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  • 70 страниц
  • 2015 год
  • 165 просмотров
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Фрагменты работ

1. Introduction
Emergence and intensive development of global networks led to cardinal changes in area of the organization and conducting commercial activity. Under influence there were also external relations between the companies and their partners, and internal structure of the companies. Together with emergence of the new directions of business the already existing essentially changed.
The most obviously these tendencies were shown in recent years. The number of users of worldwide network reached one billion people and every day this figure only increases. This factor only increases interest of businessmen of various level in a global network as to the instrument of development new tendencies of the business for the purpose of involvement of new clients, increases arrived also fixing of the positions in the market with fierce competition.
One of the directions of use of the global Internet in commercial purposes is electronic commerce. This method of conducting mutually beneficial cooperation allows to develop already available and to open new business, using modern information and communication technologies.

1.1 Purpose and research question
Project’s mission is to explore the ecommerce business and degree of penetration within Georgian population and find the precise elements which influence of ecommerce adoption in Georgia.
The following questions are examined in the project:
1. What are the main factors that drive ecommerce usage development in Georgia?
2. What is the level of correlation between the stakeholders?
To achieve the goal within the project’s scope, the research flow constructs around following criteria.
A. Categorize customers based on ecommerce readiness and its usefulness;
B. Indentify degree of confidence and trust in ecommerce area;
C. Discover IT Infrastructural and coverage issues in regions;
D. Lack of government involvement and its primary role to support industry;
E. Determine Financial Sector’s capability to facilitate and improve knowledge sharing gap

1.2 Background
E-commerce environment is broad area with a lot of interrelated units. The project aims to assess current conditions of the area in Georgia and on the basis of literature to identify major drivers which impact the development of the business as well as to explore and illustrate current issues to manage ecommerce infrastructure adequately. Assessing E-readiness of customer and explore the banking industry which facilitate to transact online.
Based on theory and extensive research the project will develop hypothesis and construct the model to determine more weighty factors which support sustainable adoption of ecommerce in Georgia.

1.3 Outline
The Research will be proceeding in the banking industry within particular bank and its Visa/MasterCard cardholders and ecommerce merchant portfolio. TBC Bank will be presented as a research source of study and following methodology.
The use of correlation and regression methods in the study reveals the presence of the relationship dynamics of factors and key indicators of e-commerce.
The purpose of the analysis is to prepare the equation line which best reflects the relationship between E-readiness, Usefulness, Trust, Infrastructure, Government involvement and Financial sector's capability.
The research will be conducted within customers who already participated in ecommerce transactions within six months. The variables will be selected based on age, gender, level of education, internet usage expertise and location. The online survey with appropriate questions will be generated and spread it out using the special channel to reach the participants. The pilot survey will be targeted to reach 10 customers and analyzing the data, the questions can be adjusted to achieve precise results.
I will obtain the authorization from TBC Bank to use its financial data related to ecommerce business as well as to explore its ecommerce merchant portfolio.
Collected data and questions will search and check my assumptions and will spread the results through out of the industry.
Revising the literature about ecommerce adoption will be conducted in order to create research hypothesis.
Following hypothesis will be tested:
H1. Positive relationship between perceived usefulness and intention to use of Ecommerce;
H2. Positive Relationship between customer trust and intention to use;
H3. The transition from the classical model customer service e-commerce will improve efficiency in the provision of banking services.
H4. High level of safety of services of electronic commerce of TBC Bank will allow to increase the level of trust of clients.


1. Introduction 3
1.1 Purpose and research question 3
1.2 Background 4
1.3 Outline 4
2. Literature Review 5
3. Theoretical bases of the organization of electronic commerce 7
4. Electronic commerce in Georgia 15
5. Research methodology 18
6. Data collection on the organization of electronic commerce in Georgia 28
7. Analysis of data of research 36
7.1 Verification of data 36
7.2 Testing of a hypothesis 41
8. Results of research 65
9. References 70

8.2 Prospects of results of research
E-commerce market in Georgia for many years will be actively developed. There are several major reasons hampering the expected rapid expansion of the industry, the removal of which would lead to a significant increase in e-commerce market. First of all, the growth prospects associated with the following factors:
1. Improving the quality of Internet connection. The full development of e-commerce often hinders the quality of communication, which in some parts is missing or of poor quality, which can not provide a good Internet connection.
2. Increased Internet audience. Lack of good communication does not allow potential customers to use the Internet in everyday life.
3. Improving the quality of services provided. Remote maintenance should ensure that the need of the consumer, not only in quantity but also in quality of services provided for the continuation of cooperation.
4. Securing e-commerce. The most common concerns of people in the use of remote banking services linked to fears of fraud and insecurity of data transmission channels. Ensuring the safety of the services provided should be the main way to attract potential customers.
5. Expanding the range of e-commerce services provided by the bank. The development of technologies leads to the emergence of new forms of e-commerce. Number of remote services provided, as well as their geography will allow a competitive environment to ensure the availability of clients-users of Internet banking services. For the introduction of new forms and technologies need to be analyzed regularly from the following perspectives:
The capacity of the market: the number of potential customers.
The number of competitors and the quality of their services. Is it possible to keep the leading position. and what share of the market may expect.
What is the cost of promotion of new services
This analysis will allow to optimize the bank's activities for the development of e-commerce services.

9. References
1. Dzholiya G., 2010. Economic aspects of modern electronic commerce. Тbilisi.
2. Gabisoniya Z., 2012 Legal regulation of electronic commerce. Тbilisi.
3. Shatirishvili J., 2011 Internet banking and systems modern myrovykh bank tekhnologia. Тbilisi
4. Gvindzhiliya M., 2010 Application information technologies in service and tourism. Тbilisi
5. Mdinaradze K., 2012 Organization of electronic commerce and prospect developments. Тbilisi
6. http://ir.tbcbank.ge
7. www.imf.org
8. http://www.geostat.ge
9. http://www.doingbusiness.org

8.2 Prospects of results of research
E-commerce market in Georgia for many years will be actively developed. There are several major reasons hampering the expected rapid expansion of the industry, the removal of which would lead to a significant increase in e-commerce market. First of all, the growth prospects associated with the following factors:
1. Improving the quality of Internet connection. The full development of e-commerce often hinders the quality of communication, which in some parts is missing or of poor quality, which can not provide a good Internet connection.
2. Increased Internet audience. Lack of good communication does not allow potential customers to use the Internet in everyday life.
3. Improving the quality of services provided. Remote maintenance should ensure that the need of the consumer, not only in quantity but also in quality of services provided for the continuation of cooperation.
4. Securing e-commerce. The most common concerns of people in the use of remote banking services linked to fears of fraud and insecurity of data transmission channels. Ensuring the safety of the services provided should be the main way to attract potential customers.
5. Expanding the range of e-commerce services provided by the bank. The development of technologies leads to the emergence of new forms of e-commerce. Number of remote services provided, as well as their geography will allow a competitive environment to ensure the availability of clients-users of Internet banking services. For the introduction of new forms and technologies need to be analyzed regularly from the following perspectives:
 The capacity of the market: the number of potential customers.
 The number of competitors and the quality of their services. Is it possible to keep the leading position. and what share of the market may expect.
 What is the cost of promotion of new services
 This analysis will allow to optimize the bank's activities for the development of e-commerce services.

9. References
1. Dzholiya G., 2010. Economic aspects of modern electronic commerce. Тbilisi.
2. Gabisoniya Z., 2012 Legal regulation of electronic commerce. Тbilisi.
3. Shatirishvili J., 2011 Internet banking and systems modern myrovykh bank tekhnologia. Тbilisi
4. Gvindzhiliya M., 2010 Application information technologies in service and tourism. Тbilisi
5. Mdinaradze K., 2012 Organization of electronic commerce and prospect developments. Тbilisi
6. http://ir.tbcbank.ge
7. www.imf.org
8. http://www.geostat.ge
9. http://www.doingbusiness.org

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Фрагменты работ

1. Introduction
Emergence and intensive development of global networks led to cardinal changes in area of the organization and conducting commercial activity. Under influence there were also external relations between the companies and their partners, and internal structure of the companies. Together with emergence of the new directions of business the already existing essentially changed.
The most obviously these tendencies were shown in recent years. The number of users of worldwide network reached one billion people and every day this figure only increases. This factor only increases interest of businessmen of various level in a global network as to the instrument of development new tendencies of the business for the purpose of involvement of new clients, increases arrived also fixing of the positions in the market with fierce competition.
One of the directions of use of the global Internet in commercial purposes is electronic commerce. This method of conducting mutually beneficial cooperation allows to develop already available and to open new business, using modern information and communication technologies.

1.1 Purpose and research question
Project’s mission is to explore the ecommerce business and degree of penetration within Georgian population and find the precise elements which influence of ecommerce adoption in Georgia.
The following questions are examined in the project:
1. What are the main factors that drive ecommerce usage development in Georgia?
2. What is the level of correlation between the stakeholders?
To achieve the goal within the project’s scope, the research flow constructs around following criteria.
A. Categorize customers based on ecommerce readiness and its usefulness;
B. Indentify degree of confidence and trust in ecommerce area;
C. Discover IT Infrastructural and coverage issues in regions;
D. Lack of government involvement and its primary role to support industry;
E. Determine Financial Sector’s capability to facilitate and improve knowledge sharing gap

1.2 Background
E-commerce environment is broad area with a lot of interrelated units. The project aims to assess current conditions of the area in Georgia and on the basis of literature to identify major drivers which impact the development of the business as well as to explore and illustrate current issues to manage ecommerce infrastructure adequately. Assessing E-readiness of customer and explore the banking industry which facilitate to transact online.
Based on theory and extensive research the project will develop hypothesis and construct the model to determine more weighty factors which support sustainable adoption of ecommerce in Georgia.

1.3 Outline
The Research will be proceeding in the banking industry within particular bank and its Visa/MasterCard cardholders and ecommerce merchant portfolio. TBC Bank will be presented as a research source of study and following methodology.
The use of correlation and regression methods in the study reveals the presence of the relationship dynamics of factors and key indicators of e-commerce.
The purpose of the analysis is to prepare the equation line which best reflects the relationship between E-readiness, Usefulness, Trust, Infrastructure, Government involvement and Financial sector's capability.
The research will be conducted within customers who already participated in ecommerce transactions within six months. The variables will be selected based on age, gender, level of education, internet usage expertise and location. The online survey with appropriate questions will be generated and spread it out using the special channel to reach the participants. The pilot survey will be targeted to reach 10 customers and analyzing the data, the questions can be adjusted to achieve precise results.
I will obtain the authorization from TBC Bank to use its financial data related to ecommerce business as well as to explore its ecommerce merchant portfolio.
Collected data and questions will search and check my assumptions and will spread the results through out of the industry.
Revising the literature about ecommerce adoption will be conducted in order to create research hypothesis.
Following hypothesis will be tested:
H1. Positive relationship between perceived usefulness and intention to use of Ecommerce;
H2. Positive Relationship between customer trust and intention to use;
H3. The transition from the classical model customer service e-commerce will improve efficiency in the provision of banking services.
H4. High level of safety of services of electronic commerce of TBC Bank will allow to increase the level of trust of clients.


1. Introduction 3
1.1 Purpose and research question 3
1.2 Background 4
1.3 Outline 4
2. Literature Review 5
3. Theoretical bases of the organization of electronic commerce 7
4. Electronic commerce in Georgia 15
5. Research methodology 18
6. Data collection on the organization of electronic commerce in Georgia 28
7. Analysis of data of research 36
7.1 Verification of data 36
7.2 Testing of a hypothesis 41
8. Results of research 65
9. References 70

8.2 Prospects of results of research
E-commerce market in Georgia for many years will be actively developed. There are several major reasons hampering the expected rapid expansion of the industry, the removal of which would lead to a significant increase in e-commerce market. First of all, the growth prospects associated with the following factors:
1. Improving the quality of Internet connection. The full development of e-commerce often hinders the quality of communication, which in some parts is missing or of poor quality, which can not provide a good Internet connection.
2. Increased Internet audience. Lack of good communication does not allow potential customers to use the Internet in everyday life.
3. Improving the quality of services provided. Remote maintenance should ensure that the need of the consumer, not only in quantity but also in quality of services provided for the continuation of cooperation.
4. Securing e-commerce. The most common concerns of people in the use of remote banking services linked to fears of fraud and insecurity of data transmission channels. Ensuring the safety of the services provided should be the main way to attract potential customers.
5. Expanding the range of e-commerce services provided by the bank. The development of technologies leads to the emergence of new forms of e-commerce. Number of remote services provided, as well as their geography will allow a competitive environment to ensure the availability of clients-users of Internet banking services. For the introduction of new forms and technologies need to be analyzed regularly from the following perspectives:
The capacity of the market: the number of potential customers.
The number of competitors and the quality of their services. Is it possible to keep the leading position. and what share of the market may expect.
What is the cost of promotion of new services
This analysis will allow to optimize the bank's activities for the development of e-commerce services.

9. References
1. Dzholiya G., 2010. Economic aspects of modern electronic commerce. Тbilisi.
2. Gabisoniya Z., 2012 Legal regulation of electronic commerce. Тbilisi.
3. Shatirishvili J., 2011 Internet banking and systems modern myrovykh bank tekhnologia. Тbilisi
4. Gvindzhiliya M., 2010 Application information technologies in service and tourism. Тbilisi
5. Mdinaradze K., 2012 Organization of electronic commerce and prospect developments. Тbilisi
6. http://ir.tbcbank.ge
7. www.imf.org
8. http://www.geostat.ge
9. http://www.doingbusiness.org

8.2 Prospects of results of research
E-commerce market in Georgia for many years will be actively developed. There are several major reasons hampering the expected rapid expansion of the industry, the removal of which would lead to a significant increase in e-commerce market. First of all, the growth prospects associated with the following factors:
1. Improving the quality of Internet connection. The full development of e-commerce often hinders the quality of communication, which in some parts is missing or of poor quality, which can not provide a good Internet connection.
2. Increased Internet audience. Lack of good communication does not allow potential customers to use the Internet in everyday life.
3. Improving the quality of services provided. Remote maintenance should ensure that the need of the consumer, not only in quantity but also in quality of services provided for the continuation of cooperation.
4. Securing e-commerce. The most common concerns of people in the use of remote banking services linked to fears of fraud and insecurity of data transmission channels. Ensuring the safety of the services provided should be the main way to attract potential customers.
5. Expanding the range of e-commerce services provided by the bank. The development of technologies leads to the emergence of new forms of e-commerce. Number of remote services provided, as well as their geography will allow a competitive environment to ensure the availability of clients-users of Internet banking services. For the introduction of new forms and technologies need to be analyzed regularly from the following perspectives:
 The capacity of the market: the number of potential customers.
 The number of competitors and the quality of their services. Is it possible to keep the leading position. and what share of the market may expect.
 What is the cost of promotion of new services
 This analysis will allow to optimize the bank's activities for the development of e-commerce services.

9. References
1. Dzholiya G., 2010. Economic aspects of modern electronic commerce. Тbilisi.
2. Gabisoniya Z., 2012 Legal regulation of electronic commerce. Тbilisi.
3. Shatirishvili J., 2011 Internet banking and systems modern myrovykh bank tekhnologia. Тbilisi
4. Gvindzhiliya M., 2010 Application information technologies in service and tourism. Тbilisi
5. Mdinaradze K., 2012 Organization of electronic commerce and prospect developments. Тbilisi
6. http://ir.tbcbank.ge
7. www.imf.org
8. http://www.geostat.ge
9. http://www.doingbusiness.org

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Отзыв Mizhgan42 об авторе EkaterinaKonstantinovna 2014-07-11
Дипломная работа

Работа выполнена качественно и буквально за считанные дни. Анна - настоящий талант. Человек, целиком и полностью посвятивший себя науке. Регулярно появляется онлайн, производит все необходимые доработки вплоть до защиты. И самое главное - выполняет работу с неподдельным интересом. Мне крупно повезло работать с таким профессионалом. Огромное Вам спасибо!

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Отзыв Алексей Михайлов об авторе EkaterinaKonstantinovna 2018-07-30
Дипломная работа


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Отзыв valkirya32 об авторе EkaterinaKonstantinovna 2017-01-22
Дипломная работа

Отлично выполнена работа, корректировки все вносились без задержек, всегда на связи. Рекомендую всем. Цена-качество-время написания - все на отлично!

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Отзыв Ирина15 об авторе EkaterinaKonstantinovna 2017-06-06
Дипломная работа

Елена написала хорошую первую главу, было много корректировок и все чётко выполнялось, работой довольна. Спасибо большое!)

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