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The purpose of the paper is a theoretical review of the literature on state and public administration in the Commonwealth of Australia. To achieve this goal, several objectives were set:
1. To review existing specialized literature on the topic;
2. To provide a detailed description of the legislative, executive and judicial authorities of Australia;
3. To look at the party system of Australia.
Introduction 3
1 General information about Australia 5
2 State and Public administration in The Commonwealth of Australia 8
2.1 Australia as a Federal State 8
2.2 Executive power 12
2.3 Legislature 13
2.4 Interaction of the executive and legislative branches 15
2.5 Judicial branch 16
Conclusion 18
Bibliography 20
Australia is the only state in the world that occupies the territory of the whole continent; therefore, Australia has only maritime borders. The neighboring countries of Australia are New Zealand, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and other island states of Oceania. Australia is remote from such developed countries as America, and Europe as well as large commodity markets and the sale of products, but many sea routes link Australia with them, and Australia plays an important role in the Asia-Pacific region. It holds strong positions in the world market and is characterized by a rapid increase in the standard of living of the population.
The historical process of the formation of the country and its modern parameters are the following: a relatively small population, a huge territory, the richest raw materials, a high share of raw materials in exports, a powerful flow of foreign investment in the economy, and the presence of racial problems in society. The given features allow us to classify Australia as an example of resettlement capitalism.
1 Вайль И. М. Австралия: федерализм и высшие органы власти. - М., 1970. – 381 c.
2 Галицинский Ю. Грамматика. Учебник для вузов / Ю.Галицинский. - СПб.: КАРО, 2007. – 544 с.
3 Ганц Н.В. Английский язык для управленцев: учебное пособие / Н.В.Ганц. - СПб.: Изд-во СЗАГС, 2007. – 184 с.
4 Завьялова В.М., Ильина Л.В. Практический курс немецкого языка. Учебник для вузов / В.М.Завьялова. – М.Омега-Л,2007. – 348 с.
5 Малаховский К. В. Австралия. Время перемен? - М., 1988. – 261 c.
6 Малаховский К. В. История Австралийского Союза. - М., 1976. – 460c.
7 Миннибаев Б. И. Особенности системы государственного управления Австралии [Текст] // Юридические науки: проблемы и перспективы: материалы II Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Пермь, январь 2014 г.). — Пермь: Меркурий, 2014. – С. 131-133.
8 Конституция Австралии. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://worldconstitutions.ru/archives/23 (Дата обращения: 25.12.2013).
9 Правовые системы стран мира. Энциклопедический справочник / Батлер У. Э., Бойцова В. В., Бойцова Л. В., Додонов В. Н., и др.; Отв. ред.: Сухарев А. Я. — М.: Инфра-М-НОРМА, 2001. - С. 1-8.
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The purpose of the paper is a theoretical review of the literature on state and public administration in the Commonwealth of Australia. To achieve this goal, several objectives were set:
1. To review existing specialized literature on the topic;
2. To provide a detailed description of the legislative, executive and judicial authorities of Australia;
3. To look at the party system of Australia.
Introduction 3
1 General information about Australia 5
2 State and Public administration in The Commonwealth of Australia 8
2.1 Australia as a Federal State 8
2.2 Executive power 12
2.3 Legislature 13
2.4 Interaction of the executive and legislative branches 15
2.5 Judicial branch 16
Conclusion 18
Bibliography 20
Australia is the only state in the world that occupies the territory of the whole continent; therefore, Australia has only maritime borders. The neighboring countries of Australia are New Zealand, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and other island states of Oceania. Australia is remote from such developed countries as America, and Europe as well as large commodity markets and the sale of products, but many sea routes link Australia with them, and Australia plays an important role in the Asia-Pacific region. It holds strong positions in the world market and is characterized by a rapid increase in the standard of living of the population.
The historical process of the formation of the country and its modern parameters are the following: a relatively small population, a huge territory, the richest raw materials, a high share of raw materials in exports, a powerful flow of foreign investment in the economy, and the presence of racial problems in society. The given features allow us to classify Australia as an example of resettlement capitalism.
1 Вайль И. М. Австралия: федерализм и высшие органы власти. - М., 1970. – 381 c.
2 Галицинский Ю. Грамматика. Учебник для вузов / Ю.Галицинский. - СПб.: КАРО, 2007. – 544 с.
3 Ганц Н.В. Английский язык для управленцев: учебное пособие / Н.В.Ганц. - СПб.: Изд-во СЗАГС, 2007. – 184 с.
4 Завьялова В.М., Ильина Л.В. Практический курс немецкого языка. Учебник для вузов / В.М.Завьялова. – М.Омега-Л,2007. – 348 с.
5 Малаховский К. В. Австралия. Время перемен? - М., 1988. – 261 c.
6 Малаховский К. В. История Австралийского Союза. - М., 1976. – 460c.
7 Миннибаев Б. И. Особенности системы государственного управления Австралии [Текст] // Юридические науки: проблемы и перспективы: материалы II Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Пермь, январь 2014 г.). — Пермь: Меркурий, 2014. – С. 131-133.
8 Конституция Австралии. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://worldconstitutions.ru/archives/23 (Дата обращения: 25.12.2013).
9 Правовые системы стран мира. Энциклопедический справочник / Батлер У. Э., Бойцова В. В., Бойцова Л. В., Додонов В. Н., и др.; Отв. ред.: Сухарев А. Я. — М.: Инфра-М-НОРМА, 2001. - С. 1-8.
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