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Аналитический анализ текста "The Escape" by William Somerset Maugham

  • 4 страниц
  • 2018 год
  • 136 просмотров
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570 ₽

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His first novels were not successful. But gradually he gained a success, he became internationally celebrated, his plays were performed all over the world. Among his famous work are “Lady Frederic”, “Moon and Sixpence”, “Ashenden”, “Cakes and Ale” and many others.

The main idea of the story is to provide the reader with a lot of thoughts in the brain about the life, the relations between a man and a woman and to make the reader think about people’s attitudes to each other. Is it normal? The Roger’s attitude? I don’t believe it’s normal. No doubt, the story is rather humorous and, for sure, it’s Maugham’s intention, yet, he wants to make us think about serious problems in our lives. Why do people treat each other in such a bad way? Let’s suppose that Roger has said everything just at the beginning? When he realized that he felt out of love with her? Of course, she was supposed to be very angry, but it was to be honest. Instead of it, he decided to mock her, to make her depart him by her own intention. For two years he was insincere with her. Surely, Ruth was not an angel and her gift helps her in her life. But it is very cruel. No matter how unhonest is one person to you, if you do the same, you become worse than he, because you do it realizing all the consequences than the latter.

The text under analysis is taken from the pen of brilliant William Somerset Maugham, an English novelist, a witty satirist of the post-colonial world and a short-story writer of the end of the nineteenth and of the twentieth centuries, whose work is characterized by a clear unadorned style and a shrewd understanding of human nature.

"THE ESCAPE" by William Somerset Maugham

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Фрагменты работ

His first novels were not successful. But gradually he gained a success, he became internationally celebrated, his plays were performed all over the world. Among his famous work are “Lady Frederic”, “Moon and Sixpence”, “Ashenden”, “Cakes and Ale” and many others.

The main idea of the story is to provide the reader with a lot of thoughts in the brain about the life, the relations between a man and a woman and to make the reader think about people’s attitudes to each other. Is it normal? The Roger’s attitude? I don’t believe it’s normal. No doubt, the story is rather humorous and, for sure, it’s Maugham’s intention, yet, he wants to make us think about serious problems in our lives. Why do people treat each other in such a bad way? Let’s suppose that Roger has said everything just at the beginning? When he realized that he felt out of love with her? Of course, she was supposed to be very angry, but it was to be honest. Instead of it, he decided to mock her, to make her depart him by her own intention. For two years he was insincere with her. Surely, Ruth was not an angel and her gift helps her in her life. But it is very cruel. No matter how unhonest is one person to you, if you do the same, you become worse than he, because you do it realizing all the consequences than the latter.

The text under analysis is taken from the pen of brilliant William Somerset Maugham, an English novelist, a witty satirist of the post-colonial world and a short-story writer of the end of the nineteenth and of the twentieth centuries, whose work is characterized by a clear unadorned style and a shrewd understanding of human nature.

"THE ESCAPE" by William Somerset Maugham

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Спасибо поставили 5!

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Отличная работа!

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Огромное спасибо, все правильно, очень аккуратно, подробно и вовремя. Всем рекомендую!)

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