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The passage in question is an extract from the novel “The Prince of Tides” written by Pat Conroy and published in 1986. The book centers around former football player Tom Wingo's life story and traumatic events that affected the relationship between him and his family.
The text introduces the episode when the main character comes to New York, where he visits a classical music concert and meets Susan Lowenstein, his sister’s psychiatrist. The passage is a 1st person narration interlaced with a description and a dialogue. The protagonist is the narrator of his own feelings, thoughts and intentions.
Анализ лексики и синтаксиса текста, стилистических приемов и их роли в рассказе, темы, проблемы и посыла автора.
Стилистический анализ отрывка The Prince of Tides (на английском языке)
“The Prince of Tides” by Pat Conroy
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The passage in question is an extract from the novel “The Prince of Tides” written by Pat Conroy and published in 1986. The book centers around former football player Tom Wingo's life story and traumatic events that affected the relationship between him and his family.
The text introduces the episode when the main character comes to New York, where he visits a classical music concert and meets Susan Lowenstein, his sister’s psychiatrist. The passage is a 1st person narration interlaced with a description and a dialogue. The protagonist is the narrator of his own feelings, thoughts and intentions.
Анализ лексики и синтаксиса текста, стилистических приемов и их роли в рассказе, темы, проблемы и посыла автора.
Стилистический анализ отрывка The Prince of Tides (на английском языке)
“The Prince of Tides” by Pat Conroy
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400 ₽ | Цена | от 300 ₽ |
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