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Seth Godin is the author of four worldwide bestsellers including Permission Marketing, Unleashing the Ideavirus and Survival is Not Enough. He is a renowned public speaker and is contributing editor at Fast Company magazine.
About the author
Not Enough Ps
The new P is “Purple Cow
The Will and the Way
The Problem with the Cow
Who Wins in the World of the Cow
Презентация по книге Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being RemarkableSeth Godin
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Seth Godin is the author of four worldwide bestsellers including Permission Marketing, Unleashing the Ideavirus and Survival is Not Enough. He is a renowned public speaker and is contributing editor at Fast Company magazine.
About the author
Not Enough Ps
The new P is “Purple Cow
The Will and the Way
The Problem with the Cow
Who Wins in the World of the Cow
Презентация по книге Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being RemarkableSeth Godin
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