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Pinochet: Not only a dictator but also an innovator

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Фрагменты работ

. During this period, it is alleged that various crimes against humanity, such as torture, hostage-taking and murder, took place in Chile, for which he is deliberately responsible, since these crimes were committed on his orders or with his knowledge. As Pinochet himself believed, the overthrow of the socialist regime of President Salvador Allende in 1973 was a necessary step in preventing the collapse of Chile and making the country an important player in Latin America.

Abstract 3
Introduction 3
Chilean economic miracle 4
Chicago Boys 5
Brief results of the capitalist revolution 5
Positive aspects of Pinochet's activities 7
Conclusion 8
Attachments 8
List of references 9

Latin America is a treasure trove of examples of how potentially successful countries find themselves outsiders due to poor governance. In Venezuela - a humanitarian disaster, in Argentina - stagnation and default, in Colombia - a war between guerrillas and drug lords, in Bolivia - a military coup. A volcanic environment incompatible with economic growth. There are not many exceptions: this is a small Uruguay with a developed banking sector, the offshore Republic of Panama and Chile are a separate success story. Over the past decades, the country has eradicated extreme poverty, built up the capital with skyscrapers and turned into a center of attraction for migrants from all over the continent. I will talk about the successes and failures of Chile in this paper.

1) Angell, Alan (1996). “International Support for the Chilean Opposition 1973–1989: Political Parties and the Role of Exiles.” In the International Dimensions of Democratization: Europe and the Americas, edited by Laurence Whitehead. Pages 175–200. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2) The Pinochet Precedent, https://www.hrw.org/report/1998/11/01/pinochet-precedent/how-victims-can-pursue-human-rights-criminals-abroad
3) A DIPLOMAT’S HANDBOOK for Democracy Development Support. Second Edition, 2010, 144-155. https://www.nonviolent-conflict.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Diplomats_Handbook-red.pdf
4) Mario Sznajder, Luis Roniger (2007) “Exile communities and their differential institutional dynamics: A comparative analysis of the Chilean and Uruguayan political diasporas”. http://www7.uc.cl/icp/revista/pdf/rev271/03_vol_27_1.pdf
5) T.D.Clark, “Rethinking Chile’s ‘Chicago Boys’: neoliberal technocrats or revolutionary vanguard?”, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01436597.2016.1268906
6) Undurraga, Tomás. (2015). Neoliberalism in Argentina and Chile: common antecedents, divergent paths. Revista de Sociologia e Política, 11-34. https://doi.org/10.1590/1678-987315235502

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Фрагменты работ

. During this period, it is alleged that various crimes against humanity, such as torture, hostage-taking and murder, took place in Chile, for which he is deliberately responsible, since these crimes were committed on his orders or with his knowledge. As Pinochet himself believed, the overthrow of the socialist regime of President Salvador Allende in 1973 was a necessary step in preventing the collapse of Chile and making the country an important player in Latin America.

Abstract 3
Introduction 3
Chilean economic miracle 4
Chicago Boys 5
Brief results of the capitalist revolution 5
Positive aspects of Pinochet's activities 7
Conclusion 8
Attachments 8
List of references 9

Latin America is a treasure trove of examples of how potentially successful countries find themselves outsiders due to poor governance. In Venezuela - a humanitarian disaster, in Argentina - stagnation and default, in Colombia - a war between guerrillas and drug lords, in Bolivia - a military coup. A volcanic environment incompatible with economic growth. There are not many exceptions: this is a small Uruguay with a developed banking sector, the offshore Republic of Panama and Chile are a separate success story. Over the past decades, the country has eradicated extreme poverty, built up the capital with skyscrapers and turned into a center of attraction for migrants from all over the continent. I will talk about the successes and failures of Chile in this paper.

1) Angell, Alan (1996). “International Support for the Chilean Opposition 1973–1989: Political Parties and the Role of Exiles.” In the International Dimensions of Democratization: Europe and the Americas, edited by Laurence Whitehead. Pages 175–200. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2) The Pinochet Precedent, https://www.hrw.org/report/1998/11/01/pinochet-precedent/how-victims-can-pursue-human-rights-criminals-abroad
3) A DIPLOMAT’S HANDBOOK for Democracy Development Support. Second Edition, 2010, 144-155. https://www.nonviolent-conflict.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Diplomats_Handbook-red.pdf
4) Mario Sznajder, Luis Roniger (2007) “Exile communities and their differential institutional dynamics: A comparative analysis of the Chilean and Uruguayan political diasporas”. http://www7.uc.cl/icp/revista/pdf/rev271/03_vol_27_1.pdf
5) T.D.Clark, “Rethinking Chile’s ‘Chicago Boys’: neoliberal technocrats or revolutionary vanguard?”, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01436597.2016.1268906
6) Undurraga, Tomás. (2015). Neoliberalism in Argentina and Chile: common antecedents, divergent paths. Revista de Sociologia e Política, 11-34. https://doi.org/10.1590/1678-987315235502

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спасибо, Валерий.

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Работа на высоте! Спасибо!

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