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Politics and society in China

  • 7 страниц
  • 2019 год
  • 90 просмотров
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Фрагменты работ

China is developing according to the chosen course of political relations. On the international relations of China left its mark on the general philosophy of the nation, which is based largely on Confucianism. According to Chinese views, the true ruler does not consider anything external, therefore international relations have always been considered as part of the internal policy of the state. Another feature of the concepts of statehood in China is that, according to their views, the Middle Kingdom has no end, it covers the whole world.

Politics and society in China

The economic, political and military power of China is one of the most significant factors determining global policy in the 21st century. Any large country seeks to use all its existing resources and opportunities to strengthen its international position or expand its influence in a particular region, to increase investment in its own economy. Using their cultural and ethnic potential seems undoubtedly important for the task.

1. Alison Adcock Kaufman, (2018)"In Pursuit of Equality and Respect: China’s Diplomacy and the League of Nations." Modern China. P. 3-17
2. Edmonds, Richard Louis. (2017). The People’s Republic of China After 50 Years. Oxford University Press. P. 12-18
3. Lauren Carter. The Ethnic Chinese Variable in domestic and foreign policies. URL: http://summit.sfu.ca
4. Cen Huang, Michael R. Godley. P. (2018) Qiaoxiang Ties: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Cultural Capitalism' by Leo Douw, p. 456.
5. Xi Jinping. (2017). The Great Revival of the Chinese Nation is the Greatest Dream of the Chinese Nation since the Beginning of the Modern Times. P 47-50.
6. China news. http://news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2018-01/29

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Фрагменты работ

China is developing according to the chosen course of political relations. On the international relations of China left its mark on the general philosophy of the nation, which is based largely on Confucianism. According to Chinese views, the true ruler does not consider anything external, therefore international relations have always been considered as part of the internal policy of the state. Another feature of the concepts of statehood in China is that, according to their views, the Middle Kingdom has no end, it covers the whole world.

Politics and society in China

The economic, political and military power of China is one of the most significant factors determining global policy in the 21st century. Any large country seeks to use all its existing resources and opportunities to strengthen its international position or expand its influence in a particular region, to increase investment in its own economy. Using their cultural and ethnic potential seems undoubtedly important for the task.

1. Alison Adcock Kaufman, (2018)"In Pursuit of Equality and Respect: China’s Diplomacy and the League of Nations." Modern China. P. 3-17
2. Edmonds, Richard Louis. (2017). The People’s Republic of China After 50 Years. Oxford University Press. P. 12-18
3. Lauren Carter. The Ethnic Chinese Variable in domestic and foreign policies. URL: http://summit.sfu.ca
4. Cen Huang, Michael R. Godley. P. (2018) Qiaoxiang Ties: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Cultural Capitalism' by Leo Douw, p. 456.
5. Xi Jinping. (2017). The Great Revival of the Chinese Nation is the Greatest Dream of the Chinese Nation since the Beginning of the Modern Times. P 47-50.
6. China news. http://news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2018-01/29

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Отзывы студентов

Отзыв Женя13 об авторе Alenkaangel777 2018-10-24

Спасибо поставили 5!

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Отзыв Алексей Михайлов об авторе Alenkaangel777 2018-07-30

Отличная работа!

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Отзыв Оксана об авторе Alenkaangel777 2018-11-08

Огромное спасибо, все правильно, очень аккуратно, подробно и вовремя. Всем рекомендую!)

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Отзыв Kitstein об авторе Alenkaangel777 2018-11-13


Общая оценка 5

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