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Уникальность не ниже 50%
1. Материалы, от которых зависит новый компьютер, должны быть наилучшего качества.
2. Количество компонентов, из которых состоят суперкомпьютеры, огромное.
3. Заводы, на которых производятся комплектующие для компьютеров, должны быть очень чистыми.
4. Лаборатория, в которой работали Кюри, была оче
1. Materials new computer depend on must be of the best quality.
2. The number of components supercomputers consist of is great.
3. The plans computer components are produced at must be superclean.
4. The laboratory the Curies worked in was very primitive.
5. The space laboratory the Russian cosmonauts live and work in is in the orbit for a long time.
6. Satellites our communication goes through are sent into space regularly.
7. The problem Bell was interested in was not an easy one and it took several years to solve it.
8. The problem this article deals with is connected with the subject we study.
9. The changes and movements of the air we are surrounded with influence our lives.
10. This is an article that deals with some environmental problems we face.
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Закажи новую работу, сделанную по твоим требованиям
1. Материалы, от которых зависит новый компьютер, должны быть наилучшего качества.
2. Количество компонентов, из которых состоят суперкомпьютеры, огромное.
3. Заводы, на которых производятся комплектующие для компьютеров, должны быть очень чистыми.
4. Лаборатория, в которой работали Кюри, была оче
1. Materials new computer depend on must be of the best quality.
2. The number of components supercomputers consist of is great.
3. The plans computer components are produced at must be superclean.
4. The laboratory the Curies worked in was very primitive.
5. The space laboratory the Russian cosmonauts live and work in is in the orbit for a long time.
6. Satellites our communication goes through are sent into space regularly.
7. The problem Bell was interested in was not an easy one and it took several years to solve it.
8. The problem this article deals with is connected with the subject we study.
9. The changes and movements of the air we are surrounded with influence our lives.
10. This is an article that deals with some environmental problems we face.
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работы составляет не менее 40%
Уникальность | Выполняется индивидуально |
Сразу в личном кабинете | Доступность | Срок 1—4 дня |
140 ₽ | Цена | от 20 ₽ |
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