниц
  • 2018 год
  • 87 просмотров
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Reflection on “The Gettysburg Address” by Abraham Lincoln

On November 19, 1863 the president of USA, Abraham Lincoln, gave a short speech, addressed at the dedication of the military cemetery in Gettysburg. He was not the main orator that day, notwithstanding, it is his speech that has been remembered. As the speaker of that day Edward Everett admitted, he himself “came as near to the central idea of the occasion, in two hours, as Lincoln did in two minutes”.
When I had read the passage, the first fact that attracted my attention was the length of it. The speech of AL was so short, that I was really surprised how the president of USA was capable of including so much meaning in it. After reading it I found an audio version, and it sounds even more powerful in life than on paper, even though it took the orator only 3 minutes to speak Lincoln's creation. It reminded me of Russian proverb, that was ideally formulated in English literature by Shakespeare: "Brevity is the soul of wit."
That was the first impression of the speech on me
However, when you start to read it second time, trying to analyze it, to fully understand all the implicit ideas of the oration, you start to realize that it is a whole universe thriving inside these 272 words written by a great man. The entire speech is full of allusions and references to previous famous oratories. This creates a specific motive for the speech. All these references serve as basic units of “The Gettysburg address” world. Every word feels to be so relevant, so accurate and well-chosen, that no wonder that it is still so popular. I think, that this speech was written by the president who dedicated his life to bringing stability and peace to his nation and was deeply concerned about his country's welfare.
All and all I want to conclude that all what was pronounced by him that day hasn't perished in vain, it has gone down in annals of history, giving every new generation food for thinking about many significant issues. Lincoln was right about everything. Everything, except the fact that "The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here"…

Отзыв“The Gettysburg Address” by Abraham Lincoln

“The Gettysburg Address” by Abraham Lincoln

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Фрагменты работ


Reflection on “The Gettysburg Address” by Abraham Lincoln

On November 19, 1863 the president of USA, Abraham Lincoln, gave a short speech, addressed at the dedication of the military cemetery in Gettysburg. He was not the main orator that day, notwithstanding, it is his speech that has been remembered. As the speaker of that day Edward Everett admitted, he himself “came as near to the central idea of the occasion, in two hours, as Lincoln did in two minutes”.
When I had read the passage, the first fact that attracted my attention was the length of it. The speech of AL was so short, that I was really surprised how the president of USA was capable of including so much meaning in it. After reading it I found an audio version, and it sounds even more powerful in life than on paper, even though it took the orator only 3 minutes to speak Lincoln's creation. It reminded me of Russian proverb, that was ideally formulated in English literature by Shakespeare: "Brevity is the soul of wit."
That was the first impression of the speech on me
However, when you start to read it second time, trying to analyze it, to fully understand all the implicit ideas of the oration, you start to realize that it is a whole universe thriving inside these 272 words written by a great man. The entire speech is full of allusions and references to previous famous oratories. This creates a specific motive for the speech. All these references serve as basic units of “The Gettysburg address” world. Every word feels to be so relevant, so accurate and well-chosen, that no wonder that it is still so popular. I think, that this speech was written by the president who dedicated his life to bringing stability and peace to his nation and was deeply concerned about his country's welfare.
All and all I want to conclude that all what was pronounced by him that day hasn't perished in vain, it has gone down in annals of history, giving every new generation food for thinking about many significant issues. Lincoln was right about everything. Everything, except the fact that "The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here"…

Отзыв“The Gettysburg Address” by Abraham Lincoln

“The Gettysburg Address” by Abraham Lincoln

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Ответственный автор. работу выполнил качественно и в срок. Большое спасибо)

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спасибо, Валерий.

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Работа на высоте! Спасибо!

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