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Numerical Components of English and German Phraseological Units as a Reflection of Language and National Mentality Interaction.

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  • 2015 год
  • 382 просмотра
  • 1 покупка
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Language is an important element of the culture of any nation, including the fact that the language reflects the culture, the history of the nation and the ideology and world view of the nation. Many units of the language can be such a mirror, but there are some language units, which by their very nature can be the better mirror of the culture, history and world view of the nation. One of these language units is a phraseological unit.
The present graduation research is based on the analysis of the phraseological units with numerical components, which defines the object and subject of the research. The object of the present research is the English and German phraseological units with numerical components. The subject is the linguistic features of the numerical components of English and German phraseological units reflecting language and national mentality interaction.
The objective of our research is to analyse how the language and culture mentality are represented in the phraseological units containing numerals.
According to the objective of this bachelor paper, we can identify the following tasks:
• to give a definition to the term “phraseological unit” and to analyse its role in the language lexical system;
• to describe the different classifications of the phraseological units in order to show the different aspects of these language units;
• to give a characteristic to the role that the numerals play in the culture and language;
• to analyse the English and German phraseological units containing numerals from the point of their frequency, structure and cultural specifics.
The topicality of the research is explained by the profound interest of the modern linguists in the linguacultural aspect of the phraseological units and the numerals taken separately. In our research we combine these two language units, because, according to our provisional hypothesis, the numerals in the phraseological units show the linguacultural specifics being closely related to the mentality of the nation.
The scientific novelty of our research is connected to the combining of the numerals and the phraseological units in the comparative analysis of the cultural features of the languages.
The methods of investigations used in this bachelor’s paper are descriptive method, the method of classification, comparative method, the method of component analysis and sampling and the statistical method.
The theoretical significance of the bachelor’s paper is based on the necessity of detailed analysis of the phraseological units containing the numerals.
The practical significance of the research is defined by the results of the study, which can help to understand the correlation between the language and the culture in this aspect.
The present bachelor paper consists of an Introduction, Chapter 1 “Linguistic analysis of phraseological units”, Chapter 2 “Phraseological Units with numerical components in modern English and German”, Conclusion, References including the list of sources which were used in our work and two Appendices. Appendix I contains the English phraseological units which were a base for our statistics for English language; and Appendix II contains the German phraseological units which were a base for our statistics for German language. The introduction represents the main tasks of the research and the methods used to achieve these tasks. Chapter 1 “Linguistic analysis of phraseological units” is a general description of the phraseological units, their classifications and role on the language. Also there is a description of the numerals in culture and language in the first chapter. Chapter 2 “Phraseological Units with numerical components in modern English and German” is an analysis of the phraseological units with the numerical components in English and German.
The material for the research was taken from the dictionaries and resource of the two languages (see: References). We analyzed 100 English phraseological units: 19 phraseological fusions, 73 phraseological unities, 8 phraseological collocations; and 100 German phraseological units: 18 phraseological fusions, 70 phraseological unities, 12 phraseological collocations with the numerical component.


1.1 The Definition of Phraseological Units and their Characteristic Features……………………………………………………..……...……...…....8
1.2 Functions of Phraseological Units…………………..…..…...…………....11
1.3 Classifications of Phraseological Units…………..……..………………...14
1.4 Interaction between Culture and Language Represented through the Phaseological Units…………………………………………….…………......18
1.5 The Symbolic Meaning of Numbers in the World Culture……..……..….21
1.5.1 Number in Mythopoetic System…………..……………..……...…...22
1.5.2 Number as a Sign of Denomination………………………...………..27
2.1 The Specifics of Use of PU with Numerical Components in the English Language……………………………………………………………..…...…...31
2.1.1 The Numeral “One” in Phraseological Units…………………….......32
2.1.2 The Numeral “Two” in Phraseological Units……………………......35
2.1.3 The Numeral “Three” in Phraseological Units…………………..…..37
2.1.4 The Numeral “Four” in Phraseological Units…………………..…....40
2.1.5 The Numeral “Five” in Phraseological Units…………………..…....42
2.1.6 The Numeral “Six” in Phraseological Units…………………..……..43
2.1.7 The Numeral “Seven” in Phraseological Units……………...……….44
2.1.8 The Numerals “Eight”, “Nine”, “Ten”, “Twelve” in Phraseological Units……………………..…………………………………………..………...45
2.2 The Specifics of Use of PU with Numerical Components in the German Language…………………………………..………..……………..………….48
2.2.1 The Numeral “Null” in Phraseological Units…………..…………....49
2.2.2 The Numeral “Eins” in Phraseological Units………..……………....50
2.2.3 The Numeral “Zwei” in Phraseological Units……..……………..…51
2.2.4 The Numeral “Drei” in Phraseological Units…………………..…...52
2.2.5 The Numerals “Vier” and “Fünf “ in Phraseological Units…......…..53
2.2.6 The Numerals “Sechs” and “Sieben “ in Phraseological Units….....54
2.2.7 The Numerals “Acht” and “Neun “ in Phraseological Units…..…...55
2.2.8 The Numeral “Zehn” and Larger Numerals in Phraseological Units……………………………………..…………………………………….57
2.3 A Comparative Analysis of English and German PU with Numerical Components……………………………..……………………………….........59
2.4 Results and Discussion……………..……………………………………..65
APPENDICES ………………………………………………………………81

In the conclusion we would like to give a brief resume of the work that has been done. According to the tasks we set in the introduction, we may sum up several points.
The first chapter of our research was dedicated mostly to the three of four problems that were formulated in our introduction. So, in the first chapter we gave a definition to the term “phraseological unit”, also we pointed out the role of the phraseological unit in languages and we described their closeness to the lexical units (words).
There are many classifications of the phraseological units, and this fact shows us the wide spectrum of possibilities to divide the phraseological units into the different groups (grammar aspect, lexical aspect, etc.).
Then we analysed the interaction between the language and culture from the point of view of a short comparison of the German and Anglo-Saxon cultures. Any language serves as a mirror to the culture of the nation. So if two nations have the different history and cultures, their languages differ, even though they have the same roots. On the other hand, when we study such languages we can find many signs of the former culture closeness. So one of the most interesting points of our work is the research of not the difference but the closeness of two languages, whose cultural codes reveal themselves as quite close in the depth.
Numerals as a part of the language exist relatively long, although they do not always stand out as a separate part of speech. Numerals differ from other parts of speech, because they convey a general idea about the number, the idea which is not loaded with additional meanings. Certain universality of numerals highlights the fact that many peoples use universal (Arabic) numbers for the numeric entry.

However, due to the use of numerals in everyday life, they are endowed with all sorts of additional meanings (including estimated values), which are closely related to the peculiarities of everyday life and culture of the people who use these numerals.
Most pronounced linguaspecific characteristic of the numerals shows itself in phraseological unit, due to the very nature of these language units, which are units of extremely clear reflection of the culture and history of the given nation. Many idioms are frozen form, thus reflecting not only the history of the people, but also the history of the language. Many phraseological units reflect different realities that by now outdated, but remain stable in combinations that are used in the figurative sense.
Our research dedicated the phraseological units with the numerical components in English and German shows that despite all the similarities of the origin, the numerals in these two languages can get very different additional meaning when they become a part of the idiom. This fact is connected with the cultural specific of the language. The statistic results of our research which are represented in the two Appendices clearly show us that frequency of the numerals in the two languages does not coincide — we see that several numerals that are rather rare for the English idioms, on the contrary, more frequent in the German ones (“eight” — “acht”). Besides, there are differences in the statistics for the most frequent numeral in the idioms (“one” for English, “zwei” for German).
This difference may represent the difference between the two mentalities. It is more distinctive for the English to concentrate upon the idea of the person, of the uniqueness (so the most frequent numeral is «one»), it is more typical for the Germans to see themselves as some unity, so the numeral “zwei” is more frequent, than the numeral “eins”. Besides, the numerals denoting the larger numbers are more frequent in the German phraseological units.
There are also similarities between the two languages, especially when we are speaking about the phraseological units which are borrowed both for English and German (for example, from Latin). In those phraseological units the numeral components get close, often the same meaning. But the similarities can also be connected to those folklore motives and mythopoetic meanings of the numerals which both languages and both cultures share from the ancient times.
Furthermore, we should point out that, though numbers themselves lack the expressiveness, they can get it in the phraseological units, and several numbers even can keep it outside the idiom (“eins in German). The numerals in the phraseological units can be connected to the ideas of secrecy, danger, beginning or end, which are obviously not derived from the concept of the number. But there are ideas that in fact are derived from the concept of number (unity, duality).
Concluding our research we must notice that we do not exhaust potentialities of the further work in this field. Future research will be able to touch the topic of comparison idioms more deeply and in other different aspects.

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Language is an important element of the culture of any nation, including the fact that the language reflects the culture, the history of the nation and the ideology and world view of the nation. Many units of the language can be such a mirror, but there are some language units, which by their very nature can be the better mirror of the culture, history and world view of the nation. One of these language units is a phraseological unit.
The present graduation research is based on the analysis of the phraseological units with numerical components, which defines the object and subject of the research. The object of the present research is the English and German phraseological units with numerical components. The subject is the linguistic features of the numerical components of English and German phraseological units reflecting language and national mentality interaction.
The objective of our research is to analyse how the language and culture mentality are represented in the phraseological units containing numerals.
According to the objective of this bachelor paper, we can identify the following tasks:
• to give a definition to the term “phraseological unit” and to analyse its role in the language lexical system;
• to describe the different classifications of the phraseological units in order to show the different aspects of these language units;
• to give a characteristic to the role that the numerals play in the culture and language;
• to analyse the English and German phraseological units containing numerals from the point of their frequency, structure and cultural specifics.
The topicality of the research is explained by the profound interest of the modern linguists in the linguacultural aspect of the phraseological units and the numerals taken separately. In our research we combine these two language units, because, according to our provisional hypothesis, the numerals in the phraseological units show the linguacultural specifics being closely related to the mentality of the nation.
The scientific novelty of our research is connected to the combining of the numerals and the phraseological units in the comparative analysis of the cultural features of the languages.
The methods of investigations used in this bachelor’s paper are descriptive method, the method of classification, comparative method, the method of component analysis and sampling and the statistical method.
The theoretical significance of the bachelor’s paper is based on the necessity of detailed analysis of the phraseological units containing the numerals.
The practical significance of the research is defined by the results of the study, which can help to understand the correlation between the language and the culture in this aspect.
The present bachelor paper consists of an Introduction, Chapter 1 “Linguistic analysis of phraseological units”, Chapter 2 “Phraseological Units with numerical components in modern English and German”, Conclusion, References including the list of sources which were used in our work and two Appendices. Appendix I contains the English phraseological units which were a base for our statistics for English language; and Appendix II contains the German phraseological units which were a base for our statistics for German language. The introduction represents the main tasks of the research and the methods used to achieve these tasks. Chapter 1 “Linguistic analysis of phraseological units” is a general description of the phraseological units, their classifications and role on the language. Also there is a description of the numerals in culture and language in the first chapter. Chapter 2 “Phraseological Units with numerical components in modern English and German” is an analysis of the phraseological units with the numerical components in English and German.
The material for the research was taken from the dictionaries and resource of the two languages (see: References). We analyzed 100 English phraseological units: 19 phraseological fusions, 73 phraseological unities, 8 phraseological collocations; and 100 German phraseological units: 18 phraseological fusions, 70 phraseological unities, 12 phraseological collocations with the numerical component.


1.1 The Definition of Phraseological Units and their Characteristic Features……………………………………………………..……...……...…....8
1.2 Functions of Phraseological Units…………………..…..…...…………....11
1.3 Classifications of Phraseological Units…………..……..………………...14
1.4 Interaction between Culture and Language Represented through the Phaseological Units…………………………………………….…………......18
1.5 The Symbolic Meaning of Numbers in the World Culture……..……..….21
1.5.1 Number in Mythopoetic System…………..……………..……...…...22
1.5.2 Number as a Sign of Denomination………………………...………..27
2.1 The Specifics of Use of PU with Numerical Components in the English Language……………………………………………………………..…...…...31
2.1.1 The Numeral “One” in Phraseological Units…………………….......32
2.1.2 The Numeral “Two” in Phraseological Units……………………......35
2.1.3 The Numeral “Three” in Phraseological Units…………………..…..37
2.1.4 The Numeral “Four” in Phraseological Units…………………..…....40
2.1.5 The Numeral “Five” in Phraseological Units…………………..…....42
2.1.6 The Numeral “Six” in Phraseological Units…………………..……..43
2.1.7 The Numeral “Seven” in Phraseological Units……………...……….44
2.1.8 The Numerals “Eight”, “Nine”, “Ten”, “Twelve” in Phraseological Units……………………..…………………………………………..………...45
2.2 The Specifics of Use of PU with Numerical Components in the German Language…………………………………..………..……………..………….48
2.2.1 The Numeral “Null” in Phraseological Units…………..…………....49
2.2.2 The Numeral “Eins” in Phraseological Units………..……………....50
2.2.3 The Numeral “Zwei” in Phraseological Units……..……………..…51
2.2.4 The Numeral “Drei” in Phraseological Units…………………..…...52
2.2.5 The Numerals “Vier” and “Fünf “ in Phraseological Units…......…..53
2.2.6 The Numerals “Sechs” and “Sieben “ in Phraseological Units….....54
2.2.7 The Numerals “Acht” and “Neun “ in Phraseological Units…..…...55
2.2.8 The Numeral “Zehn” and Larger Numerals in Phraseological Units……………………………………..…………………………………….57
2.3 A Comparative Analysis of English and German PU with Numerical Components……………………………..……………………………….........59
2.4 Results and Discussion……………..……………………………………..65
APPENDICES ………………………………………………………………81

In the conclusion we would like to give a brief resume of the work that has been done. According to the tasks we set in the introduction, we may sum up several points.
The first chapter of our research was dedicated mostly to the three of four problems that were formulated in our introduction. So, in the first chapter we gave a definition to the term “phraseological unit”, also we pointed out the role of the phraseological unit in languages and we described their closeness to the lexical units (words).
There are many classifications of the phraseological units, and this fact shows us the wide spectrum of possibilities to divide the phraseological units into the different groups (grammar aspect, lexical aspect, etc.).
Then we analysed the interaction between the language and culture from the point of view of a short comparison of the German and Anglo-Saxon cultures. Any language serves as a mirror to the culture of the nation. So if two nations have the different history and cultures, their languages differ, even though they have the same roots. On the other hand, when we study such languages we can find many signs of the former culture closeness. So one of the most interesting points of our work is the research of not the difference but the closeness of two languages, whose cultural codes reveal themselves as quite close in the depth.
Numerals as a part of the language exist relatively long, although they do not always stand out as a separate part of speech. Numerals differ from other parts of speech, because they convey a general idea about the number, the idea which is not loaded with additional meanings. Certain universality of numerals highlights the fact that many peoples use universal (Arabic) numbers for the numeric entry.

However, due to the use of numerals in everyday life, they are endowed with all sorts of additional meanings (including estimated values), which are closely related to the peculiarities of everyday life and culture of the people who use these numerals.
Most pronounced linguaspecific characteristic of the numerals shows itself in phraseological unit, due to the very nature of these language units, which are units of extremely clear reflection of the culture and history of the given nation. Many idioms are frozen form, thus reflecting not only the history of the people, but also the history of the language. Many phraseological units reflect different realities that by now outdated, but remain stable in combinations that are used in the figurative sense.
Our research dedicated the phraseological units with the numerical components in English and German shows that despite all the similarities of the origin, the numerals in these two languages can get very different additional meaning when they become a part of the idiom. This fact is connected with the cultural specific of the language. The statistic results of our research which are represented in the two Appendices clearly show us that frequency of the numerals in the two languages does not coincide — we see that several numerals that are rather rare for the English idioms, on the contrary, more frequent in the German ones (“eight” — “acht”). Besides, there are differences in the statistics for the most frequent numeral in the idioms (“one” for English, “zwei” for German).
This difference may represent the difference between the two mentalities. It is more distinctive for the English to concentrate upon the idea of the person, of the uniqueness (so the most frequent numeral is «one»), it is more typical for the Germans to see themselves as some unity, so the numeral “zwei” is more frequent, than the numeral “eins”. Besides, the numerals denoting the larger numbers are more frequent in the German phraseological units.
There are also similarities between the two languages, especially when we are speaking about the phraseological units which are borrowed both for English and German (for example, from Latin). In those phraseological units the numeral components get close, often the same meaning. But the similarities can also be connected to those folklore motives and mythopoetic meanings of the numerals which both languages and both cultures share from the ancient times.
Furthermore, we should point out that, though numbers themselves lack the expressiveness, they can get it in the phraseological units, and several numbers even can keep it outside the idiom (“eins in German). The numerals in the phraseological units can be connected to the ideas of secrecy, danger, beginning or end, which are obviously not derived from the concept of the number. But there are ideas that in fact are derived from the concept of number (unity, duality).
Concluding our research we must notice that we do not exhaust potentialities of the further work in this field. Future research will be able to touch the topic of comparison idioms more deeply and in other different aspects.

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54. Хайруллина Р. Х. Фразеологическая картина мира: от мировидения к миропониманию. — 2-е изд. // Р. Х. Хайруллина. — Уфа: изд-во БГПУ, 2008. — 300 с.
55. Холодович А. А. Уч. записки ЛГУ. Серия Филологические науки. // А. А. Холодович, 1946.— С. 15-36.
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57. Шанский Н. М. Лексика и фразеология современного русского языка. / Шанский Н. М. — М.: Учпедгиз, 1957. — 272 с.
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Принципы передачи идиом при англо-русском переводе с английского на русский

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1320 ₽
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Нарушение лексического строя речи и пути их коррекции у дошкольников с ОНР

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2800 ₽
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Часть диплома: Лингвистическая природа и стилистические функции контрастирующих единиц. И-152895.

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2800 ₽
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Семантика и синтаксис интерпретационных глаголов

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2800 ₽
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Переводческие решения проблем сохранения смыслового единства текста при переводе с английского на русский язык.

Уникальность: от 40%
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2800 ₽

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Отзыв Ольга об авторе EkaterinaKonstantinovna 2015-05-21
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Благодарю за работу! Качество и взаимодействие выше всяких похвал!

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Отзыв Альба об авторе EkaterinaKonstantinovna 2014-06-17
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Хочу поблагодарить автора за качественную работу. Все было выполнено очень быстро. И цена приятная) Еще раз спасибо Вам! Защитила на отлично!

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Отзыв .......................................... ................................... об авторе EkaterinaKonstantinovna 2017-01-10
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Отзыв ksenya7 об авторе EkaterinaKonstantinovna 2015-07-06
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Все отлично! Спасибо!

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2800 ₽
Готовая работа

Особенности сформированности предпосылок письменной речи у дошкольников с ОНР

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
2800 ₽
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Разговорный язык в студенческой среде.

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2800 ₽
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"Особенности перевода эмоциональной лексики с английского языка на русский (на материале романа Ф.С. Фитцджеральда <<Великий Гэтсби>>)".

Уникальность: от 40%
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2800 ₽
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Структурные и семантические проблемы перевода политического текста.

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2800 ₽
Готовая работа

Понятие ораторской речи: архитектоника, коммуникативные намерения, комуникативный эффект

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
2240 ₽
Готовая работа

Использование метода проектов при обучении английскому языку в школе

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
2000 ₽
Готовая работа

Особенности фонетико-фонематического недоразвития речи у старших дошкольников с ОНР III уровня.

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
2800 ₽
Готовая работа

Коррекция пространственного гнозиса у детей старшего дошкольного возраста с ОНР 2-3 уровня в условиях специально организованных занятий

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
2800 ₽
Готовая работа

Обогощение индивидуального лексикона дошкольников с общим недоразвитием речи(ОНР III уровень)

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
2800 ₽
Готовая работа

Проблема перевода русских и украинских реалий на английский язык (на материале произведений Н.В. Гоголя «Вечера на хуторе близ Диканьки» и «Тарас Буль

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
2000 ₽
Готовая работа

Особенности национальной языковой картины мира в свете переводческой практики.

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
2800 ₽