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The network society has spread across the planet, causing fundamental changes in the way people live and creating new opportunities for entire countries and companies. People connected by the World Wide Web are everywhere finding new ways for successful economic development, social interaction and personal improvement. Currently, the vast majority of people use a variety of complex electronic computing devices: smartphones, tablets, computers, combined into a single global data network. And also recently, so-called social networks have become widespread. Social networks have made virtual communication just as important as personal business interaction. New technologies are increasingly penetrating everyday life, and if before people simply used the network, now it has become an integral part of the network environment.
Parental Control, secure internet, the safety of children.
Development of computer technologies and the Internet opens more and more opportunities for communication and self-development. The Internet helps to study, to create and cooperate. However, it is impossible to forget also the fact that he hides a set of threats.
1. Wikipedia // Parental Control - [Electronic resource]: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parent_Control - URL (last accessed date: 05/18/2016).
2. Wikipedia // Squid - [Electronic resource]: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squid - URL (last accessed date: 05/18/2016).
3. Garipova, G.K. Ensuring the protection of children from information harmful to their health, moral and spiritual development // August seminar of informatics teachers. - 2013. - № 1. - B. - 20 p.
4. Zinchenko, Yu.P., Shaigerova, LA, Shilko, R.S. Psychological security of a person and society in the modern information space Yu.P. Zinchenko, L.A. Shaigerova, R.S. Shilko // National Psychological Journal. - 2011. - № 2 (6). - p. 48-59.
5. Information security and Comprehensive Internet - [Electronic resource]: http://www.cisco.com/web/RU/news/releases/txt/2013/05/052213c.html - URL (last access date: 05/18/2016).
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The network society has spread across the planet, causing fundamental changes in the way people live and creating new opportunities for entire countries and companies. People connected by the World Wide Web are everywhere finding new ways for successful economic development, social interaction and personal improvement. Currently, the vast majority of people use a variety of complex electronic computing devices: smartphones, tablets, computers, combined into a single global data network. And also recently, so-called social networks have become widespread. Social networks have made virtual communication just as important as personal business interaction. New technologies are increasingly penetrating everyday life, and if before people simply used the network, now it has become an integral part of the network environment.
Parental Control, secure internet, the safety of children.
Development of computer technologies and the Internet opens more and more opportunities for communication and self-development. The Internet helps to study, to create and cooperate. However, it is impossible to forget also the fact that he hides a set of threats.
1. Wikipedia // Parental Control - [Electronic resource]: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parent_Control - URL (last accessed date: 05/18/2016).
2. Wikipedia // Squid - [Electronic resource]: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squid - URL (last accessed date: 05/18/2016).
3. Garipova, G.K. Ensuring the protection of children from information harmful to their health, moral and spiritual development // August seminar of informatics teachers. - 2013. - № 1. - B. - 20 p.
4. Zinchenko, Yu.P., Shaigerova, LA, Shilko, R.S. Psychological security of a person and society in the modern information space Yu.P. Zinchenko, L.A. Shaigerova, R.S. Shilko // National Psychological Journal. - 2011. - № 2 (6). - p. 48-59.
5. Information security and Comprehensive Internet - [Electronic resource]: http://www.cisco.com/web/RU/news/releases/txt/2013/05/052213c.html - URL (last access date: 05/18/2016).
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