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The political system of the USA and UK

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  • 2019 год
  • 22 просмотра
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Автор работы


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Фрагменты работ

In a modern democracy, power is no longer a monopoly of the state; parties, movements, voluntary associations, and individuals who have been granted citizenship become its subjects. Political power concerns the interests of both the great masses of people and certain social groups that are involved in the leadership of society and occupy dominant positions in political life. This leadership is compulsory and is carried out both with the direct involvement of the dominant social forces in society and through socio-political organizations and movements, political groups and their leaders. Not only internal political relations are complicated, but also the external environment of political activity is changing. This requires a systematic approach to the study of political reality.
The concept of the political system reveals the characteristic structure of political power in a particular society. The political system is a holistic set of state and non-state public institutions, legal and political norms, relations of political subjects, using which power is exercised and the management of society.

The United States is a classic presidential state where the president is the head of state. In the US, in addition to being the President, he is also the head of the executive branch.
Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy in which the Queen is the head of state. In Britain, the head of the executive is the government.

Today, the United States is the initiator of globalization, the world leader in economic, political and social spheres of life. On this basis, it is relevant to determine the benefits of its political system.
As for the United Kingdom, this country is one of the leading countries in the European region, so it is important to define the main concepts of the functioning of the political system of a given country to use as an example.

1. Finer S. The History of Government from the Earliest Times, Oxford University Press, 1999. – 1744 p.
2. Hague R. and Harrop M. Comparative Government and Politics, Red Globe Press; 10th edition, 2016.- 384 p.
3. McNaughton, Neil. Understanding British and European political issues, Manchester University Press; 2-nd edition, 2010. – 240 p.
4. UK Data Archive (University of Essex). – URL: www.data-archive.ac.uk.
5. Watts, Duncan. Understanding American government and politics, Manchester University Press, 3-rd edition, 2012. – 448 p.
6. Wilson, Chris. Understanding A/S level government and politics, Manchester University Press, 2003. – 312 p.

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Фрагменты работ

In a modern democracy, power is no longer a monopoly of the state; parties, movements, voluntary associations, and individuals who have been granted citizenship become its subjects. Political power concerns the interests of both the great masses of people and certain social groups that are involved in the leadership of society and occupy dominant positions in political life. This leadership is compulsory and is carried out both with the direct involvement of the dominant social forces in society and through socio-political organizations and movements, political groups and their leaders. Not only internal political relations are complicated, but also the external environment of political activity is changing. This requires a systematic approach to the study of political reality.
The concept of the political system reveals the characteristic structure of political power in a particular society. The political system is a holistic set of state and non-state public institutions, legal and political norms, relations of political subjects, using which power is exercised and the management of society.

The United States is a classic presidential state where the president is the head of state. In the US, in addition to being the President, he is also the head of the executive branch.
Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy in which the Queen is the head of state. In Britain, the head of the executive is the government.

Today, the United States is the initiator of globalization, the world leader in economic, political and social spheres of life. On this basis, it is relevant to determine the benefits of its political system.
As for the United Kingdom, this country is one of the leading countries in the European region, so it is important to define the main concepts of the functioning of the political system of a given country to use as an example.

1. Finer S. The History of Government from the Earliest Times, Oxford University Press, 1999. – 1744 p.
2. Hague R. and Harrop M. Comparative Government and Politics, Red Globe Press; 10th edition, 2016.- 384 p.
3. McNaughton, Neil. Understanding British and European political issues, Manchester University Press; 2-nd edition, 2010. – 240 p.
4. UK Data Archive (University of Essex). – URL: www.data-archive.ac.uk.
5. Watts, Duncan. Understanding American government and politics, Manchester University Press, 3-rd edition, 2012. – 448 p.
6. Wilson, Chris. Understanding A/S level government and politics, Manchester University Press, 2003. – 312 p.

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Отзывы студентов

Отзыв Денис Смышляев об авторе user1054449 2015-12-28

Автор - знаток в области филологии и языкознания. Возможно и в других предметах тоже, но в этой области две работы были сделаны от отлично. Причем, оригинальность более 60%, хотя это не требовалось. Рекомендую, не пожалеете.

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Отзыв Алексей Михайлов об авторе user1054449 2017-05-15


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Отзыв Kitstein об авторе user1054449 2015-12-11

Спасибо за отличную работу!

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Отзыв sergonly об авторе user1054449 2015-02-01

Все вовремя, отличая работа !

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