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Read the text and translate it orally
1. Through most of the 20th century, Russia's, or the USSR as it was known for most of that century, trade with the outside world was mostly limited to trade with other members of the Socialist Bloc. It was self-sufficient in energy resources and primary goods. Its manufacturing industry was for domestic consumption only. Foreign consumer goods simply didn't exist. Investment from abroad was not encouraged because the government wanted full control of production and prices. But things have changed.
2. The Russia of the 21st century is much more open to business with the rest of the world. In the first six months of 2005, its total international trade turnover was worth about $150 billion. Both exports and imports have grown in recent years, but exports are growing more rapidly in value. This is mainly through the sale of oil and gas. In fact, energy resources make up over two thirds of Russia's exports. The growing price of these commodities on world markets has brought huge amounts of foreign currency into the Russian economy. Metals are also important for the Russian economy. Russia's steel industry, for example, is one of the world's biggest. Other primary goods such as timber, minerals and fish are also important.
Контрольная работа, факультет экономики.
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
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Read the text and translate it orally
1. Through most of the 20th century, Russia's, or the USSR as it was known for most of that century, trade with the outside world was mostly limited to trade with other members of the Socialist Bloc. It was self-sufficient in energy resources and primary goods. Its manufacturing industry was for domestic consumption only. Foreign consumer goods simply didn't exist. Investment from abroad was not encouraged because the government wanted full control of production and prices. But things have changed.
2. The Russia of the 21st century is much more open to business with the rest of the world. In the first six months of 2005, its total international trade turnover was worth about $150 billion. Both exports and imports have grown in recent years, but exports are growing more rapidly in value. This is mainly through the sale of oil and gas. In fact, energy resources make up over two thirds of Russia's exports. The growing price of these commodities on world markets has brought huge amounts of foreign currency into the Russian economy. Metals are also important for the Russian economy. Russia's steel industry, for example, is one of the world's biggest. Other primary goods such as timber, minerals and fish are also important.
Контрольная работа, факультет экономики.
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
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