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English justice is famous for its efficiency since ancient times, even the very same thing has upheld the assertion of the most important factors and principles of justice, I’m more likely to judge that I’m governed by the English and American laws and regulations.
Having originated in Great Britain, the ship system expanded to the entire British colony and scored a great development in the territory of the United States.
The English-American judicial system is a combination of more than one court, one of the highest competencies, the other is organized, the other is functional, and they are based on the principles of territorial justice The judicial system was given in the territories of Great Britain, the USA, Australia, Ireland and other major colonies. The judge who should be brought to a given system, approve one mechanism, with some courts and instances, will confine oneself to the One Supreme Court. For example, at the branch of the 1 Constitution of the USA 1787 p. voted, that “the court of the State of the Received States shall be entrusted to the One Supreme Court and these lower courts, which, at present, maybe the occasion of the re-establishment of the Congress” (Article 3).
Court systems in both countries are quite similar. Minor criminal offenses and small civil disputes are handled by special magistrate courts tasked with resolving such disputes. In the U.S., these are cases for state courts almost exclusively.
Therefore, the Anglo-American model of the judiciary is an effective mechanism for the administration of justice to ensure the administration of justice through the relevant courts. A characteristic feature of the relevant system is the absence of a cassation instance in the period of court appeal and high quality of judicial proceedings. Thus, the judiciary of the United States and the United Kingdom is a prime example of such human rights and citizen protection.
It is now worth examining directly the structure of the Anglo-American judiciary on the example of the United States and Great Britain.
1. Марченко М. Н. Законы в системе англосаксонского права / М.Н.Марченко // Вестник Московского университета. Серия 11. Право. – 1999. –№ 4. – С. 69-84.
2. Мидор Д. Д. Американские суды / Д. Д. Мидор. – Сент-Пол, Миннесота: Уэст Паблишинг Компани, 1991. – 81 с.
3. Carp R. A. Stidman R. Judicial Process in America. – Fifth Edition. – Washington, D. C.: A Division of Congressional Quarterly Inc., 2001. – P. 232-233.
4. Constitutional Reform Act of UK 2005. – URL: http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts2005/ukpga.
5. European Communities Act of United Kingdom: adopted on 17.10.1972. – URL: http://www.opsi.gov.uk/Acts/acts1972 /ukpga_19720068_en_1.
6. The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States. – URL: https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Office%20of%20Citizenship/Citizenship%20Resource%20Center%20Site/P ublications/PDFs/M-654.pdf .
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English justice is famous for its efficiency since ancient times, even the very same thing has upheld the assertion of the most important factors and principles of justice, I’m more likely to judge that I’m governed by the English and American laws and regulations.
Having originated in Great Britain, the ship system expanded to the entire British colony and scored a great development in the territory of the United States.
The English-American judicial system is a combination of more than one court, one of the highest competencies, the other is organized, the other is functional, and they are based on the principles of territorial justice The judicial system was given in the territories of Great Britain, the USA, Australia, Ireland and other major colonies. The judge who should be brought to a given system, approve one mechanism, with some courts and instances, will confine oneself to the One Supreme Court. For example, at the branch of the 1 Constitution of the USA 1787 p. voted, that “the court of the State of the Received States shall be entrusted to the One Supreme Court and these lower courts, which, at present, maybe the occasion of the re-establishment of the Congress” (Article 3).
Court systems in both countries are quite similar. Minor criminal offenses and small civil disputes are handled by special magistrate courts tasked with resolving such disputes. In the U.S., these are cases for state courts almost exclusively.
Therefore, the Anglo-American model of the judiciary is an effective mechanism for the administration of justice to ensure the administration of justice through the relevant courts. A characteristic feature of the relevant system is the absence of a cassation instance in the period of court appeal and high quality of judicial proceedings. Thus, the judiciary of the United States and the United Kingdom is a prime example of such human rights and citizen protection.
It is now worth examining directly the structure of the Anglo-American judiciary on the example of the United States and Great Britain.
1. Марченко М. Н. Законы в системе англосаксонского права / М.Н.Марченко // Вестник Московского университета. Серия 11. Право. – 1999. –№ 4. – С. 69-84.
2. Мидор Д. Д. Американские суды / Д. Д. Мидор. – Сент-Пол, Миннесота: Уэст Паблишинг Компани, 1991. – 81 с.
3. Carp R. A. Stidman R. Judicial Process in America. – Fifth Edition. – Washington, D. C.: A Division of Congressional Quarterly Inc., 2001. – P. 232-233.
4. Constitutional Reform Act of UK 2005. – URL: http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts2005/ukpga.
5. European Communities Act of United Kingdom: adopted on 17.10.1972. – URL: http://www.opsi.gov.uk/Acts/acts1972 /ukpga_19720068_en_1.
6. The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States. – URL: https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Office%20of%20Citizenship/Citizenship%20Resource%20Center%20Site/P ublications/PDFs/M-654.pdf .
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