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Отчет по преддипломной практик английский язык

  • 15 страниц
  • 2018 год
  • 48 просмотров
  • 0 покупок
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Специалист Экономической безопасности , а так же переводчик английского языка

400 ₽

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Уникальность не ниже 50%

Фрагменты работ

Economics in China.
The official support of a market-based economy that came from Deng Xiao Ping in 1992 has resulted in a more open system of trade for China, and subsequently a huge growth spurt in China's economy. The economic reforms which Deng instigated culminated in a "socialist market economy", a term which was actually incorporated into the Chinese constitution during the National People's Congress in March 1993. Since that time, China's economy has experienced a substantial boost in regards to living standards, quality of food and spendable income. 

While these elements expand opportunities for U.S. exporters, factors such as inflationary pressure, irrational foreign exchange controls, and restrictive trade practices have created numerous barriers. In fact, China's official Gross National Product (GNP) posted a 12.8 percent real growth rate in 1992 to about US$435 billion, or about US$371 for each of China's 1.172 billion people- urban incomes grew at a real rate of 8.8 percent. Rural incomes also grew, but at a slower rate of 5.9 percent. 

These figures, however, may be tainted by the disproportionate distribution of income and wealth that permeates China. The Chinese, after all, have lower human rights standards than the United States and the poor definitely suffer the consequences. Add to that the immense size of the Chinese population, and suddenly any estimates of wealth, buying power, or economic conditions appear to be quite diminished in their reliability. In the end, these figures are based on national averages, which creates a fictional middle class majority that simply does not exist. Realistically, a very large proportion of China's economic growth comes from the collective and private sector, and not the subsidized state sector. 


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Фрагменты работ

Economics in China.
The official support of a market-based economy that came from Deng Xiao Ping in 1992 has resulted in a more open system of trade for China, and subsequently a huge growth spurt in China's economy. The economic reforms which Deng instigated culminated in a "socialist market economy", a term which was actually incorporated into the Chinese constitution during the National People's Congress in March 1993. Since that time, China's economy has experienced a substantial boost in regards to living standards, quality of food and spendable income. 

While these elements expand opportunities for U.S. exporters, factors such as inflationary pressure, irrational foreign exchange controls, and restrictive trade practices have created numerous barriers. In fact, China's official Gross National Product (GNP) posted a 12.8 percent real growth rate in 1992 to about US$435 billion, or about US$371 for each of China's 1.172 billion people- urban incomes grew at a real rate of 8.8 percent. Rural incomes also grew, but at a slower rate of 5.9 percent. 

These figures, however, may be tainted by the disproportionate distribution of income and wealth that permeates China. The Chinese, after all, have lower human rights standards than the United States and the poor definitely suffer the consequences. Add to that the immense size of the Chinese population, and suddenly any estimates of wealth, buying power, or economic conditions appear to be quite diminished in their reliability. In the end, these figures are based on national averages, which creates a fictional middle class majority that simply does not exist. Realistically, a very large proportion of China's economic growth comes from the collective and private sector, and not the subsidized state sector. 


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Автор работы
Специалист Экономической безопасности , а так же переводчик английского языка
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0 раз Куплено Выполняется индивидуально
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Исполнитель, загружая работу в «Банк готовых работ» подтверждает, что уровень оригинальности работы составляет не менее 40%
Уникальность Выполняется индивидуально
Сразу в личном кабинете Доступность Срок 1—6 дней
400 ₽ Цена от 500 ₽

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Работа выполена быстро и качественно!

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Прекрасная работа, спасибо Вам!!!))))

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