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Modern methods of noise-resistant coding are powerful means of ensuring the reliability of data transmission over a communication channel with a low signal-to-noise ratio. However, the transmission of large fragments of messages is not a recovery. Additional difficulties, if the information is transmitted over heterogeneous telecommunication networks, use a wide range of network technologies and equipment Solutions to this problem can be transferred to the field of signal processing using optical image processing in the holographic way of representing images.
Digital holographic coding, recovery of lost information.
The article deals with the problem of restoring information lost during transmission through communication channels.
1. Timofeev A.L. Improving the efficiency of use of heterogeneous network infrastructure // In the book. Telecommunication equipment of Russian origin: problems and prospects. Collection of Abstracts of the Open Regional Scientific-Practical. conf. Ufa, 2017 with. 91-93. - Sterlitamak: Sterlitamak branch of Bashkir State University, 2017.
2. Andreeva O.V. Applied holography.– SPb: SPbGUITMO, 2008. – 184с.
3. R. Collier, K. Berkhard, L. Lin. Optical holography — M.: Mir, 1973, 686 p.
4. S.N. Koreshev, Basics of holography and hologram optics. - SPb: SPbSU ITMO, 2009. - 97 p.
5. Bruckstein A.M. On Holographic Transform Compression of Images / A.M. Bruckstein, R.J. Holt, A.N. Netravali - John Wiley & Sons Inc, - 2001. - P. 244-252.
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Modern methods of noise-resistant coding are powerful means of ensuring the reliability of data transmission over a communication channel with a low signal-to-noise ratio. However, the transmission of large fragments of messages is not a recovery. Additional difficulties, if the information is transmitted over heterogeneous telecommunication networks, use a wide range of network technologies and equipment Solutions to this problem can be transferred to the field of signal processing using optical image processing in the holographic way of representing images.
Digital holographic coding, recovery of lost information.
The article deals with the problem of restoring information lost during transmission through communication channels.
1. Timofeev A.L. Improving the efficiency of use of heterogeneous network infrastructure // In the book. Telecommunication equipment of Russian origin: problems and prospects. Collection of Abstracts of the Open Regional Scientific-Practical. conf. Ufa, 2017 with. 91-93. - Sterlitamak: Sterlitamak branch of Bashkir State University, 2017.
2. Andreeva O.V. Applied holography.– SPb: SPbGUITMO, 2008. – 184с.
3. R. Collier, K. Berkhard, L. Lin. Optical holography — M.: Mir, 1973, 686 p.
4. S.N. Koreshev, Basics of holography and hologram optics. - SPb: SPbSU ITMO, 2009. - 97 p.
5. Bruckstein A.M. On Holographic Transform Compression of Images / A.M. Bruckstein, R.J. Holt, A.N. Netravali - John Wiley & Sons Inc, - 2001. - P. 244-252.
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