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Краткий доклад на английском о книге по лингвистике - L.Campbell "Historical linguistics"

  • 6 страниц
  • 2013 год
  • 294 просмотра
  • 0 покупок
Автор работы


150 ₽

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Фрагменты работ

L. Campbell "Historical linguistics"
The author of the book is Lyle Campbell. He is a Professor of Linguistics and the director of the Center for American Indian Languages at the University of Utah.
M. J. Mixco is Professor at the University of Utah. He is a specialist in Historical Linguistics.
Historical Linguistics is the study of the changes in the language. We may say that it is the major field in linguistics. This book can provide the thorough study for both – beginners and scholars who are not specialized in the sphere of linguistics.
The glossary gives a wide range of the examples with the full explanation. This book will be very useful for those who want to understand the historical linguistic terminology and concepts. There are many cross – references to related terms. In the book we can find new and traditional terminology. To understand the definition better you can read the examples to the term.

L. Campbell "Historical linguistics"
The author of the book is Lyle Campbell. He is a Professor of Linguistics and the director of the Center for American Indian Languages at the University of Utah.
M. J. Mixco is Professor at the University of Utah. He is a specialist in Historical Linguistics.
Historical Linguistics is the study of the changes in the language. We may say that it is the major field in linguistics. This book can provide the thorough study for both – beginners and scholars who are not specialized in the sphere of linguistics.
The glossary gives a wide range of the examples with the full explanation. This book will be very useful for those who want to understand the historical linguistic terminology and concepts. There are many cross – references to related terms. In the book we can find new and traditional terminology. To understand the definition better you can read the examples to the term.

Краткий доклад на английском о книге по лингвистике - L.Campbell "Historical linguistics"

L. Campbell "Historical linguistics"
The author of the book is Lyle Campbell. He is a Professor of Linguistics and the director of the Center for American Indian Languages at the University of Utah.
M. J. Mixco is Professor at the University of Utah. He is a specialist in Historical Linguistics.
Historical Linguistics is the study of the changes in the language. We may say that it is the major field in linguistics. This book can provide the thorough study for both – beginners and scholars who are not specialized in the sphere of linguistics.
The glossary gives a wide range of the examples with the full explanation. This book will be very useful for those who want to understand the historical linguistic terminology and concepts. There are many cross – references to related terms. In the book we can find new and traditional terminology. To understand the definition better you can read the examples to the term.

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Фрагменты работ

L. Campbell "Historical linguistics"
The author of the book is Lyle Campbell. He is a Professor of Linguistics and the director of the Center for American Indian Languages at the University of Utah.
M. J. Mixco is Professor at the University of Utah. He is a specialist in Historical Linguistics.
Historical Linguistics is the study of the changes in the language. We may say that it is the major field in linguistics. This book can provide the thorough study for both – beginners and scholars who are not specialized in the sphere of linguistics.
The glossary gives a wide range of the examples with the full explanation. This book will be very useful for those who want to understand the historical linguistic terminology and concepts. There are many cross – references to related terms. In the book we can find new and traditional terminology. To understand the definition better you can read the examples to the term.

L. Campbell "Historical linguistics"
The author of the book is Lyle Campbell. He is a Professor of Linguistics and the director of the Center for American Indian Languages at the University of Utah.
M. J. Mixco is Professor at the University of Utah. He is a specialist in Historical Linguistics.
Historical Linguistics is the study of the changes in the language. We may say that it is the major field in linguistics. This book can provide the thorough study for both – beginners and scholars who are not specialized in the sphere of linguistics.
The glossary gives a wide range of the examples with the full explanation. This book will be very useful for those who want to understand the historical linguistic terminology and concepts. There are many cross – references to related terms. In the book we can find new and traditional terminology. To understand the definition better you can read the examples to the term.

Краткий доклад на английском о книге по лингвистике - L.Campbell "Historical linguistics"

L. Campbell "Historical linguistics"
The author of the book is Lyle Campbell. He is a Professor of Linguistics and the director of the Center for American Indian Languages at the University of Utah.
M. J. Mixco is Professor at the University of Utah. He is a specialist in Historical Linguistics.
Historical Linguistics is the study of the changes in the language. We may say that it is the major field in linguistics. This book can provide the thorough study for both – beginners and scholars who are not specialized in the sphere of linguistics.
The glossary gives a wide range of the examples with the full explanation. This book will be very useful for those who want to understand the historical linguistic terminology and concepts. There are many cross – references to related terms. In the book we can find new and traditional terminology. To understand the definition better you can read the examples to the term.

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Краткий доклад на английском о книге по лингвистике - L.Campbell "Historical linguistics"

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Отзывы студентов

Отзыв Алексей Михайлов об авторе capperfoot 2015-01-14


Общая оценка 5
Отзыв Оксана об авторе capperfoot 2016-11-10

Как всегда оперативно и очень качественно!)

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв lnu666 об авторе capperfoot 2015-02-24

огромное спасибо! Замечательная работа)

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв obnaglela об авторе capperfoot 2016-04-08

Очень понравилось работать с этим автором. Продемонстрировала высокий уровень владения языком и отличные деловые качества. Пожалуй, если будет потребность, обращусь только к ней.

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