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Variant V I. Read the text and аnswer the questions. MANAGEMENT STYLES (II) Men and women do things differently. There are, of course, exceptions to e

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Variant V
I. Read the text and аnswer the questions.
Men and women do things differently. There are, of course, exceptions to every generalization, including this one.
Cristina Stuart is a managing director of Speakeasy Training, a consultancy that runs courses for men and women working together. Here she describes a few key differences between the sexes in the workplace.
Body language
Male body language tends to be challenging. Female body language tends towards self-protection. A stereotypical female pose is sitting cross-legged; the male sits with legs apart to give an impression that he is in control.
Male behaviour can include forceful gestures for example banging a fist on the desk for effect. The female style does not usually include aggressive gestures.
The male way of speaking does not encourage discussion. Women tend to welcome others’ opinions and contributions more.
Men find it easy to tell others about their success. Women tend to share or pass on the credit for a success.
Men’s humor can be cruel – a man’s joke usually has a victim. Female humor is less hurtful. A woman often jokes against herself.
Many men have a female style of working. Equally many women have a male approach.
As Ms Stuart says many of the current management theorems – flatter organizations, empowerment, managing by consensus – have a female style to them.

1. Men and women do the things in the same way, don’t they? No, they don’t. Men and women do things differently.
2. Whose behaviour can include forceful gestures? Male behaviour can include forceful gestures for example banging a fist on the desk for effect.
3. Whose way of speaking encourages discussion? The male way of speaking does not encourage discussion.
4. Is it easy for women to tell others about their success? Women tend to share or pass on the credit for a success.
5. What are the features of men’s humor? Men’s humor can be cruel – a man’s joke usually has a victim.
6. Do any women have a male style of working? Many men have a female style of working. Equally many women have a male approach.
7. What are some current management theories? As Ms Stuart says many of the current management theorems – flatter organizations, empowerment, managing by consensus – have a female style to them.
II. Find in the text the following words and expressions:
обобщение; generalization

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Фрагменты работ

Variant V
I. Read the text and аnswer the questions.
Men and women do things differently. There are, of course, exceptions to every generalization, including this one.
Cristina Stuart is a managing director of Speakeasy Training, a consultancy that runs courses for men and women working together. Here she describes a few key differences between the sexes in the workplace.
Body language
Male body language tends to be challenging. Female body language tends towards self-protection. A stereotypical female pose is sitting cross-legged; the male sits with legs apart to give an impression that he is in control.
Male behaviour can include forceful gestures for example banging a fist on the desk for effect. The female style does not usually include aggressive gestures.
The male way of speaking does not encourage discussion. Women tend to welcome others’ opinions and contributions more.
Men find it easy to tell others about their success. Women tend to share or pass on the credit for a success.
Men’s humor can be cruel – a man’s joke usually has a victim. Female humor is less hurtful. A woman often jokes against herself.
Many men have a female style of working. Equally many women have a male approach.
As Ms Stuart says many of the current management theorems – flatter organizations, empowerment, managing by consensus – have a female style to them.

1. Men and women do the things in the same way, don’t they? No, they don’t. Men and women do things differently.
2. Whose behaviour can include forceful gestures? Male behaviour can include forceful gestures for example banging a fist on the desk for effect.
3. Whose way of speaking encourages discussion? The male way of speaking does not encourage discussion.
4. Is it easy for women to tell others about their success? Women tend to share or pass on the credit for a success.
5. What are the features of men’s humor? Men’s humor can be cruel – a man’s joke usually has a victim.
6. Do any women have a male style of working? Many men have a female style of working. Equally many women have a male approach.
7. What are some current management theories? As Ms Stuart says many of the current management theorems – flatter organizations, empowerment, managing by consensus – have a female style to them.
II. Find in the text the following words and expressions:
обобщение; generalization

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Variant V I. Read the text and аnswer the questions. MANAGEMENT STYLES (II) Men and women do things differently. There are, of course, exceptions to e

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Вариант 2 Задание 1. Перепишите и переведите предложения с английского на русский. 1. Protocols are sets of rules that machines follow to complete ta

Уникальность: от 40%
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Контрольная работа по английскому языку

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Контрольная работа по предмету теория перевода английского языка

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500 ₽
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Контрольная работа по английскому языку

Уникальность: от 40%
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270 ₽
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134 ₽

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Отзыв Елена Гринева1 об авторе gorod82 2017-11-09
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Отзыв Женя13 об авторе gorod82 2019-02-11
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