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Использование коммуникативных методов в преподавании английской грамматики на материале Cambridge Oxford University Press Macmillan Longman

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Фрагменты работ


2.1. Communicative method in our country and abroad 11
2.2. Broadenings students' communicative competence in English Language Teaching 27
2.3. Communicative games In English Language Teaching 32
3.1. Upper-Intermediate level (Inside Out. Upper-Intermediate. / – Macmillan; New Cutting Edge. Upper-Intermediate./ Longman) 50

2.1. Communicative method in our country and abroad

The communicative approach makes sure that the interactions which take place in the classroom are replications of, or necessary prerequisites for, a communicative operation. The focus changes from the accurate production of isolated utterances to the fluent selection of appropriate utterances in communication. The learner is now concerned with using language, not English usages. In order to do this, learners take on roles and interact with other learners who also have roles10. What they say is determined by the role they have, their communicative intentions and the contribution of the other learners. The range of communicative models (two, three or more people involved) will reflect the learners' needs. The role of the teacher changes, too. Instead of being the person who provides prompts that trigger utterances of a certain structure from the students, the teacher now sets up the conditions for communication to take place.

2.3. Communicative games In English Language Teaching

Modern language teaching in the UK and European countries has seen an enormous shift in the methodology in the past two decades. In have come notional/functional syllabuses, graded objective tests, and pupil-centered work in the target language.
The change in emphasis in language teaching is connected with recent second-language research. A well-known psycholinguist Stephen Krashen claimed that languages are normally acquired rather than formally learnt. Such psycholinguists as Hymes and Halliday argued for a functional view of the nature of language. The upshot of all this was to see communication as not only the end of language learning20.
It should be mentioned that the idea of changing the traditional education model of teaching has become popular not only in language teaching. Teaching different disciplines in Europe has focused on learning rather than teaching.


The first chapter shows us that the communicative method resorts to different techniques of teaching students. On the one hand, there is a part of restricted practice, and, on the other hand, there is that of free practice. When talking about restricted task, we aim at exercises (written or oral) which focus on certain language topics or grammar problems. For example, we can use a written exercise of the “fill in the blanks” type in order for the students to learn new vocabulary or new grammatical items.
At the same time, an oral exercise may have as the main target the words used in a certain communicational situation (e.g. booking a room in a hotel or taking part in an interview for a certain job or position in a company). These types of activities tend to be easier than free practice, as they limit the students’ options to certain topics.

1. Arthur, B. 1980. 'Gauging the boundaries of second language competence: a study of learner judgments.' Language learning 30:177094.
2. Bagrammova N.V. Communicative-interactive approach as method of increase of capture by a foreign language// Materials of XXXI of the All-russian scientifically-methodical conference of teachers and graduate students. – Is., 18. - p. 3-6.
3. Bell B. Teacher Development in Science Education // International Handbook for Science Education. Part Two. – N.-York: Kluver Academic Publishers, 1998. – P. 681-693.
4. Berdychiv Л.Н. A language policy and methodology of teaching of foreign languages are in the countries of Europe. The Foreign languages at school. - 2002. - №5. - p. 16-19.
5. Bimm I.L. The Personality-oriented approach is basic strategy of updating of school. The Foreign languages at school. - 2001. - №2. - p. 58-60.
6. Bress P. Which activities for which students? – MET. – 1994. V.3-2. April. – P.41–43.
7. Brumfil, C. 1984. Communicative Methodology in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press.
8. Canale, M and M. Swain. 1980. 'Theoretical Bases of Communicative Approaches to Second Language Teaching.' Applia Linguistics 1: 1—47.
9. Choice of teaching methods in middle school./ Red. Y.К.Babanskiy. - M.: Pedagogics, 1981.
10. Dummet P. Simulation and realistic tasks. – MET. – 1994. – V.3 #1 January. – P.41–44.
11. Fitzpatrick F. Communicating without the course book. – 1995. - V.4 #1 January. – P.7–11.
12. Holbrook, J. Assessing student achievement for Scientific and Technological Literacy (STL) // Science Education International. – December 1999. – Vol.10. – № 4. – P. 25-30.
13. Holbrook J. Making science teaching relevant // Chemical Education International. – 2005. – Vol. 6. – № 1. – P. 1-12.
14. Holbrook J. Operationalising Scientific and Technological Literacy – a new approach to science teaching // Science Education International. – June 1998. – Vol. 9. – No. 2. – P. 15-20.
15. Holbrook J. The Role of Science Teacher Associations in Promoting Scientific and Technological Literacy // Science Education International. – March 1996. – Vol. 7. – №1. – Р. 5-10.
16. Hutchinson, T. and Waters. 1987. English for Specific Purpose Cambridge University Press.
17. Hymes, D. 1991. On Communicative Competence. Philadelphia, Pa: University of Pennsylvania Press.
18. Communication in the modern languages classroom/By Joe Sheils. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Press, 1993.
19. Cutting Edge. Advanced. Students Book Sarah Cunningham Peter Moor with Jane Comyns Carr. – Longman, 2005.
20. Cutting Edge. Upper-Intermediate / David Albery. – Longman
21. Inside Out. Workbook Advanced. / Ceri Jones with Russell Stannard. – Macmillan.
22. Inside Out. Teacher’s Book Advanced. / Ceri Jones with Russell Stannard. – Macmillan.
23. Inside Out. Upper-Intermediate. / Helena Gomm. – Macmillan.
24. Grenfell M. Flexible learning: the teacher’s friend? – Modern English Teacher. – 1994. – Volume 3-4 October. – P.7–13.
25. Learning and teaching modern languages for communication. - Strasbourg: Council of Europe Press, 1988.
26. Milrud P., Maksimova I.Р. Modern conceptual principles of the communicative teaching to the foreign languages // Foreign languages at school - 2000 - №5. - p. 17.
27. Modern languages. - Strasbourg. Council of Europe Press, 1981.
28. Passov Е.I. Communicative method of teaching to the foreign talking. - М., 1991. - 223 p.
29. Rating Your Psychotherapist: The Search for Effective Cure. New York: Henry Holt, 1989 (Ballantine Books paperback).
30. Rules, Frames and Boundaries in Psychotherapy and Counselling. London: Karnac Books, 1998.
31. Sehlstrom P. Experimenting with student-generated materials. – MET. – 1994. – V.3-4 October. – P.31–37.
32. Take Charge of Your Emotional Life. New York: Henry Holt, 1991.
33. Tarone, E. E. 1984. Teaching Strategic Competencein the Foreign Language Classroom. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley.
34. Tarone, E., Yule, G. 1995. 'Focus on the Language Learner'. Oxford University Press.
35. Teaching communicativeness - in practice of school, edited Е.I. Passov, - М. 1985, Publ. Inlightening.
36. The Evolution of the Emotion-processing Mind: With an Introduction to Mental Darwinism. London: Karnac Books, 1996.
37. Threshold Level 1990. - Strasbourg: Council of Europe Press, 1991.
38. Unconscious Communication in Everyday Life. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 1983.
39. Wastage, 1990. - Strasbourg: Council of Europe Press, 1991.
40. Yule, G. 1986. 'Comprehensible notions'. Applied Linguistics 7: 275—83.
41. Yule, G., J. Yans, and A Tsuda. 1985. 'Investigating Aspects of the Language Learner's Confidence: an Application of Theory of Signal Detection. Language Learning 35: 473—88.

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Фрагменты работ


2.1. Communicative method in our country and abroad 11
2.2. Broadenings students' communicative competence in English Language Teaching 27
2.3. Communicative games In English Language Teaching 32
3.1. Upper-Intermediate level (Inside Out. Upper-Intermediate. / – Macmillan; New Cutting Edge. Upper-Intermediate./ Longman) 50

2.1. Communicative method in our country and abroad

The communicative approach makes sure that the interactions which take place in the classroom are replications of, or necessary prerequisites for, a communicative operation. The focus changes from the accurate production of isolated utterances to the fluent selection of appropriate utterances in communication. The learner is now concerned with using language, not English usages. In order to do this, learners take on roles and interact with other learners who also have roles10. What they say is determined by the role they have, their communicative intentions and the contribution of the other learners. The range of communicative models (two, three or more people involved) will reflect the learners' needs. The role of the teacher changes, too. Instead of being the person who provides prompts that trigger utterances of a certain structure from the students, the teacher now sets up the conditions for communication to take place.

2.3. Communicative games In English Language Teaching

Modern language teaching in the UK and European countries has seen an enormous shift in the methodology in the past two decades. In have come notional/functional syllabuses, graded objective tests, and pupil-centered work in the target language.
The change in emphasis in language teaching is connected with recent second-language research. A well-known psycholinguist Stephen Krashen claimed that languages are normally acquired rather than formally learnt. Such psycholinguists as Hymes and Halliday argued for a functional view of the nature of language. The upshot of all this was to see communication as not only the end of language learning20.
It should be mentioned that the idea of changing the traditional education model of teaching has become popular not only in language teaching. Teaching different disciplines in Europe has focused on learning rather than teaching.


The first chapter shows us that the communicative method resorts to different techniques of teaching students. On the one hand, there is a part of restricted practice, and, on the other hand, there is that of free practice. When talking about restricted task, we aim at exercises (written or oral) which focus on certain language topics or grammar problems. For example, we can use a written exercise of the “fill in the blanks” type in order for the students to learn new vocabulary or new grammatical items.
At the same time, an oral exercise may have as the main target the words used in a certain communicational situation (e.g. booking a room in a hotel or taking part in an interview for a certain job or position in a company). These types of activities tend to be easier than free practice, as they limit the students’ options to certain topics.

1. Arthur, B. 1980. 'Gauging the boundaries of second language competence: a study of learner judgments.' Language learning 30:177094.
2. Bagrammova N.V. Communicative-interactive approach as method of increase of capture by a foreign language// Materials of XXXI of the All-russian scientifically-methodical conference of teachers and graduate students. – Is., 18. - p. 3-6.
3. Bell B. Teacher Development in Science Education // International Handbook for Science Education. Part Two. – N.-York: Kluver Academic Publishers, 1998. – P. 681-693.
4. Berdychiv Л.Н. A language policy and methodology of teaching of foreign languages are in the countries of Europe. The Foreign languages at school. - 2002. - №5. - p. 16-19.
5. Bimm I.L. The Personality-oriented approach is basic strategy of updating of school. The Foreign languages at school. - 2001. - №2. - p. 58-60.
6. Bress P. Which activities for which students? – MET. – 1994. V.3-2. April. – P.41–43.
7. Brumfil, C. 1984. Communicative Methodology in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press.
8. Canale, M and M. Swain. 1980. 'Theoretical Bases of Communicative Approaches to Second Language Teaching.' Applia Linguistics 1: 1—47.
9. Choice of teaching methods in middle school./ Red. Y.К.Babanskiy. - M.: Pedagogics, 1981.
10. Dummet P. Simulation and realistic tasks. – MET. – 1994. – V.3 #1 January. – P.41–44.
11. Fitzpatrick F. Communicating without the course book. – 1995. - V.4 #1 January. – P.7–11.
12. Holbrook, J. Assessing student achievement for Scientific and Technological Literacy (STL) // Science Education International. – December 1999. – Vol.10. – № 4. – P. 25-30.
13. Holbrook J. Making science teaching relevant // Chemical Education International. – 2005. – Vol. 6. – № 1. – P. 1-12.
14. Holbrook J. Operationalising Scientific and Technological Literacy – a new approach to science teaching // Science Education International. – June 1998. – Vol. 9. – No. 2. – P. 15-20.
15. Holbrook J. The Role of Science Teacher Associations in Promoting Scientific and Technological Literacy // Science Education International. – March 1996. – Vol. 7. – №1. – Р. 5-10.
16. Hutchinson, T. and Waters. 1987. English for Specific Purpose Cambridge University Press.
17. Hymes, D. 1991. On Communicative Competence. Philadelphia, Pa: University of Pennsylvania Press.
18. Communication in the modern languages classroom/By Joe Sheils. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Press, 1993.
19. Cutting Edge. Advanced. Students Book Sarah Cunningham Peter Moor with Jane Comyns Carr. – Longman, 2005.
20. Cutting Edge. Upper-Intermediate / David Albery. – Longman
21. Inside Out. Workbook Advanced. / Ceri Jones with Russell Stannard. – Macmillan.
22. Inside Out. Teacher’s Book Advanced. / Ceri Jones with Russell Stannard. – Macmillan.
23. Inside Out. Upper-Intermediate. / Helena Gomm. – Macmillan.
24. Grenfell M. Flexible learning: the teacher’s friend? – Modern English Teacher. – 1994. – Volume 3-4 October. – P.7–13.
25. Learning and teaching modern languages for communication. - Strasbourg: Council of Europe Press, 1988.
26. Milrud P., Maksimova I.Р. Modern conceptual principles of the communicative teaching to the foreign languages // Foreign languages at school - 2000 - №5. - p. 17.
27. Modern languages. - Strasbourg. Council of Europe Press, 1981.
28. Passov Е.I. Communicative method of teaching to the foreign talking. - М., 1991. - 223 p.
29. Rating Your Psychotherapist: The Search for Effective Cure. New York: Henry Holt, 1989 (Ballantine Books paperback).
30. Rules, Frames and Boundaries in Psychotherapy and Counselling. London: Karnac Books, 1998.
31. Sehlstrom P. Experimenting with student-generated materials. – MET. – 1994. – V.3-4 October. – P.31–37.
32. Take Charge of Your Emotional Life. New York: Henry Holt, 1991.
33. Tarone, E. E. 1984. Teaching Strategic Competencein the Foreign Language Classroom. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley.
34. Tarone, E., Yule, G. 1995. 'Focus on the Language Learner'. Oxford University Press.
35. Teaching communicativeness - in practice of school, edited Е.I. Passov, - М. 1985, Publ. Inlightening.
36. The Evolution of the Emotion-processing Mind: With an Introduction to Mental Darwinism. London: Karnac Books, 1996.
37. Threshold Level 1990. - Strasbourg: Council of Europe Press, 1991.
38. Unconscious Communication in Everyday Life. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 1983.
39. Wastage, 1990. - Strasbourg: Council of Europe Press, 1991.
40. Yule, G. 1986. 'Comprehensible notions'. Applied Linguistics 7: 275—83.
41. Yule, G., J. Yans, and A Tsuda. 1985. 'Investigating Aspects of the Language Learner's Confidence: an Application of Theory of Signal Detection. Language Learning 35: 473—88.

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Работа выполнена качественно и буквально за считанные дни. Анна - настоящий талант. Человек, целиком и полностью посвятивший себя науке. Регулярно появляется онлайн, производит все необходимые доработки вплоть до защиты. И самое главное - выполняет работу с неподдельным интересом. Мне крупно повезло работать с таким профессионалом. Огромное Вам спасибо!

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Отлично выполнена работа, корректировки все вносились без задержек, всегда на связи. Рекомендую всем. Цена-качество-время написания - все на отлично!

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Елена написала хорошую первую главу, было много корректировок и все чётко выполнялось, работой довольна. Спасибо большое!)

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