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Master’s thesis was prepared for the journal “Journal of marketing channels” publishing by “Taylor and Francis”. Journal is indexed in Scopus and included in the “white list” of the university. This research edition is characterized in following subject areas and categories: Business, management and accounting (Marketing - Q3).
In accordance with the journal rules the structure of the article should contain the following elements and sections: title page; abstract; keywords; main text introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion; acknowledgments; declaration of interest statement; references; appendices (as appropriate); table(s) with caption(s) (on individual pages); figures; figure captions (as a list). It is possible to merge several sections into one.
There are no word limits for papers in this journal. The following article consists of 7812 words.
The publisher sets technical requirements for the article font- Times New Roman, register- 12 point, line spaces- double-line spaces, fields- at least 2,5 cm.
Personal author’s contribution for the article includes the managerial and marketing analysis of the tourism market of Armenia and the preparation of recommendations for the strategic development.
It is essential to accomplish professional marketing performance for tourism development. In accordance with the desire to develop Armenian tourism, it is necessary to establish an intensive and coherent use of new technologies, including the most modern platforms. The purpose of the paper is to form recommendations for effective promotion of Armenian tourism brand in a digital environment among Russian-speaking tourists.
Various management and marketing research methods were used to study different target groups, which helped to form a semantic core that will help to effectively promote the products and their websites and break ahead in competition.
During the research Armenian top professionals of the tourism industry were questioned concerning Russian speaking tourists, their preferences and needs, how their company is promoting their product in the digital environment and which channels they think are more effective.
The paper shows that a complex and systematic approach will elevate Armenia’s tourism competitiveness abroad and in the region.
Key words: search engine optimization, place branding, marketing analysis, Armenia branding
Materials and methods
In the current research we have used a package of marketing analysis as well as management analysis with systematic approach, quantitative, correlation and regression analysis to reveal the target audience, their needs and furtherly to analyze and forecast their actions. The full research framework is presented in table 2.
Quantitative analysis
The first phase of our work includes a quantitative study which is carried out by a survey questionnaire. It aims to facilitate the investigation of Russian speaking tourists’ characteristics, preferences, target groups and other aspects to feel the gap of lack of statistics in travel agencies. (See appendices from 1 to 12)
16 questions in total have been included in the questionnaire. It has been sent to the key professionals of the tourism industry in Armenia, who work with Russian market. Total 43 respondents have filled the questionnaire, 33 female and 10 male respondents. Mostly the 55.8% has from 1-5 year experience, 27.9% 6-10 year and 16.3% which is 7 respondents have 10+ year experience in the tourism industry.
Received data show that mostly tourists aged 35-55 arrive in Armenia from Russia (39 respondents have chosen this group), as well as families with kids (according to the opinion of 20 responders).
According to the respondents, the high season months are from May to September or October. A large percentage is noticeable also in January.
Senior citizens often travel in May, August, September and October.
Добрый день! Уважаемые студенты, Вашему вниманию представляется дипломная работа на тему: «Management of the Digital Tourist Brand of the Republic of Armenia »
Оригинальность работы 78%
1. Asseraf Yoel, Shoham Aviv. (2016) Destination branding: The role of consumer affinity
2. Camilleri, M. A. (2018). Understanding Customer Needs and Wants. In Travel Marketing, Tourism Economics and the Airline Product (Chapter 2, pp. 29-50).
3. Dou Wenyu, Lim Kai H., Su Chenting, Zhou Nan & Cui Nan. (2010) Brand positioning strategy using search engine marketing
4. Evan Cleave, Godwin Arku, Richard Sadler and Emmanuel Kyeremeh. (2016) Place Marketing, Place Branding, and Social Media: Perspectives of Municipal Practitioners
5. Haybatollahi Mohammad. (2017) Hierarchical linear regression and interaction effects
6. Haybatollahi Mohammad. (2017) Logistic regression, correlation and OLS regression
7. Henar Maria, Salas-Olmedo. (2018) Tourist’s digital footprint in cities: Comparing big data sources.
8. Lancaster G. and Massingham, L. (1988) Essentials of Marketing. Maidenhead, Berkshire, England. McGraw-Hill.
9. Mugo Mary & Mwencha Peter Misiani. (2017) Applying Anholt’s National Branding Model: The Case of Kenya.
10. Nunkoo Robin. (2018, July 29) Handbook of research methods for tourism and hospitality management
11. Santhosh R. and Suhail I. S. (2018) A Survey on Search Engine Optimization and Google’s Search Engine Algorithms
12. Simon Anholt. (2005). Place Branding 1744–070X Vol. 1, 2, 116–121
13. Smith W. R. (1956). Product differentiation and market segmentation as alternative marketing strategies. Journal of Marketing. (Vol. 21, Issue 1, July). P3-8.
14. Syed Sardar Muhammad1 & Bidit Lal Dey & Vishanth Weerakkody. (2018) Analysis of Factors that Influence Customers’ Willingness to Leave Big Data Digital Footprints on Social Media
15. Tapan Panda. (2013) Search Engine Marketing: Does the Knowledge Discovery Process Help Online Retailers?
16. Todd Bringman, Stephen Cunnings. (2018) Who built Maslow’s pyramid? A history of the creation of management studies’ most famous symbol and its implication for management education
17. Trunfio Mariapina. (2018) Engaging destination stakeholders in the digital era: the best practice of italian regional dmos
18. Yuan Fong-Ching, Lee Chao-Hui. (2019) Intelligent sales volume forecasting using Google search engine data
19. Amanda Proença Santos & Rodolfo Contreras (2017, April 06). The world's first Christian country? Retrieved from: http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/20170330-the-worlds-first-christian-country
20. Barnard Bennett. (2017, September) Why you should optimize your website content. Retrieved from: http://slideplayer.com/slide/10698282/
21. Basit Tehmina. (2003, August) Manual or electronic? The role of coding in qualitative data analysis. Retrieved from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/32116575_Manual_or_electronic_The_role_of_coding_in_qualitative_data_analysis
22. Chahar Ravi. (2016, September 6) Improve Domain Authority Using These Mind Striking Methods. Retrieved from: https://www.blogginglove.com/improve-domain-authority/
23. Dodd G. David. (2018) What Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs teaches us about customer experience. Retrieved from: https://www.mycustomer.com/experience/loyalty/what-maslows-hierarchy-of-needs-teaches-us-about-customer-experience
24. Dr. Max. (2019, September) Статистика поисковых систем 2019 года. Retrieved from: https://drmax.su/statistika-poiskovyh-sistem-2019.html
25. Emet Gurel. (2017, August) SWOT analysis: A theoretical review. Retrieved from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319367788_SWOT_ANALYSIS_A_THEORETICAL_REVIEW
26. Hanlon Annmarie. (2020, April 10) How to use Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) to develop marketing strategies. Retrieved https://www.smartinsights.com/digital-marketing-strategy/customer-segmentation-targeting/segmentation-targeting-and-positioning/
27. Luo Amy. (2019, October 31) What is content analysis and how can you use it in your research? Retrieved from: https://www.scribbr.com/methodology/content-analysis/
28. Marketing theories- Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (2019) Retrieved from: https://www.professionalacademy.com/blogs-and-advice/marketing-theories-maslows-hierarchy-of-needs
29. Patel Nell. (2020) SEO made simple: A step-by-step guide for 2020. Retrieved from: https://neilpatel.com/what-is-seo/
30. Sputnik-Georgia. (2014, August 14) Национальный бренд Армении будет представлен до конца года. Retrieved from: https://sputnik-georgia.ru/caucasus/20140814/216875979.html?fbclid=IwAR2Cn8r338B7H-9ZftF-M6CK7puhalu1NkofdKJQEypRMPnQImDYPsKdSco
31. Dudovskiy John. (2018, January) Regression analysis. Retrieved from: https://research-methodology.net/research-methods/quantitative-research/regression-analysis/
32. Höfer, T., Przyrembel, H., & Verleger, S. (2004) Quantitative Research Methods: Regression and Correlation. Retrieved from: https://guides.library.duq.edu/c.php?g=844215&p=6035786
33. Zlatin George. (2019). Differences between on-page and off-page SEO. Retrieved from: http://www.digitalthirdcoast.net/blog/on-page-off-page-seo-difference
34. Дементий Дмитрий. (2019б May 19) Что такое семантическое ядро и как его составлять. Retrieved from: https://texterra.ru/blog/kak-sostavit-semanticheskoe-yadro-esli-vy-ne-seoshnik-i-ne-khotite-im-byt.html
35. Светуньков Иван. (2019, October 18) О том, как оценить адекватность прогнозных интервалов. Retrieved from: https://forecasting.svetunkov.ru/2019/10/18/o-tom-kak-ocenit-adekvatnost-prognoznyh-intervalov/
36. Семина А. А. (2019) Технология управленческого анализа с использованием системного подхода. Retrieved from: https://moluch.ru/archive/241/55730/
37. Сурмин Ю. П. (2003) Теория систем и системный анализ. Retrieved from: http://victor-safronov.ru/systems-analysis/lectures/surmin/43.html
38. Серова Е. Г., Воробьев П. Ф., Файнштейн Е. М. Количественная модель SWOT-анализа и ее применение в стратегическом менеджменте: на примере сетевого ресторанного бизнеса. Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия 8. Менеджмент. 2019. Т. 18. № 4. С. 531-562
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Master’s thesis was prepared for the journal “Journal of marketing channels” publishing by “Taylor and Francis”. Journal is indexed in Scopus and included in the “white list” of the university. This research edition is characterized in following subject areas and categories: Business, management and accounting (Marketing - Q3).
In accordance with the journal rules the structure of the article should contain the following elements and sections: title page; abstract; keywords; main text introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion; acknowledgments; declaration of interest statement; references; appendices (as appropriate); table(s) with caption(s) (on individual pages); figures; figure captions (as a list). It is possible to merge several sections into one.
There are no word limits for papers in this journal. The following article consists of 7812 words.
The publisher sets technical requirements for the article font- Times New Roman, register- 12 point, line spaces- double-line spaces, fields- at least 2,5 cm.
Personal author’s contribution for the article includes the managerial and marketing analysis of the tourism market of Armenia and the preparation of recommendations for the strategic development.
It is essential to accomplish professional marketing performance for tourism development. In accordance with the desire to develop Armenian tourism, it is necessary to establish an intensive and coherent use of new technologies, including the most modern platforms. The purpose of the paper is to form recommendations for effective promotion of Armenian tourism brand in a digital environment among Russian-speaking tourists.
Various management and marketing research methods were used to study different target groups, which helped to form a semantic core that will help to effectively promote the products and their websites and break ahead in competition.
During the research Armenian top professionals of the tourism industry were questioned concerning Russian speaking tourists, their preferences and needs, how their company is promoting their product in the digital environment and which channels they think are more effective.
The paper shows that a complex and systematic approach will elevate Armenia’s tourism competitiveness abroad and in the region.
Key words: search engine optimization, place branding, marketing analysis, Armenia branding
Materials and methods
In the current research we have used a package of marketing analysis as well as management analysis with systematic approach, quantitative, correlation and regression analysis to reveal the target audience, their needs and furtherly to analyze and forecast their actions. The full research framework is presented in table 2.
Quantitative analysis
The first phase of our work includes a quantitative study which is carried out by a survey questionnaire. It aims to facilitate the investigation of Russian speaking tourists’ characteristics, preferences, target groups and other aspects to feel the gap of lack of statistics in travel agencies. (See appendices from 1 to 12)
16 questions in total have been included in the questionnaire. It has been sent to the key professionals of the tourism industry in Armenia, who work with Russian market. Total 43 respondents have filled the questionnaire, 33 female and 10 male respondents. Mostly the 55.8% has from 1-5 year experience, 27.9% 6-10 year and 16.3% which is 7 respondents have 10+ year experience in the tourism industry.
Received data show that mostly tourists aged 35-55 arrive in Armenia from Russia (39 respondents have chosen this group), as well as families with kids (according to the opinion of 20 responders).
According to the respondents, the high season months are from May to September or October. A large percentage is noticeable also in January.
Senior citizens often travel in May, August, September and October.
Добрый день! Уважаемые студенты, Вашему вниманию представляется дипломная работа на тему: «Management of the Digital Tourist Brand of the Republic of Armenia »
Оригинальность работы 78%
1. Asseraf Yoel, Shoham Aviv. (2016) Destination branding: The role of consumer affinity
2. Camilleri, M. A. (2018). Understanding Customer Needs and Wants. In Travel Marketing, Tourism Economics and the Airline Product (Chapter 2, pp. 29-50).
3. Dou Wenyu, Lim Kai H., Su Chenting, Zhou Nan & Cui Nan. (2010) Brand positioning strategy using search engine marketing
4. Evan Cleave, Godwin Arku, Richard Sadler and Emmanuel Kyeremeh. (2016) Place Marketing, Place Branding, and Social Media: Perspectives of Municipal Practitioners
5. Haybatollahi Mohammad. (2017) Hierarchical linear regression and interaction effects
6. Haybatollahi Mohammad. (2017) Logistic regression, correlation and OLS regression
7. Henar Maria, Salas-Olmedo. (2018) Tourist’s digital footprint in cities: Comparing big data sources.
8. Lancaster G. and Massingham, L. (1988) Essentials of Marketing. Maidenhead, Berkshire, England. McGraw-Hill.
9. Mugo Mary & Mwencha Peter Misiani. (2017) Applying Anholt’s National Branding Model: The Case of Kenya.
10. Nunkoo Robin. (2018, July 29) Handbook of research methods for tourism and hospitality management
11. Santhosh R. and Suhail I. S. (2018) A Survey on Search Engine Optimization and Google’s Search Engine Algorithms
12. Simon Anholt. (2005). Place Branding 1744–070X Vol. 1, 2, 116–121
13. Smith W. R. (1956). Product differentiation and market segmentation as alternative marketing strategies. Journal of Marketing. (Vol. 21, Issue 1, July). P3-8.
14. Syed Sardar Muhammad1 & Bidit Lal Dey & Vishanth Weerakkody. (2018) Analysis of Factors that Influence Customers’ Willingness to Leave Big Data Digital Footprints on Social Media
15. Tapan Panda. (2013) Search Engine Marketing: Does the Knowledge Discovery Process Help Online Retailers?
16. Todd Bringman, Stephen Cunnings. (2018) Who built Maslow’s pyramid? A history of the creation of management studies’ most famous symbol and its implication for management education
17. Trunfio Mariapina. (2018) Engaging destination stakeholders in the digital era: the best practice of italian regional dmos
18. Yuan Fong-Ching, Lee Chao-Hui. (2019) Intelligent sales volume forecasting using Google search engine data
19. Amanda Proença Santos & Rodolfo Contreras (2017, April 06). The world's first Christian country? Retrieved from: http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/20170330-the-worlds-first-christian-country
20. Barnard Bennett. (2017, September) Why you should optimize your website content. Retrieved from: http://slideplayer.com/slide/10698282/
21. Basit Tehmina. (2003, August) Manual or electronic? The role of coding in qualitative data analysis. Retrieved from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/32116575_Manual_or_electronic_The_role_of_coding_in_qualitative_data_analysis
22. Chahar Ravi. (2016, September 6) Improve Domain Authority Using These Mind Striking Methods. Retrieved from: https://www.blogginglove.com/improve-domain-authority/
23. Dodd G. David. (2018) What Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs teaches us about customer experience. Retrieved from: https://www.mycustomer.com/experience/loyalty/what-maslows-hierarchy-of-needs-teaches-us-about-customer-experience
24. Dr. Max. (2019, September) Статистика поисковых систем 2019 года. Retrieved from: https://drmax.su/statistika-poiskovyh-sistem-2019.html
25. Emet Gurel. (2017, August) SWOT analysis: A theoretical review. Retrieved from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319367788_SWOT_ANALYSIS_A_THEORETICAL_REVIEW
26. Hanlon Annmarie. (2020, April 10) How to use Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) to develop marketing strategies. Retrieved https://www.smartinsights.com/digital-marketing-strategy/customer-segmentation-targeting/segmentation-targeting-and-positioning/
27. Luo Amy. (2019, October 31) What is content analysis and how can you use it in your research? Retrieved from: https://www.scribbr.com/methodology/content-analysis/
28. Marketing theories- Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (2019) Retrieved from: https://www.professionalacademy.com/blogs-and-advice/marketing-theories-maslows-hierarchy-of-needs
29. Patel Nell. (2020) SEO made simple: A step-by-step guide for 2020. Retrieved from: https://neilpatel.com/what-is-seo/
30. Sputnik-Georgia. (2014, August 14) Национальный бренд Армении будет представлен до конца года. Retrieved from: https://sputnik-georgia.ru/caucasus/20140814/216875979.html?fbclid=IwAR2Cn8r338B7H-9ZftF-M6CK7puhalu1NkofdKJQEypRMPnQImDYPsKdSco
31. Dudovskiy John. (2018, January) Regression analysis. Retrieved from: https://research-methodology.net/research-methods/quantitative-research/regression-analysis/
32. Höfer, T., Przyrembel, H., & Verleger, S. (2004) Quantitative Research Methods: Regression and Correlation. Retrieved from: https://guides.library.duq.edu/c.php?g=844215&p=6035786
33. Zlatin George. (2019). Differences between on-page and off-page SEO. Retrieved from: http://www.digitalthirdcoast.net/blog/on-page-off-page-seo-difference
34. Дементий Дмитрий. (2019б May 19) Что такое семантическое ядро и как его составлять. Retrieved from: https://texterra.ru/blog/kak-sostavit-semanticheskoe-yadro-esli-vy-ne-seoshnik-i-ne-khotite-im-byt.html
35. Светуньков Иван. (2019, October 18) О том, как оценить адекватность прогнозных интервалов. Retrieved from: https://forecasting.svetunkov.ru/2019/10/18/o-tom-kak-ocenit-adekvatnost-prognoznyh-intervalov/
36. Семина А. А. (2019) Технология управленческого анализа с использованием системного подхода. Retrieved from: https://moluch.ru/archive/241/55730/
37. Сурмин Ю. П. (2003) Теория систем и системный анализ. Retrieved from: http://victor-safronov.ru/systems-analysis/lectures/surmin/43.html
38. Серова Е. Г., Воробьев П. Ф., Файнштейн Е. М. Количественная модель SWOT-анализа и ее применение в стратегическом менеджменте: на примере сетевого ресторанного бизнеса. Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия 8. Менеджмент. 2019. Т. 18. № 4. С. 531-562
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