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Известно, что радиационные опасности для космических путешественников есть двух видов. Первая опасность исходит от радиационных поясов, окружающих Землю. Предполагается, что космические путешественники, проходящие прямо через эти пояса, подвергаются воздействию умеренных доз радиации, но они, вероятно, не будут достаточно большими, чтобы нанести какой-либ
The radiation dangers to space travelers are known to be of two kinds. The first comes from the radiation belts surrounding the Earth. Space travelers passing straight through these belts are supposed to be exposed to moderate doses of radiation, but they will probably not be great enough to do any real damage. The radiation belts were proved to be a considerable danger to the crew of a space station in an orbit which passes through them again and again.
The second radiation danger to space travelers is more serious, because, unlink the radiation belts, it is not easily predictable. It comes from streams of particles throughout into space by the Sun, particularly at times of great sunspot activity. But Soviet scientists are known to have developed a special service for monitoring the intensity of cosmic radiation and a system for predicting solar flares. On an interplanetary flight lasting many months the problem of protecting cosmonauts from radiation is of prime importance.
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Известно, что радиационные опасности для космических путешественников есть двух видов. Первая опасность исходит от радиационных поясов, окружающих Землю. Предполагается, что космические путешественники, проходящие прямо через эти пояса, подвергаются воздействию умеренных доз радиации, но они, вероятно, не будут достаточно большими, чтобы нанести какой-либ
The radiation dangers to space travelers are known to be of two kinds. The first comes from the radiation belts surrounding the Earth. Space travelers passing straight through these belts are supposed to be exposed to moderate doses of radiation, but they will probably not be great enough to do any real damage. The radiation belts were proved to be a considerable danger to the crew of a space station in an orbit which passes through them again and again.
The second radiation danger to space travelers is more serious, because, unlink the radiation belts, it is not easily predictable. It comes from streams of particles throughout into space by the Sun, particularly at times of great sunspot activity. But Soviet scientists are known to have developed a special service for monitoring the intensity of cosmic radiation and a system for predicting solar flares. On an interplanetary flight lasting many months the problem of protecting cosmonauts from radiation is of prime importance.
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Уникальность | Выполняется индивидуально |
Сразу в личном кабинете | Доступность | Срок 1—4 дня |
190 ₽ | Цена | от 20 ₽ |
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