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Valentina Tereshkova and Helen Sharman: amazing women, stars of space

  • 8 страниц
  • 2021 год
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Знаю немецкий и английский языки. Опыт работы более 15 лет.

450 ₽

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Фрагменты работ

Valentina Tereshkova and Helen Sharman: amazing women, stars of space
Thesis plan
All people have equal rights and opportunities. Regardless of gender, everybody can conquer unknown distances. It was that the authorities of the USSR and the UK thought, launching a program of women's flight into space last century. The women I would like to talk about in this essay are Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in the world who was in a space, and Helen Sharman, the first female astronaut from the UK. These women can be called surprisingly persistent and courageous, as they passed the most difficult tests before they were selected for space missions, experienced enormous stress both in preparation and during the flight, but they did not give up. What do these two female astronauts have in common and why can they be called great women?
Women astronauts showed extraordinary courage, as they volunteered to participate in space programs, and commitment, as they stoically withstood the complex training and numerous tests. They were able to prove to the world that women, along with men, can conquer space, despite many difficulties and obstacles.

1. Drury, C. (2016). Blast off! Why has astronaut Helen Sharman been written out of history? [Electronic resource] URL: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/apr/18/blast-off-why-has-astronaut-helen-sharman-been-written-out-of-history (Date accessed: 14.01.2019).
2. Kamanin, N. P. (1993). Hidden space. - Moscow: Infortext-if, 1995-1997.
3. Lebedev, N. (2013). Space British. [Electronic resource] URL: https://jewish.ru/ru/people/science/2866/ (Date accessed: 14.01.2019)

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Фрагменты работ

Valentina Tereshkova and Helen Sharman: amazing women, stars of space
Thesis plan
All people have equal rights and opportunities. Regardless of gender, everybody can conquer unknown distances. It was that the authorities of the USSR and the UK thought, launching a program of women's flight into space last century. The women I would like to talk about in this essay are Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in the world who was in a space, and Helen Sharman, the first female astronaut from the UK. These women can be called surprisingly persistent and courageous, as they passed the most difficult tests before they were selected for space missions, experienced enormous stress both in preparation and during the flight, but they did not give up. What do these two female astronauts have in common and why can they be called great women?
Women astronauts showed extraordinary courage, as they volunteered to participate in space programs, and commitment, as they stoically withstood the complex training and numerous tests. They were able to prove to the world that women, along with men, can conquer space, despite many difficulties and obstacles.

1. Drury, C. (2016). Blast off! Why has astronaut Helen Sharman been written out of history? [Electronic resource] URL: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/apr/18/blast-off-why-has-astronaut-helen-sharman-been-written-out-of-history (Date accessed: 14.01.2019).
2. Kamanin, N. P. (1993). Hidden space. - Moscow: Infortext-if, 1995-1997.
3. Lebedev, N. (2013). Space British. [Electronic resource] URL: https://jewish.ru/ru/people/science/2866/ (Date accessed: 14.01.2019)

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Valentina Tereshkova and Helen Sharman: amazing women, stars of space

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Отзывы студентов

Отзыв Peach об авторе gorod82 2018-10-14

Благодарна за высокое качество выполнения довольно необычных работ без задержки.

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Отзыв valhass об авторе gorod82 2018-04-17

Была сделана очень хорошая работа!

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Отзыв rora35 об авторе gorod82 2017-09-22

Автор выполнил работу качественно и в срок. Не смотря на то что автор новый, замечаний к работе нет.

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Отзыв user214369 об авторе gorod82 2017-12-14

качественно и быстро ) спасибо большое

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