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Гарантия сервиса Автор24
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1. A contract was cancelled.
2. A discount was given by the company.
3. The deadline was missed.
4. Some improvements were recommended.
5. Sea water was pumped on the green house roof.
6. An award of €65mln to the company researching the most promising micro nano scale t
Переведите предложения из действительного залога в страдательный. Выделенное слово (словa) должно(ы) стать подлежащим
Образец: They built the house 2 years ago. – The house was built 2 years ago.
1. They cancelled a contract. –
2. The company gave a discount. –
3. They missed the deadline. –
4. They recommended some improvements. –
5. They pump sea water on the green house roof.
6. The government announced an award of €65mln to the company researching the most promising micro nano scale technology. –
7. We normally produced research studies and preliminary analysis. –
8. They made ancient paper entirely of rags; we made modern paper from wood pulp ‒ a faster and cheaper alternative. –
9. We designed the longest bridge in the world. –
10. Somebody dented the speakers. –
11. They cracked the cover of the plug. –
12. Someone tore the manual. –
13. The Russians launched Sputnik on the 5th October 1957. –
14. The Europeans launched Galileo, a global navigation satellite. –
15. A virus attacked our office computers two hours ago. –
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1. A contract was cancelled.
2. A discount was given by the company.
3. The deadline was missed.
4. Some improvements were recommended.
5. Sea water was pumped on the green house roof.
6. An award of €65mln to the company researching the most promising micro nano scale t
Переведите предложения из действительного залога в страдательный. Выделенное слово (словa) должно(ы) стать подлежащим
Образец: They built the house 2 years ago. – The house was built 2 years ago.
1. They cancelled a contract. –
2. The company gave a discount. –
3. They missed the deadline. –
4. They recommended some improvements. –
5. They pump sea water on the green house roof.
6. The government announced an award of €65mln to the company researching the most promising micro nano scale technology. –
7. We normally produced research studies and preliminary analysis. –
8. They made ancient paper entirely of rags; we made modern paper from wood pulp ‒ a faster and cheaper alternative. –
9. We designed the longest bridge in the world. –
10. Somebody dented the speakers. –
11. They cracked the cover of the plug. –
12. Someone tore the manual. –
13. The Russians launched Sputnik on the 5th October 1957. –
14. The Europeans launched Galileo, a global navigation satellite. –
15. A virus attacked our office computers two hours ago. –
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работы составляет не менее 40%
Уникальность | Выполняется индивидуально |
Сразу в личном кабинете | Доступность | Срок 1—4 дня |
170 ₽ | Цена | от 20 ₽ |
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