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The customer relationship management systems (CRM systems) are evolving very dynamically, gaining more features and innovations that are designed to improve the process of analyzing the contained data and communication with the consumer at the end of the day.
The goal of this research is to find out what innovations in the sphere of customer relationship management systems have the most positive influence on business processes and if there are the ones that affect negatively on them.
The general way of data collection and analysis includes both primary and secondary data. The first stage of a primary data collection is a set of in-depth interviews with the owners or representatives of businesses in a format of free answers to the questions. The goal of this stage is to find some common theses and make conclusions based on them. The second stage of the research is quantitative: a set of questionnaires with the business owners in the format of evaluating the elements of using the customer relationship management systems from 1 to 5 and «YES» or «NO» answers. The results are analysed within SPSS.
During the process of conducting this research, the authors have identified the set of innovations that have the most positive effects on particular business processes and compared them with each other. The innovations have been divided by their efficiency in terms of different business processes.
The researchers suggest that many successful businesses are exploiting the most efficient innovations in their customer relationship management systems to ease the process of saving and analysing the data and communicating with the customers.
This research is going to help companies to apply only useful technologies and techniques and save time and money on the ones that are useless or harmful. It can be also useful to the companies that develop the third party customer relationship management systems by giving an understanding of the trends of this industry and the features that are worth implementing. Another benefit that is brought by this research is covering the gap in the scientific literature about the power of the efficiency of the customer relationship management innovations.
KEYWORDS: customer relationship management, CRM systems, innovations, business
Table of contents
Abstract 3
1. Introduction 4
1.1. Overview of the field 4
1.2. Goals of the CRM systems 4
1.3. Functions of the customer relationship management 5
1.4. Research questions and objectives 6
1.5. Relevance of the Research 8
2. Theoretical foundation 10
2.1. Preamble 10
2.2. Methods of the literature review 10
2.3. The history of CRM 11
2.4. Artificial intelligence in the customer relationship management systems 16
2.5. Cloud technologies in the customer relationship management systems 18
2.6. Deep personalization 20
2.7. Chat bots integration 21
2.8. Integration with the Internet of things 22
2.9. Mobile applications 23
2.10. Types of the customer relationship management systems 24
2.11. The development of the customer relationship management systems 25
2.12. Conclusion 27
3. Statement of the research questions 28
4. Methodology 33
4.1. Research Design 33
4.2. Data sources 33
4.3. Sample 34
4.4. Analysis methods 35
4.5. Anticipated results 39
5. Description of findings 40
5.1. Analysis results 40
5.2. Hypotheses testing and answering the research questions 46
6. Conclusion 49
6.1. Contribution of the results 50
6.2. Limitations 50
6.3. Future research 51
7. References 52
8. Appendixes 57
8.1. In-depth interview questions pattern (Russian) 57
8.2. Quantitative questionnaire example (Russian) 57
8.3. Usage of CRM graph 62
8.4. Ownage of external CRM graph 63
8.5. Popularity of innovations graph 64
8.6. Average score of each innovations graph 65
8.7. Average score for each parameter graph 65
Добрый день! Уважаемые студенты, Вашему вниманию представляется дипломная работа на тему: «Innovations in Customer Relationship Management systems and their impact on business processes»
Оригинальность работы 91%
7. References
1. A. Kudinov, M. Sorokin, E. Golysheva.CRM: Russian practice of effective business. 1C-publishing LLC, 2008
2. Amin A. Shaqrah, April 2016. Cloud CRM: State-of-the-Art and Security Challenges. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 7(4)
3. Aquino Judith, 2013, The pros and cons of crowdsourcing https://www.destinationcrm.com/Articles/Editorial/Magazine-Features/The-Pros-and-Cons-of-Crowdsourcing-87290.aspx?pageNum=2
4. Avery, Jill, and Thomas Steenburgh. "HubSpot and Motion AI: Chatbot-Enabled CRM." Harvard Business School Case 518-067, February 2018. (Revised October 2019.)
5. Axelus 9 апреля 2020 Внедрение CRM в кризис: помощь бизнесу или дохлый номер? https://habr.com/ru/users/axelus/
6. B. Daley, The History of Siebel CRM – Interactive Timeline, 17.02.2015
7. B. McCarthy, A Brief History Of Salesforce.com: 1999-2020. November 14, 2016,
8. Bamshad Mobasher, Rober Cooley, Jaideep Srivastava, Aug 1999. Automatic Personalization Based on Web Usage Mining. COMMUN ACM
9. Buchanan, B. G. 2005. A (very) brief history of artificial intelligence. AI Maga- zine 26 (4), 53.
10. Bullas Jeff, December 7, 2009 6 Ways Zappos Uses Twitter To Increase Sales https://www.jeffbullas.com/6-ways-zappos-uses-twitter-to-increase-sales/
11. Buttle, F. 2009. Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Technolo- gies. (2nd edition) Elsevier Ltd.
12. C. Conner, Lightning Strikes Twice: Pat Sullivan (ACT! SalesLogix) Shares Secrets for Entrepreneurial Success, 30.04.2014,
13. Chagas, B. N. R., Viana, J., Reinhold, O., Lobato, F., Jacob Jr., Antonio F. L., et al. Dec 2018. Current Applications of Machine Learning Techniques in CRM: A Literature Review and Practical Implications. IEEE, 452-458.
14. Chaney Paul, 2013, 5 Social CRM Tools for Small Business https://www.practicalecommerce.com/5-Social-CRM-Tools-for-Small-Business
15. CRMSwitch, A Brief History of Customer Relationship Management, 12.09.2013,
16. De Sutter, R., Matton, M., Laukens, N., Van Rijsselbergen, D. & Van de Walle, R. Aug 2011. Establishing a customer relationship management between the broadcaster and the digital user. IEEE, 185-187.
17. Dheeraj Verma, Dr. Devendra Singh Verma, 2013. Managing Customer Relationships through Mobile CRM In Organized retail outlets
18. Elfarmawi, Wouroud. «Correlation Between Customer Relationship Management System Usage, Product Innovation, And Customer Satisfaction». Foundations of Management 11, вып. 1 (1 март 2019 г.): 23–32.
19. Finstad, K. (2010). Response Interpolation and Scale Sensitivity: Evidence Against 5-Point Scales.
20. Florez-Lopez, R. & Ramon-Jeronimo, J. M. 2009. Marketing Segmentation Through Machine Learning Models. Social Science Computer Review 27 (1), 96-117.
21. Francis Arthur Buttle, Aug 2008. Customer relationship management: concepts and technologies
22. Frow, P. E. & Payne, A. F. 2009. Customer Relationship Management: A Strate- gic Perspective. Journal of business market management 3 (1), 7-27.
23. González-Serrano, Lydia, Pilar Talón-Ballestero, Sergio Muñoz-Romero, Cristina Soguero-Ruiz, и José Luis Rojo-Álvarez. «Entropic Statistical Description of Big Data Quality in Hotel Customer Relationship Management». Entropy 21, вып. 4 (19 апрель 2019 г.): 419.
24. Guo, Y. & Niu, D. Aug 2007. A Knowledge-Based Intelligent System for Power Customer Service Management. IEEE, 2925-2930.
25. Gurau, C.,Ranchh od,A.,and Hackney, R., “Customer-centric strategic planning: Integrating CRM in online business systems” 2013, Information Technology and Management, Vol. 4,No. (2–3), pp. 199–214.
26. Hermenegildo Gil-Gomez, Vicente Guerola-Navarro, Raul Oltra-Badenes & José Antonio Lozano-Quilis (2020) Customer relationship management: digital transformation and sustainable business model innovation, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja,
27. Hitka, M., Pajtinkova-Bartakova, G., Lorincova, S., Palus, H., Pinak, A., Lipoldova, M., Krahulcova, M., Slastanova, N., Gubiniova, K. & Klaric, K. (2019). Sustainability in Marketing through Customer Relationship Management in a Telecommunication Company. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 194-215.
28. Huang, Y., Chai, Y., Liu, Y. & Shen, J. 2019. Architecture of next-generation e- commerce platform. Tsinghua Science and Technology 24 (1), 18-29.
29. HW Kim, 2004. A process model for successful CRM system development. IEEE software, 2004
30. Jacoby, D., 2007. Personalisation: Transforming the Way Business Connects, The Economist Intelligence Unit, New York, NY.
31. Kanaracus Chris, APR 29, 2013 Worldwide CRM revenue grew 12.5 percent in 2012 https://www.infoworld.com/article/2613815/gartner--worldwide-crm-revenue-grew-12-5-percent-in-2012.html
32. L. Zuckerman, Arnold Neustadter Dies at 85; Orderly Mind Behind Rolodex, April 19, 1996
33. Leo A. Goodman. Snowball Sampling. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics. Vol. 32, No. 1 (Mar., 1961), pp. 148-170
34. Leung, S. (2011) A Comparison of Psychometric Properties and Normality in 4-, 5-, 6-, and 11-Point Likert Scales
35. Lin, A., and Chen, N., “Cloud computing as an innovation: Perception, attitude, and adoption”. International Journal of Information Management, 2012, Vol. 32, No. 6.
36. M. Davids, "How to Avoid the 10 Biggest Mistakes in CRM", J. Business Strategy, pp. 22-26, Nov./Dec. 1999.
37. Marolt, Marjeta, Hans-Dieter Zimmermann, Anja Žnidaršič, и Andreja Pucihar. «Exploring Social Customer Relationship Management Adoption in Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises». Marolt, Marjeta, Zimmermann, Hans-Dieter, Žnidaršič, Anja, & Pucihar, Andreja. (2020). Exploring Social Customer Relationship Management Adoption in Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research, 15(2), 38-58
38. Marta Valsecchi, Filippo Renga, Andrea Rangone, 2007. Mobile customer relationship management: an exploratory analysis of Italian applications. Business Proc. Manag. Journal
39. Moyse Ian January 26, 2015 How CRM Changed Cloud and Cloud Changed CRM https://www.business2community.com/cloud-computing/crm-changed-cloud-cloud-changed-crm-01135841
40. N. Wright, A brief history of Microsoft Dynamics, January 21 2014.
41. Oredo, J., and J. Njihia, “Challenges of Cloud Computing in Business: Towards New Organizational Competencies”, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2014, Vol.5, No.3.
42. Paolo Medagliani, Jeremie Leguay, A. Duda, O. Dupont, Jan 2014. Internet of Things Applications - From Research and Innovation to Market Deployment
43. Patalas-Maliszewska, J. i Kłos, S. (2019). The Effect of Knowledge Sharing Using Customer Relationship Management Systems in Manufacturing Companies. Tehnički vjesnik, 26 (1), 1-6.
44. S. Dolan, S. Garcia, B. Richley Managing by Values: A Corporate Guide to Living, Being Alive, and Making a living in the 21st century. 2006
45. Samir Yerpude, Tarun Kumar Singhal, April 2018. Internet of Things based Customer Relationship Management-A Research Perspective. International Journal of Engineering and Technology 7(2.7)
46. Seung Hyun Kim, Tridas Mukhopadhyay, 18 Nov 2010. Determining Optimal CRM Implementation Strategies. Information Systems ResearchVol. 22, No. 3
47. Sheshadri Chatterjee, Soumya Kanti Ghosh, Ranjan Chaudhuri, Bang Nguyen, 2019. Are CRM systems ready for AI integration?: A conceptual framework of organizational readiness for effective AI-CRM integration
48. Siam, Kayla (2017). "Coming to a Retailer near You: Consumer Privacy Protection in Retail Bankruptcies". Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal. 33: 487–521.
49. Srivastava, Jaideep. 2002. Data mining for customer relationship management (CRM). Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2336:14-27
50. Tariq, Maryam, Ahmed Jamil, Muhammad Shakil Ahmad, и T. Ramayah. «Modeling the Effectiveness of Electronic Customer Relationship Management (E-CRM) Systems: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan». Revista Gestão & Tecnologia, 14 август 2019 г., 77–100.
51. Thompson Ed, 20 June 2013, What's Hot in CRM Applications in 2013 https://www.gartner.com/en/documents/2523716/what-s-hot-in-crm-applications-in-2013
52. Tyrone W Jackson, December 2007. Personalisation and CRM. Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management 15(1)
53. Valimaka, M., 2005. Customer Relationships in Focus, Hansa Press, Germany.
54. Veronica Liljander, Pia Polsa, Kim Forsberg, 2007. Do Mobile CRM Services Appeal to Loyalty Program Customers? IJEBR
55. Weiss, A., “Computing in the clouds, networker”, 2007, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 16-25.
56. Август Сергей 23.10.2017 Цели внедрения CRM: а оно мне надо? https://salesap.ru/blog/crm-celi-i-zadachi/#А%20что%20же%20CRM%20НЕ%20может
57. Александер C.R.M. Карманный справочник / Александер, Тернер - М.: Гиппо, 2004. - 136 с.
58. Вертоградов В. Как оценить эффективность внедрения CRM-систем. Другой взгляд / Владимир Вертоградов // Коммерческий директор – 2006, №2
59. Старостина Юлия , Анна Гальчева экономисты оценили снижение реальных доходов населения из-за карантина 06 апр 2020.
60. https://rmsp.nalog.ru/statistics.html
61. https://www.rbc.ru/economics/06/04/2020/5e8732e89a79470b55b42d72
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The customer relationship management systems (CRM systems) are evolving very dynamically, gaining more features and innovations that are designed to improve the process of analyzing the contained data and communication with the consumer at the end of the day.
The goal of this research is to find out what innovations in the sphere of customer relationship management systems have the most positive influence on business processes and if there are the ones that affect negatively on them.
The general way of data collection and analysis includes both primary and secondary data. The first stage of a primary data collection is a set of in-depth interviews with the owners or representatives of businesses in a format of free answers to the questions. The goal of this stage is to find some common theses and make conclusions based on them. The second stage of the research is quantitative: a set of questionnaires with the business owners in the format of evaluating the elements of using the customer relationship management systems from 1 to 5 and «YES» or «NO» answers. The results are analysed within SPSS.
During the process of conducting this research, the authors have identified the set of innovations that have the most positive effects on particular business processes and compared them with each other. The innovations have been divided by their efficiency in terms of different business processes.
The researchers suggest that many successful businesses are exploiting the most efficient innovations in their customer relationship management systems to ease the process of saving and analysing the data and communicating with the customers.
This research is going to help companies to apply only useful technologies and techniques and save time and money on the ones that are useless or harmful. It can be also useful to the companies that develop the third party customer relationship management systems by giving an understanding of the trends of this industry and the features that are worth implementing. Another benefit that is brought by this research is covering the gap in the scientific literature about the power of the efficiency of the customer relationship management innovations.
KEYWORDS: customer relationship management, CRM systems, innovations, business
Table of contents
Abstract 3
1. Introduction 4
1.1. Overview of the field 4
1.2. Goals of the CRM systems 4
1.3. Functions of the customer relationship management 5
1.4. Research questions and objectives 6
1.5. Relevance of the Research 8
2. Theoretical foundation 10
2.1. Preamble 10
2.2. Methods of the literature review 10
2.3. The history of CRM 11
2.4. Artificial intelligence in the customer relationship management systems 16
2.5. Cloud technologies in the customer relationship management systems 18
2.6. Deep personalization 20
2.7. Chat bots integration 21
2.8. Integration with the Internet of things 22
2.9. Mobile applications 23
2.10. Types of the customer relationship management systems 24
2.11. The development of the customer relationship management systems 25
2.12. Conclusion 27
3. Statement of the research questions 28
4. Methodology 33
4.1. Research Design 33
4.2. Data sources 33
4.3. Sample 34
4.4. Analysis methods 35
4.5. Anticipated results 39
5. Description of findings 40
5.1. Analysis results 40
5.2. Hypotheses testing and answering the research questions 46
6. Conclusion 49
6.1. Contribution of the results 50
6.2. Limitations 50
6.3. Future research 51
7. References 52
8. Appendixes 57
8.1. In-depth interview questions pattern (Russian) 57
8.2. Quantitative questionnaire example (Russian) 57
8.3. Usage of CRM graph 62
8.4. Ownage of external CRM graph 63
8.5. Popularity of innovations graph 64
8.6. Average score of each innovations graph 65
8.7. Average score for each parameter graph 65
Добрый день! Уважаемые студенты, Вашему вниманию представляется дипломная работа на тему: «Innovations in Customer Relationship Management systems and their impact on business processes»
Оригинальность работы 91%
7. References
1. A. Kudinov, M. Sorokin, E. Golysheva.CRM: Russian practice of effective business. 1C-publishing LLC, 2008
2. Amin A. Shaqrah, April 2016. Cloud CRM: State-of-the-Art and Security Challenges. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 7(4)
3. Aquino Judith, 2013, The pros and cons of crowdsourcing https://www.destinationcrm.com/Articles/Editorial/Magazine-Features/The-Pros-and-Cons-of-Crowdsourcing-87290.aspx?pageNum=2
4. Avery, Jill, and Thomas Steenburgh. "HubSpot and Motion AI: Chatbot-Enabled CRM." Harvard Business School Case 518-067, February 2018. (Revised October 2019.)
5. Axelus 9 апреля 2020 Внедрение CRM в кризис: помощь бизнесу или дохлый номер? https://habr.com/ru/users/axelus/
6. B. Daley, The History of Siebel CRM – Interactive Timeline, 17.02.2015
7. B. McCarthy, A Brief History Of Salesforce.com: 1999-2020. November 14, 2016,
8. Bamshad Mobasher, Rober Cooley, Jaideep Srivastava, Aug 1999. Automatic Personalization Based on Web Usage Mining. COMMUN ACM
9. Buchanan, B. G. 2005. A (very) brief history of artificial intelligence. AI Maga- zine 26 (4), 53.
10. Bullas Jeff, December 7, 2009 6 Ways Zappos Uses Twitter To Increase Sales https://www.jeffbullas.com/6-ways-zappos-uses-twitter-to-increase-sales/
11. Buttle, F. 2009. Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Technolo- gies. (2nd edition) Elsevier Ltd.
12. C. Conner, Lightning Strikes Twice: Pat Sullivan (ACT! SalesLogix) Shares Secrets for Entrepreneurial Success, 30.04.2014,
13. Chagas, B. N. R., Viana, J., Reinhold, O., Lobato, F., Jacob Jr., Antonio F. L., et al. Dec 2018. Current Applications of Machine Learning Techniques in CRM: A Literature Review and Practical Implications. IEEE, 452-458.
14. Chaney Paul, 2013, 5 Social CRM Tools for Small Business https://www.practicalecommerce.com/5-Social-CRM-Tools-for-Small-Business
15. CRMSwitch, A Brief History of Customer Relationship Management, 12.09.2013,
16. De Sutter, R., Matton, M., Laukens, N., Van Rijsselbergen, D. & Van de Walle, R. Aug 2011. Establishing a customer relationship management between the broadcaster and the digital user. IEEE, 185-187.
17. Dheeraj Verma, Dr. Devendra Singh Verma, 2013. Managing Customer Relationships through Mobile CRM In Organized retail outlets
18. Elfarmawi, Wouroud. «Correlation Between Customer Relationship Management System Usage, Product Innovation, And Customer Satisfaction». Foundations of Management 11, вып. 1 (1 март 2019 г.): 23–32.
19. Finstad, K. (2010). Response Interpolation and Scale Sensitivity: Evidence Against 5-Point Scales.
20. Florez-Lopez, R. & Ramon-Jeronimo, J. M. 2009. Marketing Segmentation Through Machine Learning Models. Social Science Computer Review 27 (1), 96-117.
21. Francis Arthur Buttle, Aug 2008. Customer relationship management: concepts and technologies
22. Frow, P. E. & Payne, A. F. 2009. Customer Relationship Management: A Strate- gic Perspective. Journal of business market management 3 (1), 7-27.
23. González-Serrano, Lydia, Pilar Talón-Ballestero, Sergio Muñoz-Romero, Cristina Soguero-Ruiz, и José Luis Rojo-Álvarez. «Entropic Statistical Description of Big Data Quality in Hotel Customer Relationship Management». Entropy 21, вып. 4 (19 апрель 2019 г.): 419.
24. Guo, Y. & Niu, D. Aug 2007. A Knowledge-Based Intelligent System for Power Customer Service Management. IEEE, 2925-2930.
25. Gurau, C.,Ranchh od,A.,and Hackney, R., “Customer-centric strategic planning: Integrating CRM in online business systems” 2013, Information Technology and Management, Vol. 4,No. (2–3), pp. 199–214.
26. Hermenegildo Gil-Gomez, Vicente Guerola-Navarro, Raul Oltra-Badenes & José Antonio Lozano-Quilis (2020) Customer relationship management: digital transformation and sustainable business model innovation, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja,
27. Hitka, M., Pajtinkova-Bartakova, G., Lorincova, S., Palus, H., Pinak, A., Lipoldova, M., Krahulcova, M., Slastanova, N., Gubiniova, K. & Klaric, K. (2019). Sustainability in Marketing through Customer Relationship Management in a Telecommunication Company. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 194-215.
28. Huang, Y., Chai, Y., Liu, Y. & Shen, J. 2019. Architecture of next-generation e- commerce platform. Tsinghua Science and Technology 24 (1), 18-29.
29. HW Kim, 2004. A process model for successful CRM system development. IEEE software, 2004
30. Jacoby, D., 2007. Personalisation: Transforming the Way Business Connects, The Economist Intelligence Unit, New York, NY.
31. Kanaracus Chris, APR 29, 2013 Worldwide CRM revenue grew 12.5 percent in 2012 https://www.infoworld.com/article/2613815/gartner--worldwide-crm-revenue-grew-12-5-percent-in-2012.html
32. L. Zuckerman, Arnold Neustadter Dies at 85; Orderly Mind Behind Rolodex, April 19, 1996
33. Leo A. Goodman. Snowball Sampling. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics. Vol. 32, No. 1 (Mar., 1961), pp. 148-170
34. Leung, S. (2011) A Comparison of Psychometric Properties and Normality in 4-, 5-, 6-, and 11-Point Likert Scales
35. Lin, A., and Chen, N., “Cloud computing as an innovation: Perception, attitude, and adoption”. International Journal of Information Management, 2012, Vol. 32, No. 6.
36. M. Davids, "How to Avoid the 10 Biggest Mistakes in CRM", J. Business Strategy, pp. 22-26, Nov./Dec. 1999.
37. Marolt, Marjeta, Hans-Dieter Zimmermann, Anja Žnidaršič, и Andreja Pucihar. «Exploring Social Customer Relationship Management Adoption in Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises». Marolt, Marjeta, Zimmermann, Hans-Dieter, Žnidaršič, Anja, & Pucihar, Andreja. (2020). Exploring Social Customer Relationship Management Adoption in Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research, 15(2), 38-58
38. Marta Valsecchi, Filippo Renga, Andrea Rangone, 2007. Mobile customer relationship management: an exploratory analysis of Italian applications. Business Proc. Manag. Journal
39. Moyse Ian January 26, 2015 How CRM Changed Cloud and Cloud Changed CRM https://www.business2community.com/cloud-computing/crm-changed-cloud-cloud-changed-crm-01135841
40. N. Wright, A brief history of Microsoft Dynamics, January 21 2014.
41. Oredo, J., and J. Njihia, “Challenges of Cloud Computing in Business: Towards New Organizational Competencies”, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2014, Vol.5, No.3.
42. Paolo Medagliani, Jeremie Leguay, A. Duda, O. Dupont, Jan 2014. Internet of Things Applications - From Research and Innovation to Market Deployment
43. Patalas-Maliszewska, J. i Kłos, S. (2019). The Effect of Knowledge Sharing Using Customer Relationship Management Systems in Manufacturing Companies. Tehnički vjesnik, 26 (1), 1-6.
44. S. Dolan, S. Garcia, B. Richley Managing by Values: A Corporate Guide to Living, Being Alive, and Making a living in the 21st century. 2006
45. Samir Yerpude, Tarun Kumar Singhal, April 2018. Internet of Things based Customer Relationship Management-A Research Perspective. International Journal of Engineering and Technology 7(2.7)
46. Seung Hyun Kim, Tridas Mukhopadhyay, 18 Nov 2010. Determining Optimal CRM Implementation Strategies. Information Systems ResearchVol. 22, No. 3
47. Sheshadri Chatterjee, Soumya Kanti Ghosh, Ranjan Chaudhuri, Bang Nguyen, 2019. Are CRM systems ready for AI integration?: A conceptual framework of organizational readiness for effective AI-CRM integration
48. Siam, Kayla (2017). "Coming to a Retailer near You: Consumer Privacy Protection in Retail Bankruptcies". Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal. 33: 487–521.
49. Srivastava, Jaideep. 2002. Data mining for customer relationship management (CRM). Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2336:14-27
50. Tariq, Maryam, Ahmed Jamil, Muhammad Shakil Ahmad, и T. Ramayah. «Modeling the Effectiveness of Electronic Customer Relationship Management (E-CRM) Systems: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan». Revista Gestão & Tecnologia, 14 август 2019 г., 77–100.
51. Thompson Ed, 20 June 2013, What's Hot in CRM Applications in 2013 https://www.gartner.com/en/documents/2523716/what-s-hot-in-crm-applications-in-2013
52. Tyrone W Jackson, December 2007. Personalisation and CRM. Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management 15(1)
53. Valimaka, M., 2005. Customer Relationships in Focus, Hansa Press, Germany.
54. Veronica Liljander, Pia Polsa, Kim Forsberg, 2007. Do Mobile CRM Services Appeal to Loyalty Program Customers? IJEBR
55. Weiss, A., “Computing in the clouds, networker”, 2007, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 16-25.
56. Август Сергей 23.10.2017 Цели внедрения CRM: а оно мне надо? https://salesap.ru/blog/crm-celi-i-zadachi/#А%20что%20же%20CRM%20НЕ%20может
57. Александер C.R.M. Карманный справочник / Александер, Тернер - М.: Гиппо, 2004. - 136 с.
58. Вертоградов В. Как оценить эффективность внедрения CRM-систем. Другой взгляд / Владимир Вертоградов // Коммерческий директор – 2006, №2
59. Старостина Юлия , Анна Гальчева экономисты оценили снижение реальных доходов населения из-за карантина 06 апр 2020.
60. https://rmsp.nalog.ru/statistics.html
61. https://www.rbc.ru/economics/06/04/2020/5e8732e89a79470b55b42d72
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