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Theoretical aspects of a business organization and its processes management when implementing activities in the international economic environment (Теоретические аспекты управления бизнес-организацией и ее процессами при реализации деятельности в международном экономическом пространстве)
Characteristics of the company's activities and identification of key factors affecting the management of its business processes (Характеристика деятельности компании и выявление ключевых факторов, влияющих на управление ее бизнес-процессами)
Improving business process management in the context of the company's activity in the international economic environment (Совершенствование управления бизнес-процессами в контексте активности компании в международном экономическом пространстве).
1) Theoretical aspects of a business organization and its processes management when implementing activities in the international economic environment
1.1 theoretical aspects
1.2 Tools and methods theoretical review (NPV; IRR; Breakeven point; swot; pestle; business model canvas; financial analysis; PP; ROI)
1.3 market review and contemporary trends
2) Characteristics of the company's activities and identification of key factors affecting the management of its business processes
2.1 characteristics of object (Coca-Cola)
2.2 characteristics of subject (marketing)
2.3 analysis of subject of research (SWOT; Pestle; Business model canvas; financial analysis)
3) Improving business process management in the context of the company's activity in the international economic environment
3.1 Project 1 (full description of your project)
3.2 Detailed budget of project 1
3.3 Economic evaluation your improvement project using NPV, IRR, Breakeven point, PP, ROI.
Improving business process management in the context of the company's activity in the international economic environment (Совершенствование управления бизнес-процессами в контексте активности компании в международном экономическом пространстве).
Object of research: Coca-Cola
Subject of research: Marketing
Any organization is located and operates in an environment. Every action of all organizations without exception is possible only if the environment allows its implementation. The external environment is the source that supplies the organization with the resources necessary to maintain its internal potential at the proper level. The organization is in a state of constant exchange with the external environment, thereby providing itself with the opportunity to survive. The resources of the external environment are not limitless. They are claimed by many other organizations located in the same environment. Therefore, there is always the possibility that the organization will not be able to obtain the necessary resources from the external environment. This can weaken its potential and lead to many negative consequences for the organization. The task of strategic management is to ensure that the organization interacts with its environment in a way that allows it to maintain its potential at the level necessary to achieve its goals, and thereby enable it to survive in the long term.
1. Analysis of Coke & Pepsi Brands in Erbil KRI. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 8(3), 33–44.
2. Adeevee.com. Coca-Cola: Selfie Bottle. 10 November 2024. 30 March 2024 .
3. Andrzej, A. & Buchaman, A. (2023). Organizational Behavior. London: Prentice Hall.
4. Baily, C. (2022). A guide to field research. Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge Press.
5. Banks, Hamish. “The business of peace: Coca-Cola’s contribution to stability, growth, and optimism.” Business Horizons 59.5 (2022): 455-461.
6. Barthe, G. (2019). Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation: 11th Ed. New York. Springer.
7. Bird, A. (2023). Team structure and success as related to cohesiveness and leadership. Journal of Social Psychology, 103(2), 217-223.
8. Biswas, S. (2019). Commitment, involvement, and satisfaction as predictors of employee performance. South Asian Journal of Management, 18(2), 92-107.
9. Charantimath. (2022). Total Quality Management. New Delhi: Pearson Education.
10. Clement, M. & Henry, R. (2022). Globalization and the Politics of Development in the Middle East. New York: Cambridge University Press.
11. Clinton, H. (2023). U.S Department of State, Diplomacy in Action. Washington, DC: Potomac Books, Inc.
12. Coca-cola.co. Mission, vision and values. 2023. .
13. Coca-colacompany.com. (2024). Retrieved from coca-colacompany.com: https://www.cocacolacompany.com/content/dam/journey/us/en/private/fileassets/pdf/investors/2024-annual-report-on-form-10-k.pdf
14. Deshpande, A., Kee, D. M. H., Shankar, D., Segi, S., Charles, E. A., Parameswaran, K., & Vellmurugan, M. (2020). Influence of strategic branding in soft drink market in Indian and Malaysian context: Study on Coca Cola to remain Top of the Mind Brand (TOMB). Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education (APJME), 3(1), 82-93.
15. ESTERL, MIKE. Coca-Cola Shakes Up Americas Management. 12 December 2023. 30 March 2023 URL: .
16. Feloni, Richard. 7 brilliant strategies Coca-Cola used to become one of the world’s most recognizable brands. 12 June 2023. .
17. Freeman, E. (2022). Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. New York: Cambridge University Press.
18. Jay Moye. ‘One Brand’ Strategy, New Global Campaign Unite Coca-Cola Trademark. 19 June 2022. .
19. Gardner, J. C., McGowan Jr, C. B., & Moeller, S. E. (2021). Using accounting information for financial planning and forecasting: An application of the sustainable growth model using Coca-Cola. Journal of Business Case Studies (JBCS), 7(5), 9-16.
20. Grossman, R. J. (2021). The care and feeding of high-potential employees. (Cover story). Hrmagazine, 56(8), 34.
21. Hill, C. W., Schilling, M. A., & Jones, G. R. (2022). Strategic Management: Theory: An Integrated Approach. Cengage Learning.
22. Hirschey, M., Kose J., & Makhija, K. (2024). Corporate Governance. Amsterdam: Emerald Group Publishing.
23. Klein, B. (2021). In perfect harmony: Popular music and cola advertising. Popular Music and Society, 31(1), 1-20.
24. Kline, J. (2021). Ethics for International Business: Decision-Making in a Global Political Economy. New York: Routledge.
25. Kurtz, L., & Boone, L. (2022). Contemporary Marketing. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.
26. Lacity, M., Willcocks, L., & Feeny, D. (2024). Commercializing the Back Office at Lloyds of London: Outsourcing and Strategic Partnerships Revisited. European Management Journal, 22(2), 127-140.
27. Lall, S., & Narula, R. (2024). Foreign Direct Investment and Its Role in Economic Development: Do We Need a New Agenda? The European Journal of Development Research, 16(3), 464-477.
28. Lippman, T. (2024). Inside The Mirage: America’s Fragile Partnership with Saudi Arabia. New York: Basic Books.
29. Lisa, G. & Amy, D. (2021). The Essential Guide to Federal Employment Laws. California: Nolo.
30. Majer, C. (2021). The silent killers of productivity and profit. T+D, 65(2), 62
31. Manaschi, A. (2020). Comparative Advantage in International Trade: A Historical Perspective. Cheltenham, UK: Edwards Elgar Publishing.
32. MOSS, MICHAEL. “The extra ordinary science of addictive junk food.” The New York Time Magazine (2023).
33. Minja, D. (2020). Ethical leadership practices. KCA Journal of Business Management, 2(1): 1-14.
34. Moran. D. (2021). Climate Change and National Security: A Country-Level Analysis. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
35. Mourdoukoutas, P. (2023, JUL 16). Coca-Cola’s Real Overseas Problem–How to Tap Into Neglected Markets. URL: https://www.forbes.com/sites/panosmourdoukoutas/2013/07/16/coca-colas-real-overseas-problem-how-to-tap-into-neglected-markets/#10441e41c417
36. McGrath, Maggie. How Coca-Cola Is Fighting to Keep Its Sales From Becoming A Casualty Of The Sugar Wars. 2023. 1 March 2023 .
37. McGrath, Maggie. Coca-Cola Shares Fizzle as Outlook For ‘Volatile’ 2022 Leaves Investors Cold. 9 February 2022. 30 March 2017 URL: .
38. Meagan Priselac. Making Tomorrow Better: Coke Inspires Ing Entrepreneurs from the Middle East and North Africa. 19 July 2023. URL: .
39. Nair, R. K., Reddy, L. S., Verma, P., Pandey, R., Yuwono, S., Sin, L. G., ... & Yu, T. P. (2021). The impact of COVID 19 towards international business strategy: A study of Coca-Cola company. International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific (IJAFAP), 4(2), 73-92.
40. Panagariya, A. (2021). India: The Emerging Giant. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
41. Panigrahi, V. (2020). An Organisation Study on The Coca-cola Company (Doctoral dissertation, CMR Institute of Technology. Bangalore).
42. Pfiester, E. (2022). Boosting Small and Medium Enterprises in Saudi Arabia. Web.
43. Polonsky, M. J. (2021). An introduction to green marketing. Electronic green journal, 1(2).
44. Roderick, Leonie. Can Coca-Cola’s ‘One Brand’ marketing strategy help sales pop? 19 January 2022. .
45. Ruddar, D. & Sundharam, K. (2021). Indian Economy. New Delhi: Chand Group.
46. Safizadeh, M., Field, J., & Ritzman, L. (2023). An Empirical Analysis of Financial Services Processes with a Front Office or Back-Office Orientation. Journal of Operations Management, 21(5), 557-576.
47. Sandwick, J. (2019). The Gulf Cooperation Council: moderation and stability in an interdependent world. Michigan: Westview Press.
48. Smith, G. E. Coca-Cola: Understanding the Swot Analysis & Leading Change for Big Beverage Company.
49. Susilo, D. (2021). Revealing How Coca Cola Successfully Broke into Indonesia Market with a Coke. Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship Journal, 3(2), 118-126.
50. Sultan, K., Akram, S., Abdulhaliq, S., Jamal, D., & Saleem, R. (2019). A Strategic Approach to the Consumer Perception of Brand on the Basis of Brand Awareness and Brand Loyalty: A Comparative
51. Schmitt, J., & Lane, N. (2019). An International Comparison of Small Business Employment. Web.
52. Shachaf, P. (2018). Cultural Diversity and Information and Communication Technology Impacts on Global Virtual Teams: An Exploratory Study. Information Technology Journal, 45(2), 131-142.
53. The Coca-Cola Company. Five Strategic Actions. 27 April 2023. 30 March 2023 .
54. Trefis Team. How Coke Is Restructuring Its Way to Higher Profitability. 21 August 2023. URL: .
55. Tim Nudd. Here Are 25 Sweet, Simple Ads from Coca-Cola’s Big New ‘Taste the Feeling’ Campaign. 19 January 2023. 10 March 2023.
56. Tanke, M. (2020). Human Resources Management for the Hospitality Industry. Albany: Cengage Learning.
57. Understandingthemarketprocess. (2023, August 5). Macro Factors Affecting Coca Cola. URL: https://understandingthemarketprocess.wordpress.com/macro-factors-affecting-coca-cola-2/
58. Warner, B. (2021). Organization Change: Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
59. Weiss, W. H. (2021). Building morale, motivating, and empowering employees. Supervision, 72(9), 23.
60. Wellington, A. (2021). Health Insurance Coverage and Entrepreneurship. Journal of Contemporary Economic Policy, 19(4).
61. Wood, B. et al., 2021. Maximising the wealth few at the expense of the health of many: A public health analysis of market power and corporate wealth and income distribution in the global soft drink market - globalization and health. BioMed Central. Available at: https://globalizationandhealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12992-021-00781-6 [Accessed July 14, 2022].
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Theoretical aspects of a business organization and its processes management when implementing activities in the international economic environment (Теоретические аспекты управления бизнес-организацией и ее процессами при реализации деятельности в международном экономическом пространстве)
Characteristics of the company's activities and identification of key factors affecting the management of its business processes (Характеристика деятельности компании и выявление ключевых факторов, влияющих на управление ее бизнес-процессами)
Improving business process management in the context of the company's activity in the international economic environment (Совершенствование управления бизнес-процессами в контексте активности компании в международном экономическом пространстве).
1) Theoretical aspects of a business organization and its processes management when implementing activities in the international economic environment
1.1 theoretical aspects
1.2 Tools and methods theoretical review (NPV; IRR; Breakeven point; swot; pestle; business model canvas; financial analysis; PP; ROI)
1.3 market review and contemporary trends
2) Characteristics of the company's activities and identification of key factors affecting the management of its business processes
2.1 characteristics of object (Coca-Cola)
2.2 characteristics of subject (marketing)
2.3 analysis of subject of research (SWOT; Pestle; Business model canvas; financial analysis)
3) Improving business process management in the context of the company's activity in the international economic environment
3.1 Project 1 (full description of your project)
3.2 Detailed budget of project 1
3.3 Economic evaluation your improvement project using NPV, IRR, Breakeven point, PP, ROI.
Improving business process management in the context of the company's activity in the international economic environment (Совершенствование управления бизнес-процессами в контексте активности компании в международном экономическом пространстве).
Object of research: Coca-Cola
Subject of research: Marketing
Any organization is located and operates in an environment. Every action of all organizations without exception is possible only if the environment allows its implementation. The external environment is the source that supplies the organization with the resources necessary to maintain its internal potential at the proper level. The organization is in a state of constant exchange with the external environment, thereby providing itself with the opportunity to survive. The resources of the external environment are not limitless. They are claimed by many other organizations located in the same environment. Therefore, there is always the possibility that the organization will not be able to obtain the necessary resources from the external environment. This can weaken its potential and lead to many negative consequences for the organization. The task of strategic management is to ensure that the organization interacts with its environment in a way that allows it to maintain its potential at the level necessary to achieve its goals, and thereby enable it to survive in the long term.
1. Analysis of Coke & Pepsi Brands in Erbil KRI. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 8(3), 33–44.
2. Adeevee.com. Coca-Cola: Selfie Bottle. 10 November 2024. 30 March 2024 .
3. Andrzej, A. & Buchaman, A. (2023). Organizational Behavior. London: Prentice Hall.
4. Baily, C. (2022). A guide to field research. Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge Press.
5. Banks, Hamish. “The business of peace: Coca-Cola’s contribution to stability, growth, and optimism.” Business Horizons 59.5 (2022): 455-461.
6. Barthe, G. (2019). Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation: 11th Ed. New York. Springer.
7. Bird, A. (2023). Team structure and success as related to cohesiveness and leadership. Journal of Social Psychology, 103(2), 217-223.
8. Biswas, S. (2019). Commitment, involvement, and satisfaction as predictors of employee performance. South Asian Journal of Management, 18(2), 92-107.
9. Charantimath. (2022). Total Quality Management. New Delhi: Pearson Education.
10. Clement, M. & Henry, R. (2022). Globalization and the Politics of Development in the Middle East. New York: Cambridge University Press.
11. Clinton, H. (2023). U.S Department of State, Diplomacy in Action. Washington, DC: Potomac Books, Inc.
12. Coca-cola.co. Mission, vision and values. 2023. .
13. Coca-colacompany.com. (2024). Retrieved from coca-colacompany.com: https://www.cocacolacompany.com/content/dam/journey/us/en/private/fileassets/pdf/investors/2024-annual-report-on-form-10-k.pdf
14. Deshpande, A., Kee, D. M. H., Shankar, D., Segi, S., Charles, E. A., Parameswaran, K., & Vellmurugan, M. (2020). Influence of strategic branding in soft drink market in Indian and Malaysian context: Study on Coca Cola to remain Top of the Mind Brand (TOMB). Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education (APJME), 3(1), 82-93.
15. ESTERL, MIKE. Coca-Cola Shakes Up Americas Management. 12 December 2023. 30 March 2023 URL: .
16. Feloni, Richard. 7 brilliant strategies Coca-Cola used to become one of the world’s most recognizable brands. 12 June 2023. .
17. Freeman, E. (2022). Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. New York: Cambridge University Press.
18. Jay Moye. ‘One Brand’ Strategy, New Global Campaign Unite Coca-Cola Trademark. 19 June 2022. .
19. Gardner, J. C., McGowan Jr, C. B., & Moeller, S. E. (2021). Using accounting information for financial planning and forecasting: An application of the sustainable growth model using Coca-Cola. Journal of Business Case Studies (JBCS), 7(5), 9-16.
20. Grossman, R. J. (2021). The care and feeding of high-potential employees. (Cover story). Hrmagazine, 56(8), 34.
21. Hill, C. W., Schilling, M. A., & Jones, G. R. (2022). Strategic Management: Theory: An Integrated Approach. Cengage Learning.
22. Hirschey, M., Kose J., & Makhija, K. (2024). Corporate Governance. Amsterdam: Emerald Group Publishing.
23. Klein, B. (2021). In perfect harmony: Popular music and cola advertising. Popular Music and Society, 31(1), 1-20.
24. Kline, J. (2021). Ethics for International Business: Decision-Making in a Global Political Economy. New York: Routledge.
25. Kurtz, L., & Boone, L. (2022). Contemporary Marketing. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.
26. Lacity, M., Willcocks, L., & Feeny, D. (2024). Commercializing the Back Office at Lloyds of London: Outsourcing and Strategic Partnerships Revisited. European Management Journal, 22(2), 127-140.
27. Lall, S., & Narula, R. (2024). Foreign Direct Investment and Its Role in Economic Development: Do We Need a New Agenda? The European Journal of Development Research, 16(3), 464-477.
28. Lippman, T. (2024). Inside The Mirage: America’s Fragile Partnership with Saudi Arabia. New York: Basic Books.
29. Lisa, G. & Amy, D. (2021). The Essential Guide to Federal Employment Laws. California: Nolo.
30. Majer, C. (2021). The silent killers of productivity and profit. T+D, 65(2), 62
31. Manaschi, A. (2020). Comparative Advantage in International Trade: A Historical Perspective. Cheltenham, UK: Edwards Elgar Publishing.
32. MOSS, MICHAEL. “The extra ordinary science of addictive junk food.” The New York Time Magazine (2023).
33. Minja, D. (2020). Ethical leadership practices. KCA Journal of Business Management, 2(1): 1-14.
34. Moran. D. (2021). Climate Change and National Security: A Country-Level Analysis. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
35. Mourdoukoutas, P. (2023, JUL 16). Coca-Cola’s Real Overseas Problem–How to Tap Into Neglected Markets. URL: https://www.forbes.com/sites/panosmourdoukoutas/2013/07/16/coca-colas-real-overseas-problem-how-to-tap-into-neglected-markets/#10441e41c417
36. McGrath, Maggie. How Coca-Cola Is Fighting to Keep Its Sales From Becoming A Casualty Of The Sugar Wars. 2023. 1 March 2023 .
37. McGrath, Maggie. Coca-Cola Shares Fizzle as Outlook For ‘Volatile’ 2022 Leaves Investors Cold. 9 February 2022. 30 March 2017 URL: .
38. Meagan Priselac. Making Tomorrow Better: Coke Inspires Ing Entrepreneurs from the Middle East and North Africa. 19 July 2023. URL: .
39. Nair, R. K., Reddy, L. S., Verma, P., Pandey, R., Yuwono, S., Sin, L. G., ... & Yu, T. P. (2021). The impact of COVID 19 towards international business strategy: A study of Coca-Cola company. International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific (IJAFAP), 4(2), 73-92.
40. Panagariya, A. (2021). India: The Emerging Giant. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
41. Panigrahi, V. (2020). An Organisation Study on The Coca-cola Company (Doctoral dissertation, CMR Institute of Technology. Bangalore).
42. Pfiester, E. (2022). Boosting Small and Medium Enterprises in Saudi Arabia. Web.
43. Polonsky, M. J. (2021). An introduction to green marketing. Electronic green journal, 1(2).
44. Roderick, Leonie. Can Coca-Cola’s ‘One Brand’ marketing strategy help sales pop? 19 January 2022. .
45. Ruddar, D. & Sundharam, K. (2021). Indian Economy. New Delhi: Chand Group.
46. Safizadeh, M., Field, J., & Ritzman, L. (2023). An Empirical Analysis of Financial Services Processes with a Front Office or Back-Office Orientation. Journal of Operations Management, 21(5), 557-576.
47. Sandwick, J. (2019). The Gulf Cooperation Council: moderation and stability in an interdependent world. Michigan: Westview Press.
48. Smith, G. E. Coca-Cola: Understanding the Swot Analysis & Leading Change for Big Beverage Company.
49. Susilo, D. (2021). Revealing How Coca Cola Successfully Broke into Indonesia Market with a Coke. Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship Journal, 3(2), 118-126.
50. Sultan, K., Akram, S., Abdulhaliq, S., Jamal, D., & Saleem, R. (2019). A Strategic Approach to the Consumer Perception of Brand on the Basis of Brand Awareness and Brand Loyalty: A Comparative
51. Schmitt, J., & Lane, N. (2019). An International Comparison of Small Business Employment. Web.
52. Shachaf, P. (2018). Cultural Diversity and Information and Communication Technology Impacts on Global Virtual Teams: An Exploratory Study. Information Technology Journal, 45(2), 131-142.
53. The Coca-Cola Company. Five Strategic Actions. 27 April 2023. 30 March 2023 .
54. Trefis Team. How Coke Is Restructuring Its Way to Higher Profitability. 21 August 2023. URL: .
55. Tim Nudd. Here Are 25 Sweet, Simple Ads from Coca-Cola’s Big New ‘Taste the Feeling’ Campaign. 19 January 2023. 10 March 2023.
56. Tanke, M. (2020). Human Resources Management for the Hospitality Industry. Albany: Cengage Learning.
57. Understandingthemarketprocess. (2023, August 5). Macro Factors Affecting Coca Cola. URL: https://understandingthemarketprocess.wordpress.com/macro-factors-affecting-coca-cola-2/
58. Warner, B. (2021). Organization Change: Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
59. Weiss, W. H. (2021). Building morale, motivating, and empowering employees. Supervision, 72(9), 23.
60. Wellington, A. (2021). Health Insurance Coverage and Entrepreneurship. Journal of Contemporary Economic Policy, 19(4).
61. Wood, B. et al., 2021. Maximising the wealth few at the expense of the health of many: A public health analysis of market power and corporate wealth and income distribution in the global soft drink market - globalization and health. BioMed Central. Available at: https://globalizationandhealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12992-021-00781-6 [Accessed July 14, 2022].
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