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Контрольное задание №1
по предмету
«Английский язык»
Вариант III
Задание 1
Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий и сравнительные союзы.
1. Class “A” fires are best extinguished with water in the form of jets or sprays.
2. Sometimes dry powders are much more useful than other fire extinguishing agents.
3. After ten minutes burning in the neighbouring room the living condition in the hall got much worse .
4. The quicker foam is delivered onto a fire the more successful the extinction will be.
Задание 2
Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения, содержащие модальные глаголы. Подчеркните их.
1. Fire spread in outside fire can be increased by wind.
2. All fires may not develop through each of the stages described.
3. Upon arriving at the scene, the officer in charge has to decide whether it is safe to attempt an emergency operation.
4. All personnel participating in training at a drill site should be fully clothed in protective gear.
Задание 3
Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на особенности перевода причастия I и II.
1. It is interesting to know the organization of a fire department, including the various positions and jobs found in a fire department.
2. Firefighters are not responsible for the victim being in that situation.
3. The temperatures that develop in a burning compartment are the direct result of the energy released at the fuel burning.
4. The heat rising in the initial fire plume is transported by convection.
Задание 4
Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения в страдательном залоге.
1. The heat release rate is directly related to the amount of fuel being consumed over time.
2. Because matter and energy are conserved, any loss in mass caused by the fire is converted to energy.
3. Any problems that are noted should be reported to incident command personnel as quickly as possible.
4. The manner in which hose is arranged is a matter of department standard operating procedures.
Задание 5
Fire fighting requires skill in preventing, combating, and extinguishing fires; answering emergency calls; and operating and maintaining fire department equipment and apparatus. The work involves extensive training in fire fighting, rescue activities, hazardous materials, and emergency medical care. Although fire fighting and rescue work are the most demanding tasks, a significant portion of time is spent on inspections, training, and station duties.
To function effectively, a firefighter must have certain knowledge and
skills including:
• Know department organization, operation, and standard operating
procedures (SOPs)
• Know the district or city street system.
• Respond to fire alarms with the company, operate fire fighting equipment, lay and connect hose, maneuver nozzles and direct fire streams, raise and climb ladders, and use extinguishers and all fire fighting hand tools.
• Remove people from danger and administer first aid.
The training that new firefighters receive is one of the most important
aspects of their job. A firefighter’s training never ends. New materials and technology present challenges that never before existed.
Задание 6
VI. Просмотрите текст 2 и ответьте письменно на вопросы к нему.
1. Enumerate combustion components mentioned in text 2.
2. How can fire be characterized?
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Контрольное задание №1
по предмету
«Английский язык»
Вариант III
Задание 1
Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий и сравнительные союзы.
1. Class “A” fires are best extinguished with water in the form of jets or sprays.
2. Sometimes dry powders are much more useful than other fire extinguishing agents.
3. After ten minutes burning in the neighbouring room the living condition in the hall got much worse .
4. The quicker foam is delivered onto a fire the more successful the extinction will be.
Задание 2
Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения, содержащие модальные глаголы. Подчеркните их.
1. Fire spread in outside fire can be increased by wind.
2. All fires may not develop through each of the stages described.
3. Upon arriving at the scene, the officer in charge has to decide whether it is safe to attempt an emergency operation.
4. All personnel participating in training at a drill site should be fully clothed in protective gear.
Задание 3
Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на особенности перевода причастия I и II.
1. It is interesting to know the organization of a fire department, including the various positions and jobs found in a fire department.
2. Firefighters are not responsible for the victim being in that situation.
3. The temperatures that develop in a burning compartment are the direct result of the energy released at the fuel burning.
4. The heat rising in the initial fire plume is transported by convection.
Задание 4
Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения в страдательном залоге.
1. The heat release rate is directly related to the amount of fuel being consumed over time.
2. Because matter and energy are conserved, any loss in mass caused by the fire is converted to energy.
3. Any problems that are noted should be reported to incident command personnel as quickly as possible.
4. The manner in which hose is arranged is a matter of department standard operating procedures.
Задание 5
Fire fighting requires skill in preventing, combating, and extinguishing fires; answering emergency calls; and operating and maintaining fire department equipment and apparatus. The work involves extensive training in fire fighting, rescue activities, hazardous materials, and emergency medical care. Although fire fighting and rescue work are the most demanding tasks, a significant portion of time is spent on inspections, training, and station duties.
To function effectively, a firefighter must have certain knowledge and
skills including:
• Know department organization, operation, and standard operating
procedures (SOPs)
• Know the district or city street system.
• Respond to fire alarms with the company, operate fire fighting equipment, lay and connect hose, maneuver nozzles and direct fire streams, raise and climb ladders, and use extinguishers and all fire fighting hand tools.
• Remove people from danger and administer first aid.
The training that new firefighters receive is one of the most important
aspects of their job. A firefighter’s training never ends. New materials and technology present challenges that never before existed.
Задание 6
VI. Просмотрите текст 2 и ответьте письменно на вопросы к нему.
1. Enumerate combustion components mentioned in text 2.
2. How can fire be characterized?
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