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As a rule, in our time, organizations should strive to introduce innovation. Innovations allow them to develop, reduce the cost of production, raise sales, improve product specifications and beneficial effects, but there are certain costs for research and the search for new ideas [1, 2].
Source of innovation in business, students, staff, brainstorming, staff motivation.
Innovation allowed to develop, reduce production costs and raise sales volumes, improve the technical characteristics of the product and the effect of the useful, but there are certain research costs and the search for new ideas.
1. Razumov OS, Fedoseev S.V. Innovations in Education // Collection of Scientific Works of the Scientific and Technological Center (STC) for the Development of the Educational Process / Moscow, 2013. Volume 9
2. Kolchik I.V. Innovative methods of teaching mathematics in a technical college // Innov: electronic scientific journal, 2013. №2 (15). URL: http://www.innov.ru/science/tech/innovatsionnye-metody-prepodavaniya/
3. Podgrebelnaya N.I., Romanenko A.S. Innovations in education as a progressive element of leadership in the economy // Economy and Society. 2013. No. 4-3 (9). Pp. 256-257.
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As a rule, in our time, organizations should strive to introduce innovation. Innovations allow them to develop, reduce the cost of production, raise sales, improve product specifications and beneficial effects, but there are certain costs for research and the search for new ideas [1, 2].
Source of innovation in business, students, staff, brainstorming, staff motivation.
Innovation allowed to develop, reduce production costs and raise sales volumes, improve the technical characteristics of the product and the effect of the useful, but there are certain research costs and the search for new ideas.
1. Razumov OS, Fedoseev S.V. Innovations in Education // Collection of Scientific Works of the Scientific and Technological Center (STC) for the Development of the Educational Process / Moscow, 2013. Volume 9
2. Kolchik I.V. Innovative methods of teaching mathematics in a technical college // Innov: electronic scientific journal, 2013. №2 (15). URL: http://www.innov.ru/science/tech/innovatsionnye-metody-prepodavaniya/
3. Podgrebelnaya N.I., Romanenko A.S. Innovations in education as a progressive element of leadership in the economy // Economy and Society. 2013. No. 4-3 (9). Pp. 256-257.
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