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The topic of this essay is “Space Exploration”. The actuality of the topic is undeniable because the study of other planets and outer space in General will give humanity a boost in development in areas such as health, safety and mining. At the time of the proposed landing of American astronauts on the moon in 1969, many assumed that space travel would become commonplace at the beginning of the twenty-first century. We will visit other planets in our solar system and may even dare to explore interstellar space. Unfortunately, this future has not yet arrived.
The successors of the case of K. E. Tsiolkovsky were S. P. Korolev, F. A. Zander, V. P. Pechenkin, Y. A. Pobedonostsev, M. K. Tikhonravov, N. T. Fedorenko, B. I. Cheranovskii, I. P. Fortikov. Their names are associated with the beginning of practical work on space programs. The first concrete task that brought them together in the jet propulsion research group (gird, established in Moscow in September 1931), was to create an aircraft with a liquid-propellant rocket engine.
As you know, the first device in Earth orbit was the so-called Sputnik-1. It was so popular that in the Soviet Union even Christmas toys and badges were made in its form. The Soviet space exploration put an end to the efforts of the Americans on October 4, 1957. Because it was then that the first spherical satellite entered orbit, transmitting back a signal of a successful launch. The sole purpose of its launch was to test theories. In the end, space exploration in the 50-60 years ceased to seem a ghostly task. It also triggered a surge in a huge amount of science fiction, flooding the pages of books and TV screens [6].
Данная работа была сдана на отлично (оценка 5/5);
ЧПОУ «Курский техникум экономики и управления»
Работа была сдана в 2021 г..
1. Barsukov V. L. Space exploration in the USSR / V. L. Barsukov. M., 1982.
2. Bendikov M. Problems and prospects of space activity in Russia / M. Bendikov, I. Frolov // World economy and international relations. 2004. № 2.
3. Koval A.D. Space far and near / A.D. Koval, V. P. Senkevich, M., 1977.
4. Space technology / Under the editorship of K. Gatland, M., 1986.
5. Yachmennikov N. Flew to Mars Itself. Yachmennikova // Russian newspaper. 2011. № 28.
6. Space exploration [Electronic resource]. Access mode: https://kosmosgid.ru/kosmicheskoe/osvoenie
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The topic of this essay is “Space Exploration”. The actuality of the topic is undeniable because the study of other planets and outer space in General will give humanity a boost in development in areas such as health, safety and mining. At the time of the proposed landing of American astronauts on the moon in 1969, many assumed that space travel would become commonplace at the beginning of the twenty-first century. We will visit other planets in our solar system and may even dare to explore interstellar space. Unfortunately, this future has not yet arrived.
The successors of the case of K. E. Tsiolkovsky were S. P. Korolev, F. A. Zander, V. P. Pechenkin, Y. A. Pobedonostsev, M. K. Tikhonravov, N. T. Fedorenko, B. I. Cheranovskii, I. P. Fortikov. Their names are associated with the beginning of practical work on space programs. The first concrete task that brought them together in the jet propulsion research group (gird, established in Moscow in September 1931), was to create an aircraft with a liquid-propellant rocket engine.
As you know, the first device in Earth orbit was the so-called Sputnik-1. It was so popular that in the Soviet Union even Christmas toys and badges were made in its form. The Soviet space exploration put an end to the efforts of the Americans on October 4, 1957. Because it was then that the first spherical satellite entered orbit, transmitting back a signal of a successful launch. The sole purpose of its launch was to test theories. In the end, space exploration in the 50-60 years ceased to seem a ghostly task. It also triggered a surge in a huge amount of science fiction, flooding the pages of books and TV screens [6].
Данная работа была сдана на отлично (оценка 5/5);
ЧПОУ «Курский техникум экономики и управления»
Работа была сдана в 2021 г..
1. Barsukov V. L. Space exploration in the USSR / V. L. Barsukov. M., 1982.
2. Bendikov M. Problems and prospects of space activity in Russia / M. Bendikov, I. Frolov // World economy and international relations. 2004. № 2.
3. Koval A.D. Space far and near / A.D. Koval, V. P. Senkevich, M., 1977.
4. Space technology / Under the editorship of K. Gatland, M., 1986.
5. Yachmennikov N. Flew to Mars Itself. Yachmennikova // Russian newspaper. 2011. № 28.
6. Space exploration [Electronic resource]. Access mode: https://kosmosgid.ru/kosmicheskoe/osvoenie
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