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Good morning! I’d like to tell you about the origin of English words. All of you have this booklet which contains the most important information and a brief outline of my report. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me at the end of my report, of my speech. Let’s get started.
A branch of Linguistics studying the origin of words, their change, development, meaning is called Etymology. According to the etymological principle the English vocabulary is usually divided into two sets: borrowed words and native words. A borrowed word or just a borrowing is a word taken over from another language and modified according to the standards of the English language. A native word is a word that was inherited from an earlier stage of the language.
Доклад на английском языке. Была получена оценка 5.
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Good morning! I’d like to tell you about the origin of English words. All of you have this booklet which contains the most important information and a brief outline of my report. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me at the end of my report, of my speech. Let’s get started.
A branch of Linguistics studying the origin of words, their change, development, meaning is called Etymology. According to the etymological principle the English vocabulary is usually divided into two sets: borrowed words and native words. A borrowed word or just a borrowing is a word taken over from another language and modified according to the standards of the English language. A native word is a word that was inherited from an earlier stage of the language.
Доклад на английском языке. Была получена оценка 5.
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