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Аварские народы

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  • 2020 год
  • 15 просмотров
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Автор работы


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Фрагменты работ

The largest Avar Diaspora exists in Turkey, where it was formed in the XIX century. In total, there are about 80 thousand citizens of Dagestani origin in this country, of which more than 50 thousand are Avars.

Avar Diaspora

In Dagestan, Avars make up about a third of the total population, or a little over a million people. From time immemorial, Avars have lived in the Belokan, Zakatala, and Kakha regions of Azerbaijan, which now number about 150 thousand people. Another 50,000 Avars from this region live in various cities of Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation (Bobrovnikov, 2016, p.23). On the territory of neighboring Georgia there are about 2 thousand Avars, most of whom live in the districts bordering Dagestan and Azerbaijan – kvarelsky and lagodekhsky.

1. Abu Amina Bilal Phillips. Laws of Muslim life. Evolution of fiqh. - Moscow, 2002.
2. Aglarov M. A. rural community in Nagorny Dagestan of the XVII — early XIX century. M., 1988
3. Akapov A. ADAT, Sharia and Russian law in the modern North Caucasus: state and prospects / / Islam in the multicultural world: Muslim movements and mechanisms for reproducing the ideology of Islam in the modern information space: sat. art. / Ed. ed.: D. V. Brilev. Kazan: Kazan University press, 2014. Pp. 367-377.
4. Ashirov N. Islam and the nation. Moscow: Politizdat, 1975. - 145 p.
5. Bobrovnikov V. O. ADAT / / Islam on the territory of the former Russian Empire: an encyclopedic dictionary / edited by S. M. Prozorov. T. I. M., 2006
6. Bobrovnikov V. O. the Muslims of the North Caucasus: the custom and the law, violence. Moscow, 2002
7. Bobrovnikov V., Kemper M. et al., 2016 Customary Law // Encyclopaedia of Islam. 3rd ed. Leiden (в печати).

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Фрагменты работ

The largest Avar Diaspora exists in Turkey, where it was formed in the XIX century. In total, there are about 80 thousand citizens of Dagestani origin in this country, of which more than 50 thousand are Avars.

Avar Diaspora

In Dagestan, Avars make up about a third of the total population, or a little over a million people. From time immemorial, Avars have lived in the Belokan, Zakatala, and Kakha regions of Azerbaijan, which now number about 150 thousand people. Another 50,000 Avars from this region live in various cities of Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation (Bobrovnikov, 2016, p.23). On the territory of neighboring Georgia there are about 2 thousand Avars, most of whom live in the districts bordering Dagestan and Azerbaijan – kvarelsky and lagodekhsky.

1. Abu Amina Bilal Phillips. Laws of Muslim life. Evolution of fiqh. - Moscow, 2002.
2. Aglarov M. A. rural community in Nagorny Dagestan of the XVII — early XIX century. M., 1988
3. Akapov A. ADAT, Sharia and Russian law in the modern North Caucasus: state and prospects / / Islam in the multicultural world: Muslim movements and mechanisms for reproducing the ideology of Islam in the modern information space: sat. art. / Ed. ed.: D. V. Brilev. Kazan: Kazan University press, 2014. Pp. 367-377.
4. Ashirov N. Islam and the nation. Moscow: Politizdat, 1975. - 145 p.
5. Bobrovnikov V. O. ADAT / / Islam on the territory of the former Russian Empire: an encyclopedic dictionary / edited by S. M. Prozorov. T. I. M., 2006
6. Bobrovnikov V. O. the Muslims of the North Caucasus: the custom and the law, violence. Moscow, 2002
7. Bobrovnikov V., Kemper M. et al., 2016 Customary Law // Encyclopaedia of Islam. 3rd ed. Leiden (в печати).

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5 Похожих работ

Отзывы студентов

Отзыв erydit72 об авторе minie 2018-12-27

Быстрое выполнение и хорошая работа

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Отзыв user115776 об авторе minie 2018-10-12


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Отзыв doberdoberdober об авторе minie 2019-05-20

В очередной раз спасибо автору! Работа выполнена на отлично!

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Отзыв 17irina об авторе minie 2018-04-09

Спасибо, за выполненную работу, всё отлично! Надёжный автор - рекомендую.

Общая оценка 5

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