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Вопрос 1 Бал: 7,00
Complete each sentence with the words and expressions in the boxes:
1. When a company or organisation has a for a job, and it needs to recruit a new member of staff, it usually advertises the
2. A job advertisement has to give an accurate description of the job and what it requires from the (the people who are interested in the post),
3. These requirements might include (academic, vocational and professional), work in similar lines of work, and certain personal qualities (for example, it might say that you need to be practical, professional and have a sense of humour).
4. The advertisement will also specify what (basic salary, commission, regular etc) and benefits (paid leave, free medical insurance, company car, etc) the company can offer in return.
Вопрос 2 Бал: 5,00
Identify who is speaking, Choose the best option:
1. My name's Eddie Jobsworth. Have you got ID? Sorry, can’t let you go any further here without ID. You're going to have to leave, Now, please.
Security Guard
2. I'm Don Prescott, I've been hired by the company's head office to check Mr Saville's figures. We're not sure that everything adds up.
External Auditor
Non-executive Director
Official Mediator
3. Andy Kelly. Hi. I'm just an ordinary worker on the factory floor, but I represent the workers in discussions with the managers about things like wages and conditions of employment.
Trade Union Representative
Graduate Trainee
4. Hello, I'm Hillary Hannah, I type letters, file documents, arrange meetings and so on, for the various people in my office.
Girl Friday
Company Secretary
5. My name's Liz Hamley, and I suppose I'm the big cheese around here. Basically I'm the most important director in charge of the company.
Company Director
Chief Executive Officer
Managing Director
Вопрос 3
Read this (not very technical) description and replace the underlined expressions with a more appropriate word or expression from the Glossary.
This is my new 1. computer that sits on top of a table or desk (I've also got a 2. small computer which can be carried and held on your knees.) As you can see, there are six main 3. parts to it. The first is the 4. part of the computer that runs it and controls what it does (=central processing unit), and this is the most important bit, It carries the 5, part that stores and controls the flow of information including the hard disk. Mine has a particularly high 6. capacity for storing information which means that it's much faster than most. It came with its own 7. computer programs package (including one for 8. writing, checking and changing texts, one for 9. calculating in columns of figures and one for 10 producing texts and pictures (desktop publishing) for magazines). You can also 11. put in other programs using the 12. sliding tray for carrying round, plastic information-holding things drive, or the 13. hole for connecting computer parts to one another (into which you can put a 14. small plastic and metal object which can hold a lot of information).
The other five parts of the computer are the 15. screen that lets you see what your computer is doing. the 16. flat thing with the letters and numbers on it that let you control the computer, the 17 machine that lets you make copies of the documents that you create on your computer the 18. device for making colour copies of photographs and other documents which you can put onto your computer and last but not least, the 19. device that you hold in your hand and move across your desk to control the cursor.
In my opinion, the best thing about modern information technology is the 20. network that links millions of computers from around the world Once you've got yourself a 21. company that allows you access and a 22. program that finds information
you can start using this, It's especially useful if you want to get information about something, go shopping or 23. transfer information, games, music, etc, onto your own computer. You can even 'talk to other computer users in 24. special places where
you can leave messages and get instant replies. If you have a particular interest in something, you can also visit newsgroups where you can 'talk' to other people with the same interest.
Most companies have their own 25. special computer pages which you can look at. Let me 26. tur the computer on, enter my code and access the computer system, and I'll show you ours. OK, here we go. Oh no, another 27 advertisement that suddenly appears on the computer screen. How annoying. Let me just remove it That's better.
Now, I can never remember the exact address of our company, so first of all I'll type it into the 28. program that helps you find the information you want. OK, A and C Black Publishing The computer identifies the 29, most important or main words and then gives me 30. connections to a list of possible sites. This one looks right: ' www.acblack.com ', That's the company's 31, officially registered website address (name): I'll click on that.
Bingo! Here's our 32 front page You can use this to find the different books that we publish, and if you want you can even buy them 33. through the computer. Hmm, this book looks good: 'Check your English Vocabulary for Business and Administration'. Now, before 34, exit this site I'll just 35. add it to my list of favourites so that I can find it more quickly next time.
Perhaps the most important thing, however, is 36. a special electronic letter-sending facility, which allows you to communicate with people around the world in an instant. Let me quickly check mine. First of all, I need to enter my 37. special word that allows me to enter the system. That's it. Oh dear, nothing very interesting. Mainly a load of 38. unwanted advertising I'll just 39 remove it I don't particularly want to have a new home extension, pass my bank details to a "solicitor" in Nigeria or buy a pill that's guaranteed to improve my love life.
There's something here from one of our suppliers with a / an 40 document or file that has been sent with it. You have to be careful with these: sometimes they contain a 41. hidden routine placed in the program that destroys or corrupts files. If you open it, it can do all sorts of horrible things to your computer. We had one last week that kept 42 shutting down our system. We do have 43. something on our computer that protects this sort of thing , but it's a bit out of date, we really ought to 44. bring it up to date.
Вопрос 4 Бал: 15,00
Complete definitions 1 - 15 with words and expressions from the boxes below.
1. is the practice or science of changing the genes of a living thing, especially in order to make it more suitable for a particular purpose.
2. is a rule, law, or plan that protects people or something from harm or problems
3. is the study of living things.
4. is someone who does not like, trust, or want to use technology, especially computers.
5. is a discovery or achievement that comes after a lot of hard work.
6. is the study or use of computers and electronic systems for storing and using information.
7. If something is____ it is changed slightly in order to improve it.
8. is a scientist who studies or works in genetics.
9. is the use of technology to make copies of natural things (for example, artificial body parts).
10. is a scientist or other technical expert with a high position in industry or government.
11. … is the detailed study of something in order to discover new facts.
12 is the science that studies the effects of low temperatures, especially the use of low temperatures for preserving the bodies of dead people.
13. An____ is a scientific test to find out what happens to someone or something in particular conditions.
14 is the length of time that someone is likely to live.
15 is the invention or use of new ideas, methods, equipment, etc.
Вопрос 5 Бал: 9,00
Complete the sentences with work / to work / working :
1. I spent all weekend on the computer.
2. I have decided online next week.
3. You must harder, if you want to be promoted.
4. My boss often makes me late.
5. He isn't very good at in a team.
6. I don't mind on Saturdays.
7. He has gone to the UK in his uncle's shop.
8. with members of your family can be quite difficult.
9. My husband promised not on my birthday.
Вопрос 6 Бал: 10,00
Translate the highlighted words from Russian into English:
1. I became more when he mentioned her name. Я стaл более заинтересован, когда он упомянул ее имя.
2. The film was less than I thought. - Фильм был менее увлекательным, чем я думал.
3. These were the most words I've ever heard, Это были самые вдохновляющие (=обнадёживающие) слова, которые когда либо слышал.
4. He was the least person in the room. - Он был наименее раздраженным человеком в комнатe.
5. This book is very - Эта книга очень интересная
6. She finds her job Она считает свою работу изнурительной (утомительной)
7. It was an experience for her. - Это был увлекательный опыт для неe.
8. I'm in landscape design. - Я интересуюсь ландшафтным дизайном.
9. At the end of the day she is often - Часто в конце рабочего дня она утомлена.
10. She is about going to Portugal- Она в восторгe (=взволнована) от поездки в Португалию
Вопрос 7 Балл: 24,00
Open the brackets. No contracted forms = don't isn't.!!!! Zero Conditionals
Complete the zero conditional sentences.
If you (not/like) the meat, you (not/have) to eat it.
If you (heat) water, it (boil)
My dog (get) hyperactive if (not/walk) her twice a day.
First Conditionals
Complete the first conditional sentences.
If it (rain), we (not/go) for a walk.
If he (not/know) the way, I (pick) him up.
I (bake) a cake if your friend (come) to see us.
Second Conditionals
Complete the second conditional sentences.
If you (study) harder, you (get) better marks in your tests.
if (be) rich, I (travel) around the world.
She (come) to the cinema with us if she (not/have) to work.
Third Conditionals
Complete the third conditional sentences.
If you (help) us, we (finish) the work in half the time.
I (call) you earlier if I (not/lose) your phone number.
They (not/drive to the theatre if they (know) about the snow.
Вопрос 8 Балл: 5,00
Change these sentences from active to passive. 'By' is necessary in all sentences except the first one.
1. People speak Portuguese in Brazil.
2. My grandfather built this house in 1943.
3. The traffic might have delayed Jimmy. -
4. Might James cook dinner?
5. Picasso wasn't painting Guernica at that time.
Вопрос 9 Балл: 10,00
You are going to read an article about what NOT TO DO when starting a new job. The title of each of the paragraphs has been removed from the article. Choose from the titles (a-k) the one which best fits each gap (1-10). Use each letter only ONCE. There is ONE extra title you DO NOT need to use.
10 things you should never do when starting a new job
Congratulations! You've finally secured a new job, and now you want to start off on the right foot. You want to be careful not to make any career ending mistakes So, what should you NEVER do when starting a new job?
You learned this in first grade, when the teacher began keeping track of tardies: Being on time matters. Factor in extra time if there's traffic. construction, or other reasons to expect a delay,
Before starting your job, talk with the hiring manager or human resources professional to make sure you understand what constitutes acceptable outfit for your new workplace. There's nothing more embarrassing than showing up wearing something that doesn't fly with your supervisors.
Many companies require new employees to go through a training process before starting a new position While it may be tempting to skip these sessions or treat them lightly, don't do it, Even if your training managers won't be your direct supervisors, they are watching you.
No matter where you’re working, there are certain processes, tools, and forms that make up the standard operating procedures of your company You may have been introduced to these through a very organized, systematic orientation, or you may feel like you’re expected to absorb them by osmosis, if you were formally informed, consider yourself fortunate, if not, don t feel shortchanged or frustrated, Instead, take initiative and master the basics on your own.
It's understandable that you may need help or guidance during your first few weeks at a new job, and asking co workers for assistance or just to answer questions can be perfectly acceptable. But remember, you were hired because managers believed in your ability to get the job done. Ask for help if you need it, but believe in yourself and prove that you can do the work yourself.
Your employer isn't paying you to chat with your girlfriend or even your kids' babysitter. Make a personal policy of limiting personal phone calls and texts to your lunch break, except for emergencies.
Most likely, you and your employer agreed to a certain salary during the hiring process. So don't change your mind before you even show up at work. Don't expect more money until you've worked long enough to prove your value to the employer.
Of course you want to make a good impression as soon as you arrive at a new job, and show your new employer they made the right choice in hiring you, However, be cautious of suggesting new policies or strategies during your first few weeks, as it may not be the best way to demonstrate you are a team player. At first, take time to really understand and learn your job, then over time, you can make suggestions and changes as situations arise, and as your input and expertise is called upon.
In a new job, there will always be a learning curve, and effective supervisors understand that. Inevitably, you’ll be asked to do something or expected to know something that you don’t yet know or know how to do. Rather than saying you can complete the task on your own, tell the truth and “don’t be afraid to say, ‘I don’t know,’
You may be so eager to start your new job that you don’t want to stop and ask questions. But by skipping even the most basic questions, you are setting yourself up for failure.
1. Susan got her first job as a voice actress…
a. through a friend.
b. after an audition.
by accident.
2. After that first job as a voice actress…
a, she has perfected her accent.
b. she has always worked as a voice actress.
c. she has worked as a voice coach.
3. Tillie the All-Time Teller was…
a. a character in a cartoon…
b. the voice that Susan recorded for a bank.
c. a popular children's song…
4. Susan found out that she was Siri…
a. when a friend called her.
b. through a colleague.
c, through a friend's iPhone.
5. How did Susan feel when she learned that she was Siri?
a. She had some doubts.
b. She was incredibly excited.
c. She was angry,
6. For Susan, …
a. it's cool to be on people's phones.
b. being Siri has damaged her professional career.
c. it wasn't easy to accept that she was Siri.
7. Susan says that…
a. Siri has been more negative than positive.
b. her role as Siri has made her lose many jobs.
c. she gets a lot of work thanks to Siri.
Итоговый тест по английскому языку для заочников 2 курс ИРНИТУ. Тест сдан на 97 из 100.
Все вопросы теста приведены в содержании. Файл с ответами в ворде, правильные ответы выделены жирным шрифтом.
Не подошла эта работа?
Закажи новую работу, сделанную по твоим требованиям
Вопрос 1 Бал: 7,00
Complete each sentence with the words and expressions in the boxes:
1. When a company or organisation has a for a job, and it needs to recruit a new member of staff, it usually advertises the
2. A job advertisement has to give an accurate description of the job and what it requires from the (the people who are interested in the post),
3. These requirements might include (academic, vocational and professional), work in similar lines of work, and certain personal qualities (for example, it might say that you need to be practical, professional and have a sense of humour).
4. The advertisement will also specify what (basic salary, commission, regular etc) and benefits (paid leave, free medical insurance, company car, etc) the company can offer in return.
Вопрос 2 Бал: 5,00
Identify who is speaking, Choose the best option:
1. My name's Eddie Jobsworth. Have you got ID? Sorry, can’t let you go any further here without ID. You're going to have to leave, Now, please.
Security Guard
2. I'm Don Prescott, I've been hired by the company's head office to check Mr Saville's figures. We're not sure that everything adds up.
External Auditor
Non-executive Director
Official Mediator
3. Andy Kelly. Hi. I'm just an ordinary worker on the factory floor, but I represent the workers in discussions with the managers about things like wages and conditions of employment.
Trade Union Representative
Graduate Trainee
4. Hello, I'm Hillary Hannah, I type letters, file documents, arrange meetings and so on, for the various people in my office.
Girl Friday
Company Secretary
5. My name's Liz Hamley, and I suppose I'm the big cheese around here. Basically I'm the most important director in charge of the company.
Company Director
Chief Executive Officer
Managing Director
Вопрос 3
Read this (not very technical) description and replace the underlined expressions with a more appropriate word or expression from the Glossary.
This is my new 1. computer that sits on top of a table or desk (I've also got a 2. small computer which can be carried and held on your knees.) As you can see, there are six main 3. parts to it. The first is the 4. part of the computer that runs it and controls what it does (=central processing unit), and this is the most important bit, It carries the 5, part that stores and controls the flow of information including the hard disk. Mine has a particularly high 6. capacity for storing information which means that it's much faster than most. It came with its own 7. computer programs package (including one for 8. writing, checking and changing texts, one for 9. calculating in columns of figures and one for 10 producing texts and pictures (desktop publishing) for magazines). You can also 11. put in other programs using the 12. sliding tray for carrying round, plastic information-holding things drive, or the 13. hole for connecting computer parts to one another (into which you can put a 14. small plastic and metal object which can hold a lot of information).
The other five parts of the computer are the 15. screen that lets you see what your computer is doing. the 16. flat thing with the letters and numbers on it that let you control the computer, the 17 machine that lets you make copies of the documents that you create on your computer the 18. device for making colour copies of photographs and other documents which you can put onto your computer and last but not least, the 19. device that you hold in your hand and move across your desk to control the cursor.
In my opinion, the best thing about modern information technology is the 20. network that links millions of computers from around the world Once you've got yourself a 21. company that allows you access and a 22. program that finds information
you can start using this, It's especially useful if you want to get information about something, go shopping or 23. transfer information, games, music, etc, onto your own computer. You can even 'talk to other computer users in 24. special places where
you can leave messages and get instant replies. If you have a particular interest in something, you can also visit newsgroups where you can 'talk' to other people with the same interest.
Most companies have their own 25. special computer pages which you can look at. Let me 26. tur the computer on, enter my code and access the computer system, and I'll show you ours. OK, here we go. Oh no, another 27 advertisement that suddenly appears on the computer screen. How annoying. Let me just remove it That's better.
Now, I can never remember the exact address of our company, so first of all I'll type it into the 28. program that helps you find the information you want. OK, A and C Black Publishing The computer identifies the 29, most important or main words and then gives me 30. connections to a list of possible sites. This one looks right: ' www.acblack.com ', That's the company's 31, officially registered website address (name): I'll click on that.
Bingo! Here's our 32 front page You can use this to find the different books that we publish, and if you want you can even buy them 33. through the computer. Hmm, this book looks good: 'Check your English Vocabulary for Business and Administration'. Now, before 34, exit this site I'll just 35. add it to my list of favourites so that I can find it more quickly next time.
Perhaps the most important thing, however, is 36. a special electronic letter-sending facility, which allows you to communicate with people around the world in an instant. Let me quickly check mine. First of all, I need to enter my 37. special word that allows me to enter the system. That's it. Oh dear, nothing very interesting. Mainly a load of 38. unwanted advertising I'll just 39 remove it I don't particularly want to have a new home extension, pass my bank details to a "solicitor" in Nigeria or buy a pill that's guaranteed to improve my love life.
There's something here from one of our suppliers with a / an 40 document or file that has been sent with it. You have to be careful with these: sometimes they contain a 41. hidden routine placed in the program that destroys or corrupts files. If you open it, it can do all sorts of horrible things to your computer. We had one last week that kept 42 shutting down our system. We do have 43. something on our computer that protects this sort of thing , but it's a bit out of date, we really ought to 44. bring it up to date.
Вопрос 4 Бал: 15,00
Complete definitions 1 - 15 with words and expressions from the boxes below.
1. is the practice or science of changing the genes of a living thing, especially in order to make it more suitable for a particular purpose.
2. is a rule, law, or plan that protects people or something from harm or problems
3. is the study of living things.
4. is someone who does not like, trust, or want to use technology, especially computers.
5. is a discovery or achievement that comes after a lot of hard work.
6. is the study or use of computers and electronic systems for storing and using information.
7. If something is____ it is changed slightly in order to improve it.
8. is a scientist who studies or works in genetics.
9. is the use of technology to make copies of natural things (for example, artificial body parts).
10. is a scientist or other technical expert with a high position in industry or government.
11. … is the detailed study of something in order to discover new facts.
12 is the science that studies the effects of low temperatures, especially the use of low temperatures for preserving the bodies of dead people.
13. An____ is a scientific test to find out what happens to someone or something in particular conditions.
14 is the length of time that someone is likely to live.
15 is the invention or use of new ideas, methods, equipment, etc.
Вопрос 5 Бал: 9,00
Complete the sentences with work / to work / working :
1. I spent all weekend on the computer.
2. I have decided online next week.
3. You must harder, if you want to be promoted.
4. My boss often makes me late.
5. He isn't very good at in a team.
6. I don't mind on Saturdays.
7. He has gone to the UK in his uncle's shop.
8. with members of your family can be quite difficult.
9. My husband promised not on my birthday.
Вопрос 6 Бал: 10,00
Translate the highlighted words from Russian into English:
1. I became more when he mentioned her name. Я стaл более заинтересован, когда он упомянул ее имя.
2. The film was less than I thought. - Фильм был менее увлекательным, чем я думал.
3. These were the most words I've ever heard, Это были самые вдохновляющие (=обнадёживающие) слова, которые когда либо слышал.
4. He was the least person in the room. - Он был наименее раздраженным человеком в комнатe.
5. This book is very - Эта книга очень интересная
6. She finds her job Она считает свою работу изнурительной (утомительной)
7. It was an experience for her. - Это был увлекательный опыт для неe.
8. I'm in landscape design. - Я интересуюсь ландшафтным дизайном.
9. At the end of the day she is often - Часто в конце рабочего дня она утомлена.
10. She is about going to Portugal- Она в восторгe (=взволнована) от поездки в Португалию
Вопрос 7 Балл: 24,00
Open the brackets. No contracted forms = don't isn't.!!!! Zero Conditionals
Complete the zero conditional sentences.
If you (not/like) the meat, you (not/have) to eat it.
If you (heat) water, it (boil)
My dog (get) hyperactive if (not/walk) her twice a day.
First Conditionals
Complete the first conditional sentences.
If it (rain), we (not/go) for a walk.
If he (not/know) the way, I (pick) him up.
I (bake) a cake if your friend (come) to see us.
Second Conditionals
Complete the second conditional sentences.
If you (study) harder, you (get) better marks in your tests.
if (be) rich, I (travel) around the world.
She (come) to the cinema with us if she (not/have) to work.
Third Conditionals
Complete the third conditional sentences.
If you (help) us, we (finish) the work in half the time.
I (call) you earlier if I (not/lose) your phone number.
They (not/drive to the theatre if they (know) about the snow.
Вопрос 8 Балл: 5,00
Change these sentences from active to passive. 'By' is necessary in all sentences except the first one.
1. People speak Portuguese in Brazil.
2. My grandfather built this house in 1943.
3. The traffic might have delayed Jimmy. -
4. Might James cook dinner?
5. Picasso wasn't painting Guernica at that time.
Вопрос 9 Балл: 10,00
You are going to read an article about what NOT TO DO when starting a new job. The title of each of the paragraphs has been removed from the article. Choose from the titles (a-k) the one which best fits each gap (1-10). Use each letter only ONCE. There is ONE extra title you DO NOT need to use.
10 things you should never do when starting a new job
Congratulations! You've finally secured a new job, and now you want to start off on the right foot. You want to be careful not to make any career ending mistakes So, what should you NEVER do when starting a new job?
You learned this in first grade, when the teacher began keeping track of tardies: Being on time matters. Factor in extra time if there's traffic. construction, or other reasons to expect a delay,
Before starting your job, talk with the hiring manager or human resources professional to make sure you understand what constitutes acceptable outfit for your new workplace. There's nothing more embarrassing than showing up wearing something that doesn't fly with your supervisors.
Many companies require new employees to go through a training process before starting a new position While it may be tempting to skip these sessions or treat them lightly, don't do it, Even if your training managers won't be your direct supervisors, they are watching you.
No matter where you’re working, there are certain processes, tools, and forms that make up the standard operating procedures of your company You may have been introduced to these through a very organized, systematic orientation, or you may feel like you’re expected to absorb them by osmosis, if you were formally informed, consider yourself fortunate, if not, don t feel shortchanged or frustrated, Instead, take initiative and master the basics on your own.
It's understandable that you may need help or guidance during your first few weeks at a new job, and asking co workers for assistance or just to answer questions can be perfectly acceptable. But remember, you were hired because managers believed in your ability to get the job done. Ask for help if you need it, but believe in yourself and prove that you can do the work yourself.
Your employer isn't paying you to chat with your girlfriend or even your kids' babysitter. Make a personal policy of limiting personal phone calls and texts to your lunch break, except for emergencies.
Most likely, you and your employer agreed to a certain salary during the hiring process. So don't change your mind before you even show up at work. Don't expect more money until you've worked long enough to prove your value to the employer.
Of course you want to make a good impression as soon as you arrive at a new job, and show your new employer they made the right choice in hiring you, However, be cautious of suggesting new policies or strategies during your first few weeks, as it may not be the best way to demonstrate you are a team player. At first, take time to really understand and learn your job, then over time, you can make suggestions and changes as situations arise, and as your input and expertise is called upon.
In a new job, there will always be a learning curve, and effective supervisors understand that. Inevitably, you’ll be asked to do something or expected to know something that you don’t yet know or know how to do. Rather than saying you can complete the task on your own, tell the truth and “don’t be afraid to say, ‘I don’t know,’
You may be so eager to start your new job that you don’t want to stop and ask questions. But by skipping even the most basic questions, you are setting yourself up for failure.
1. Susan got her first job as a voice actress…
a. through a friend.
b. after an audition.
by accident.
2. After that first job as a voice actress…
a, she has perfected her accent.
b. she has always worked as a voice actress.
c. she has worked as a voice coach.
3. Tillie the All-Time Teller was…
a. a character in a cartoon…
b. the voice that Susan recorded for a bank.
c. a popular children's song…
4. Susan found out that she was Siri…
a. when a friend called her.
b. through a colleague.
c, through a friend's iPhone.
5. How did Susan feel when she learned that she was Siri?
a. She had some doubts.
b. She was incredibly excited.
c. She was angry,
6. For Susan, …
a. it's cool to be on people's phones.
b. being Siri has damaged her professional career.
c. it wasn't easy to accept that she was Siri.
7. Susan says that…
a. Siri has been more negative than positive.
b. her role as Siri has made her lose many jobs.
c. she gets a lot of work thanks to Siri.
Итоговый тест по английскому языку для заочников 2 курс ИРНИТУ. Тест сдан на 97 из 100.
Все вопросы теста приведены в содержании. Файл с ответами в ворде, правильные ответы выделены жирным шрифтом.
Купить эту работу vs Заказать новую | ||
3 раза | Куплено | Выполняется индивидуально |
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Исполнитель, загружая работу в «Банк готовых работ» подтверждает, что
уровень оригинальности
работы составляет не менее 40%
Уникальность | Выполняется индивидуально |
Сразу в личном кабинете | Доступность | Срок 1—4 дня |
250 ₽ | Цена | от 20 ₽ |
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