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The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that in modern society knowledge of the English language plays an increasing role, which provides the opportunity to join the world culture, using the Internet resources at one’s workplace, as well as work with information and communication technology (ICT) and use multimedia teaching methods which prove to be extremely crucial in our technological world.
Therefore, it is so important to improve the methods of application of computer information technology in teaching English language. Modern information technologies are becoming part of educational process. Computer technology and English lesson - an urgent direction that requires modern approaches and innovative solutions.
The secondary educational institution is unable to provide a stock of knowledge for a lifetime. But it is able to provide teenagers with the main reference points that he or she will need for their self-development. The secondary educational institution has opportunity and duty to develop cognitive skills and abilities of the student to instill in them the basic skills required to subsequent self-education.
Introduction ......................................................................................................................4
1 Theoretical basis of Internet usage – teaching resources in middle school ...................7
1.1 New information technologies in teaching English ....................................................7
1.2 Difficulties of using Internet resources in teaching English .....................................11
1.3 Solving the problems of introducing methods of teaching English with use of Internet resources in the educational process ..................................................................20
2 Using Internet resources in the process of teaching English ........................................25
2.1. Diagnostics of the initial level of student motivation in teaching English (stating stage) ...............................................................................................................................25
2.2. Creating a complex of exercises by implementing them with the help of modern technology (formative stage) ...........................................................................................27
2.3. Assessment of student motivation when using information technology in learning English (control stage) .....................................................................................................36
Conclusion .......................................................................................................................39
References .......................................................................................................................41
The senior thesis "The Use of Information Technology in Teaching a Foreign Language to Secondary School Students" was written in 2021 and the score was given - 93.
The aim of the senior thesis is to prove the importance of information technologies in teaching English language as well as to illustrate secondary school students’ competence in learning English with ICT.
The objectives of the senior thesis:
1. To scrutinize the scientific and methodical literature on this problem;
2. To identify peculiarities of teaching foreign language with ICT to the secondary school students on the basis of scholar’s investigation;
3. To carry out experimental work to verify the effectiveness of ICT during English language lessons.
1 Арендаренко Т.В., Методика применения презентаций PowerPoint в обучении английскому языку. – Петропавловск, 2008 https://referatdb.ru/informatika/140333/index.html
2 Белкова М. М. Информационные компьютерные технологии на уроках английского языка // Английский язык в школе. – 2013. – с. 25.
3 Беляева Л.А., Иванова Н.В. Презентация PowerPoint и ее возможности при обучении иностранным языкам / Л.А.Беляева, Н.В.Иванова // Иностранные языки в школе. – 2008. – №4. – с. 36-40.
4 Беляева Л.А., Иванова Н.В. Презентация PowerPoint и ее возможности при обучении иностранным языкам // Иностр. языки в школе.2011, №4.
5 Бершадский, М. Информационная компетентность.//Народное образование. – 2012 – №4. – с.139
6 Богородицкая В.Н., Хрусталева Л.В. Учеб. Англ. Языка: Для 8 кл. шк. С углубл. Изуч. Англ. Яз. 4-е издание – М.: 2011
7 Браун, Д.Р. Модель решения проблем для развития информационной грамотности: комплексный подход.//Библиотека в школе- 2014.- №22 с. 6- 11
8 Вайсбурд М.Л., Блохина С.А. Обучение пониманию иноязычного текста при чтении как поисковой деятельности // Иностранные языки в школе. – 1997. – № 1–2. – с. 33–38.
9 Васильева В.Н. Использование информационных технологий в учебном процессе http://elar.uspu.ru/bitstream/uspu/5832/1/16Fakhrutdinov.pdf
10 Вильямс Р., Макли К. Компьютеры в школе – 2001. – 336 c.
11 Владимирова Л. П. Новые информационные технологии в обучении иностранным языкам http://virtlab.ioso.ru/method.htm
12 Владимирова Л.П. Интернет на уроках иностранного языка. ИЯШ, №3, 2012. с 33-41.
......43 в общем
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The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that in modern society knowledge of the English language plays an increasing role, which provides the opportunity to join the world culture, using the Internet resources at one’s workplace, as well as work with information and communication technology (ICT) and use multimedia teaching methods which prove to be extremely crucial in our technological world.
Therefore, it is so important to improve the methods of application of computer information technology in teaching English language. Modern information technologies are becoming part of educational process. Computer technology and English lesson - an urgent direction that requires modern approaches and innovative solutions.
The secondary educational institution is unable to provide a stock of knowledge for a lifetime. But it is able to provide teenagers with the main reference points that he or she will need for their self-development. The secondary educational institution has opportunity and duty to develop cognitive skills and abilities of the student to instill in them the basic skills required to subsequent self-education.
Introduction ......................................................................................................................4
1 Theoretical basis of Internet usage – teaching resources in middle school ...................7
1.1 New information technologies in teaching English ....................................................7
1.2 Difficulties of using Internet resources in teaching English .....................................11
1.3 Solving the problems of introducing methods of teaching English with use of Internet resources in the educational process ..................................................................20
2 Using Internet resources in the process of teaching English ........................................25
2.1. Diagnostics of the initial level of student motivation in teaching English (stating stage) ...............................................................................................................................25
2.2. Creating a complex of exercises by implementing them with the help of modern technology (formative stage) ...........................................................................................27
2.3. Assessment of student motivation when using information technology in learning English (control stage) .....................................................................................................36
Conclusion .......................................................................................................................39
References .......................................................................................................................41
The senior thesis "The Use of Information Technology in Teaching a Foreign Language to Secondary School Students" was written in 2021 and the score was given - 93.
The aim of the senior thesis is to prove the importance of information technologies in teaching English language as well as to illustrate secondary school students’ competence in learning English with ICT.
The objectives of the senior thesis:
1. To scrutinize the scientific and methodical literature on this problem;
2. To identify peculiarities of teaching foreign language with ICT to the secondary school students on the basis of scholar’s investigation;
3. To carry out experimental work to verify the effectiveness of ICT during English language lessons.
1 Арендаренко Т.В., Методика применения презентаций PowerPoint в обучении английскому языку. – Петропавловск, 2008 https://referatdb.ru/informatika/140333/index.html
2 Белкова М. М. Информационные компьютерные технологии на уроках английского языка // Английский язык в школе. – 2013. – с. 25.
3 Беляева Л.А., Иванова Н.В. Презентация PowerPoint и ее возможности при обучении иностранным языкам / Л.А.Беляева, Н.В.Иванова // Иностранные языки в школе. – 2008. – №4. – с. 36-40.
4 Беляева Л.А., Иванова Н.В. Презентация PowerPoint и ее возможности при обучении иностранным языкам // Иностр. языки в школе.2011, №4.
5 Бершадский, М. Информационная компетентность.//Народное образование. – 2012 – №4. – с.139
6 Богородицкая В.Н., Хрусталева Л.В. Учеб. Англ. Языка: Для 8 кл. шк. С углубл. Изуч. Англ. Яз. 4-е издание – М.: 2011
7 Браун, Д.Р. Модель решения проблем для развития информационной грамотности: комплексный подход.//Библиотека в школе- 2014.- №22 с. 6- 11
8 Вайсбурд М.Л., Блохина С.А. Обучение пониманию иноязычного текста при чтении как поисковой деятельности // Иностранные языки в школе. – 1997. – № 1–2. – с. 33–38.
9 Васильева В.Н. Использование информационных технологий в учебном процессе http://elar.uspu.ru/bitstream/uspu/5832/1/16Fakhrutdinov.pdf
10 Вильямс Р., Макли К. Компьютеры в школе – 2001. – 336 c.
11 Владимирова Л. П. Новые информационные технологии в обучении иностранным языкам http://virtlab.ioso.ru/method.htm
12 Владимирова Л.П. Интернет на уроках иностранного языка. ИЯШ, №3, 2012. с 33-41.
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