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Русскоязычные в Латвии и Эстонии (курсовая работа на англ.языке)

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  • 2019 год
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Фрагменты работ

The urgency of the problem of state policy in relation to the Russian-speaking population in Latvia and Estonia is determined by a number of circumstances. First, the importance of a political analysis of ethnopolitical processes in the post-Soviet space in the transition period is growing. The main problem in the internal politics of the newly independent states is the formation of civil society and the formation of a democratic system in which human rights and freedoms must be guaranteed regardless of ethnicity, religion, etc., which is not always implemented in practice in the post-Soviet republics. In this regard, the example of the post-Soviet Baltic republics that have successfully integrated into the European community is particularly interesting. As you know, Europe is the cradle of democracy, human rights and freedoms, equal opportunities and protection against any discrimination. Latvia and Estonia joined the European Union, agreeing to pan-European principles, but this did not provide these states with the rapid building of civil society and the consolidation of democratic principles.
Secondly, after the collapse of the USSR, almost all the former union republics were faced with the need to resolve interethnic contradictions and conflicts. In some regions, these conflicts acquired an open character and proceeded in the form of armed confrontations. In Latvia and Estonia, where a society with the acquisition of sovereignty by the republics was divided into “friends” and “strangers”, the conflict was latent. However, the clash of representatives of the Russian-speaking population with the police during the rally against the transfer of the monument to the soldiers-liberators in the Great Patriotic War testified to the transition of the conflict to an open form.


The object of this study is the modern state policy of Latvia and Estonia in relation to the Russian-speaking population.
The subject of the research is the essence, content, functions and directions of the state policy of Latvia and Estonia in relation to the Russian-speaking population.

List of literature.
1. Anderson, Barbara A., Silver, Brian D., Titma Mikk and Ponatin Eduard. 2016, Estonia and Russian communities// International Journal of sociology. - Vol.26, №2 (summer). - P. 25-45.
2. Barrington L. W. Nations, states, and citizens: an explanation of the citizenship policies in Estonia and Lithuania // Rev. of Centr. a. East Europ. Law. - Leiden, 2015. - Vol. 21, № 2. - P. 103-148.
3. Bell D. Ethnicity and social change/ Ethnicity: theory and experience. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1975. - 165p.
4. Bell-Fialkoff A., Markovits A. Nationalism: Rethinking the Paradigm in the European Context // The Myth of «Ethnic Conflict»: Politics, Economics and «Cultural» Violence. - University of California, 2016. - P.150-151.
5. Berry J. W. Comparative studies of acculturative stress./J. W. Berry, U. Kim, T. Minde, D. Mok // International Migration Review. - 1987. - 21. - P. 491—511.
6. Bialer S. The conditions of stability in the Soviet Union // Soviet society and culture: Essays in honor of V. Dunham. Boulder; L., 1988. - P. 263, 284.
7. Bliss M. National culture/cultural nation: The social drama of Estonian independence / M. Bliss // Canad. rev. of studies in nationalism. — Charlottetown, 2016. - Vol. 23, № 1/2. - P. 67-82.
8. Bojars J. The citizenship and human rights regulation in the Republic of Latvia // Osteuropa Recht. - Stuttgart, 2015. - Jg. 39, H. 2. - P. 132-145.
9. Brooks S. Public Policy in Canada. An Introduction. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1998. - 320 p.
10. Brubaker R. Nationhood and the National Question in the New Europe. — v Cambridge University Press, 2016. - 214 p.
11. Connor W. Etnonationalism: The Quest for Understanding. — N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2004. - 254 p.
12. Dye T. Understanding Public Policy. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1972.- 132 p.
13. Edwin Poppe, Louk Hagendoom. Types of Identification among Russians in "Near Abroad" // Europa-Asia Studies. - 2001. - Vol.53, N.l. - 57-71 p.
14. Emerson R. From empire to nation: the rise of self-assertion of Asian and African peoples. Harvard University Press, 1960. - 190 p.
15. Estonia and Latvia: Citizenship, language and conflict prevention. — New York: Forced Migration Projects: Open Society Institute, 1997. — 87 p.
16. Haas A. Non-violence in ethnic relations in Estonia // J. of Baltic studies. - Hackettstown (N.J.), 2016. - Vol. 27, № 1. - P. 47-76.
18. Hasselblatt С. Zum neuen estnischen Staatsangehorigkeitsgesetz /C. Hasselblatt // WGO: Monatshefte für Osteuropaisches Recht. - Hamburg, 1995. - Jg. 37, H. 1/2. - S. 75-90.
19. Henning D. Zum Staatsburgerschaftsgesetz Lettlands vom 22 Juli 1994
20. Kolsto P. The new Russian Diaspora - an identity of its own? Possible identity trajectories for Russians in the former Soviet republic
21. Smith A.D. Nations and Nationalism in a Global Era. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1995.- 101 p.
22. Smith A. Nations and nationalism since 1870. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. - 315 p.
23. Thiele С. Staatsangehörigkeit in den balrischen Staaten: das Beispiel Estland / C. Thiele // Osteuropa. - Stuttgart, 2012. - Jg. 52, H. 6. - S. 729-742.
24. Thompson W. C. Citizenship and borders: legacies of Soviet empire in Estonia / W. C. Thompson // J. of Baltic studies. - Hackettstown (N. J.), 2015. - Vol. 29, № 2.-P. 109-134.
25. WeberR. Die Nationalitätenfrage in der Republik Lettland / R.Weber // Studien zu Nationalitätenfragen. - München, 2016. - № 9/1993. - S. 20-30.

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Фрагменты работ

The urgency of the problem of state policy in relation to the Russian-speaking population in Latvia and Estonia is determined by a number of circumstances. First, the importance of a political analysis of ethnopolitical processes in the post-Soviet space in the transition period is growing. The main problem in the internal politics of the newly independent states is the formation of civil society and the formation of a democratic system in which human rights and freedoms must be guaranteed regardless of ethnicity, religion, etc., which is not always implemented in practice in the post-Soviet republics. In this regard, the example of the post-Soviet Baltic republics that have successfully integrated into the European community is particularly interesting. As you know, Europe is the cradle of democracy, human rights and freedoms, equal opportunities and protection against any discrimination. Latvia and Estonia joined the European Union, agreeing to pan-European principles, but this did not provide these states with the rapid building of civil society and the consolidation of democratic principles.
Secondly, after the collapse of the USSR, almost all the former union republics were faced with the need to resolve interethnic contradictions and conflicts. In some regions, these conflicts acquired an open character and proceeded in the form of armed confrontations. In Latvia and Estonia, where a society with the acquisition of sovereignty by the republics was divided into “friends” and “strangers”, the conflict was latent. However, the clash of representatives of the Russian-speaking population with the police during the rally against the transfer of the monument to the soldiers-liberators in the Great Patriotic War testified to the transition of the conflict to an open form.


The object of this study is the modern state policy of Latvia and Estonia in relation to the Russian-speaking population.
The subject of the research is the essence, content, functions and directions of the state policy of Latvia and Estonia in relation to the Russian-speaking population.

List of literature.
1. Anderson, Barbara A., Silver, Brian D., Titma Mikk and Ponatin Eduard. 2016, Estonia and Russian communities// International Journal of sociology. - Vol.26, №2 (summer). - P. 25-45.
2. Barrington L. W. Nations, states, and citizens: an explanation of the citizenship policies in Estonia and Lithuania // Rev. of Centr. a. East Europ. Law. - Leiden, 2015. - Vol. 21, № 2. - P. 103-148.
3. Bell D. Ethnicity and social change/ Ethnicity: theory and experience. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1975. - 165p.
4. Bell-Fialkoff A., Markovits A. Nationalism: Rethinking the Paradigm in the European Context // The Myth of «Ethnic Conflict»: Politics, Economics and «Cultural» Violence. - University of California, 2016. - P.150-151.
5. Berry J. W. Comparative studies of acculturative stress./J. W. Berry, U. Kim, T. Minde, D. Mok // International Migration Review. - 1987. - 21. - P. 491—511.
6. Bialer S. The conditions of stability in the Soviet Union // Soviet society and culture: Essays in honor of V. Dunham. Boulder; L., 1988. - P. 263, 284.
7. Bliss M. National culture/cultural nation: The social drama of Estonian independence / M. Bliss // Canad. rev. of studies in nationalism. — Charlottetown, 2016. - Vol. 23, № 1/2. - P. 67-82.
8. Bojars J. The citizenship and human rights regulation in the Republic of Latvia // Osteuropa Recht. - Stuttgart, 2015. - Jg. 39, H. 2. - P. 132-145.
9. Brooks S. Public Policy in Canada. An Introduction. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1998. - 320 p.
10. Brubaker R. Nationhood and the National Question in the New Europe. — v Cambridge University Press, 2016. - 214 p.
11. Connor W. Etnonationalism: The Quest for Understanding. — N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2004. - 254 p.
12. Dye T. Understanding Public Policy. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1972.- 132 p.
13. Edwin Poppe, Louk Hagendoom. Types of Identification among Russians in "Near Abroad" // Europa-Asia Studies. - 2001. - Vol.53, N.l. - 57-71 p.
14. Emerson R. From empire to nation: the rise of self-assertion of Asian and African peoples. Harvard University Press, 1960. - 190 p.
15. Estonia and Latvia: Citizenship, language and conflict prevention. — New York: Forced Migration Projects: Open Society Institute, 1997. — 87 p.
16. Haas A. Non-violence in ethnic relations in Estonia // J. of Baltic studies. - Hackettstown (N.J.), 2016. - Vol. 27, № 1. - P. 47-76.
18. Hasselblatt С. Zum neuen estnischen Staatsangehorigkeitsgesetz /C. Hasselblatt // WGO: Monatshefte für Osteuropaisches Recht. - Hamburg, 1995. - Jg. 37, H. 1/2. - S. 75-90.
19. Henning D. Zum Staatsburgerschaftsgesetz Lettlands vom 22 Juli 1994
20. Kolsto P. The new Russian Diaspora - an identity of its own? Possible identity trajectories for Russians in the former Soviet republic
21. Smith A.D. Nations and Nationalism in a Global Era. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1995.- 101 p.
22. Smith A. Nations and nationalism since 1870. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. - 315 p.
23. Thiele С. Staatsangehörigkeit in den balrischen Staaten: das Beispiel Estland / C. Thiele // Osteuropa. - Stuttgart, 2012. - Jg. 52, H. 6. - S. 729-742.
24. Thompson W. C. Citizenship and borders: legacies of Soviet empire in Estonia / W. C. Thompson // J. of Baltic studies. - Hackettstown (N. J.), 2015. - Vol. 29, № 2.-P. 109-134.
25. WeberR. Die Nationalitätenfrage in der Republik Lettland / R.Weber // Studien zu Nationalitätenfragen. - München, 2016. - № 9/1993. - S. 20-30.

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Автор - большая молодец, очень нудный препод попался, она с ним справилась

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Отзыв Студент11 об авторе hedonism16 2015-03-04
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Все нормально. Автор на связи, оценка порадовала

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Остался доволен. По содержанию особых претензий на защите не было.

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Отзыв ALLL об авторе hedonism16 2016-05-07
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Очень ответственный автор, качественная работа, большое спасибо!! Всем рекомендую!!

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