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Lecture 5 TEST 1. The most essential feature of a word is a. that it expresses the concept of a thing, process, phenomenon, naming them. b. that it

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Lecture 5
1. The most essential feature of a word is
a. that it expresses the concept of a thing, process, phenomenon, naming them.
b. that it expresses the text
c. that it expresses the structure of the word
2. The semantic structure of a word roughly consists of its
a. grammatical meaning and its lexical meaning
b. phonetic meaning and its lexical meaning
c. its lexical meaning
3. Lexical meaning can be subdivided into
a. denotative and connotative meanings
b. easy and difficult meanings
c. lexical and grammatical meanings
4. The emotive connotations express
a. feelings and emotions
b. only feelings
c. only emotions
5. The evaluative component is connected with
a. a negative, positive, ironic speaker’s attitude to the object
b. ironic speaker’s attitude to the object
c. positive speaker’s attitude to the object
6. Expressive connotation impacts to
a. the increase or the decrease of the expressiveness of the massage
b. the decrease of the expressiveness of the massage
7. the increase of the expressiveness of the massage
8. _____ gives examples of the expressive words wh can not be treated as emotive
a. V.A.Kukharenko
b. V. Maslov
c. R. Fedorov

9. _____ are observed in the words which belong to a certain functional style or a specific layer of the vocabulary.
a. Grammatical connotations
b. Stylistic connotations
c. Phonetic connotations
10. Associative is connected with
a. related notions through individual psychological or linguistic associations
b. related notions through individual psychological associations
c. related notions through individual linguistic associations
11. Ideological means
a. social preferences of the user
b. social, political, ideological preferences of the user
c. ideological preferences of the user
12. Context is
a. the text
b. concrete speech act that identifies and actualizes each one
c. language
12. A connotation is located in
a. a lexical meaning of a word
b. a phonetic meaning of a word
c. a grammatical meaning of a word
13. Connotations are
a. not homogeneous in nature
b. homogeneous in nature
c. sometomes are homogeneous
14. Stylistic connotations are more diversified than
a. the individual classes
b. the most classes
c. the general classes
15. The notorious word 'nigger' is labeled by dictionaries as
a. taboo, slang, impolite and offensive
b. literary
c. dialectal
16. Metaphor is
a. the transference of names based on similarity b/w two objects
b. the transference of names based on difference b/w two objects
c. the relationship b/w a part and a whole
17. Metonymy is
a. The transference of names based on contiguity or closeness b/w objects and phenomena
b. The transference of names based on closeness b/w objects and phenomena
c. The transference of names based on contiguity b/w objects and phenomena
18. Metaphors can be classified according to the degree of their unexpectedness
a. Old metaphors, new metaphors
b. Fresh metaphors, trite metaphors
c. Easy metaphors, difficult metaphors
19. Metaphor are also classified as
a. simple (elementary) and sustained
b. difficult
20. Synecdoche is
a. based on the relationship b/w a part and a whole
b. is used instead of what it denotes
c. based on the similarity b/w two objects

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Фрагменты работ

Lecture 5
1. The most essential feature of a word is
a. that it expresses the concept of a thing, process, phenomenon, naming them.
b. that it expresses the text
c. that it expresses the structure of the word
2. The semantic structure of a word roughly consists of its
a. grammatical meaning and its lexical meaning
b. phonetic meaning and its lexical meaning
c. its lexical meaning
3. Lexical meaning can be subdivided into
a. denotative and connotative meanings
b. easy and difficult meanings
c. lexical and grammatical meanings
4. The emotive connotations express
a. feelings and emotions
b. only feelings
c. only emotions
5. The evaluative component is connected with
a. a negative, positive, ironic speaker’s attitude to the object
b. ironic speaker’s attitude to the object
c. positive speaker’s attitude to the object
6. Expressive connotation impacts to
a. the increase or the decrease of the expressiveness of the massage
b. the decrease of the expressiveness of the massage
7. the increase of the expressiveness of the massage
8. _____ gives examples of the expressive words wh can not be treated as emotive
a. V.A.Kukharenko
b. V. Maslov
c. R. Fedorov

9. _____ are observed in the words which belong to a certain functional style or a specific layer of the vocabulary.
a. Grammatical connotations
b. Stylistic connotations
c. Phonetic connotations
10. Associative is connected with
a. related notions through individual psychological or linguistic associations
b. related notions through individual psychological associations
c. related notions through individual linguistic associations
11. Ideological means
a. social preferences of the user
b. social, political, ideological preferences of the user
c. ideological preferences of the user
12. Context is
a. the text
b. concrete speech act that identifies and actualizes each one
c. language
12. A connotation is located in
a. a lexical meaning of a word
b. a phonetic meaning of a word
c. a grammatical meaning of a word
13. Connotations are
a. not homogeneous in nature
b. homogeneous in nature
c. sometomes are homogeneous
14. Stylistic connotations are more diversified than
a. the individual classes
b. the most classes
c. the general classes
15. The notorious word 'nigger' is labeled by dictionaries as
a. taboo, slang, impolite and offensive
b. literary
c. dialectal
16. Metaphor is
a. the transference of names based on similarity b/w two objects
b. the transference of names based on difference b/w two objects
c. the relationship b/w a part and a whole
17. Metonymy is
a. The transference of names based on contiguity or closeness b/w objects and phenomena
b. The transference of names based on closeness b/w objects and phenomena
c. The transference of names based on contiguity b/w objects and phenomena
18. Metaphors can be classified according to the degree of their unexpectedness
a. Old metaphors, new metaphors
b. Fresh metaphors, trite metaphors
c. Easy metaphors, difficult metaphors
19. Metaphor are also classified as
a. simple (elementary) and sustained
b. difficult
20. Synecdoche is
a. based on the relationship b/w a part and a whole
b. is used instead of what it denotes
c. based on the similarity b/w two objects

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Lecture 5 TEST 1. The most essential feature of a word is a. that it expresses the concept of a thing, process, phenomenon, naming them. b. that it

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