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Development of integrated lesson scenario - games in biology and English for students of schools of linguistic

  • 27 страниц
  • 2018 год
  • 77 просмотров
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Меня зовут Юлия. Переводчик-филолог-журналист.

400 ₽

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Гарантия сервиса Автор24

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Фрагменты работ

Today, it is obvious that a new quality of education can not be obtained by solving pedagogical problems with outdated methods. New school strategies, strategies consonant with our time, new pedagogical technologies are required.
New, it's well forgotten old. The roots of the integration process lie in the distant past of classical pedagogy and are associated with the idea of interdisciplinary connections. At the heart of the idea of intersubject communications was born during search of ways of reflection of integrity of the nature in the content of educational material
The great didactician Jan Amos Komensky emphasized: "Everything that is in mutual connection should be taught in the same connection."
The idea of intersubject connections is addressed later by many teachers, developing and generalizing it.
Thus, D. Locke's idea is associated with the definition of the content of education, in which one subject should be filled with elements and facts of another. I. G. Pestalozzi on a large didactic material revealed the variety of relationships of educational subjects. He proceeded from the requirement: "Bring in your mind all essentially interconnected objects in the connection in which they are really in nature." Pestalozzi noted a special danger of separation of one subject from another. In classical pedagogy, Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky gave the most complete psychological and pedagogical justification of the didactic significance of interdisciplinary connections. He believed that " the knowledge and ideas communicated by any Sciences should be organically built into a bright and, if possible, extensive view of the world and its life."
Integration of knowledge can be one of the ways of mobility and variability of the content of education. Taking into account the age characteristics of younger students in the organization of integrated learning, it is possible to show the world in all its diversity with the involvement of different knowledge, which contributes to the emotional development of the child's personality and the formation of his creative thinking.
Integrated lesson-one of the innovations of modern methods. This technology is boldly invades unwavering school programs and associates at first glance incompatible things. English is no exception. On the contrary, at its core, the school subject "English" is integrated. It is all permeated with interdisciplinary connections and offers students knowledge of many areas of science, art, culture, as well as real everyday life.
Integration (lat.) (integratio) restore, replace,
(integrer) the whole, the Union as a whole of any parts, elements.
Integration is a Union in the whole of separate parts, deep interpenetration, merge in one educational material of the generalized knowledge in this or that area.
1.2. Goals and principles of integrated learning.
The main objectives of such training:
1.Creating optimal conditions for the development of students ' thinking in the process of teaching biology through the integration of different subjects.
2.To overcome some of the contradictions of the learning process.
3.Activation of cognitive and creative activity of students in the classroom .
The principles of integrated learning are designed to fully work towards the main goal of integrated learning - the development of students ' thinking.
Synthesized knowledge. Holistic, synthesized, systematic perception of the studied issues on a particular topic contributes to the development of breadth of thinking. Statement of the problem investigated by methods of integration, develops focus and activity of thinking.
In-depth study. A deeper insight into the topic under study contributes to the development of depth of thinking.
The relevance of the problem, or the practical significance of the problem. Mandatory implementation of the problem in some practical situation enhances the practical orientation of learning that develops critical thinking, the ability to compare theory with practice.
Alternative solution. New approaches to the known situation, non-standard ways of solving the problem, the ability to choose a solution to this problem contribute to the development of flexibility of thinking, develop originality of thinking. A comparison of the solutions developing active, critical, organized thinking. Due to the desire to carry out a reasonable choice of actions, to find the shortest way to achieve the goal, purposefulness, rationality, economy of thinking develops.
Evidence of the decision. Evidence-based problem solving develops evidence-based thinking.

1.1. The concept of "integrated lesson".
Today, it is obvious that a new quality of education can not be obtained by solving pedagogical problems with outdated methods. New school strategies, strategies consonant with our time, new pedagogical technologies are required.
New, it's well forgotten old. The roots of the integration process lie in the distant past of classical pedagogy and are associated with the idea of interdisciplinary connections. At the heart of the idea of intersubject communications was born during search of ways of reflection of integrity of the nature in the content of educational material
The great didactician Jan Amos Komensky emphasized: "Everything that is in mutual connection should be taught in the same connection."
The idea of intersubject connections is addressed later by many teachers, developing and generalizing it.
Thus, D.

1.2. Goals and principles of integrated learning.
The main objectives of such training:
1.Creating optimal conditions for the development of students ' thinking in the process of teaching biology through the integration of different subjects.
2.To overcome some of the contradictions of the learning process.
3.Activation of cognitive and creative activity of students in the classroom .
The principles of integrated learning are designed to fully work towards the main goal of integrated learning - the development of students ' thinking.
Synthesized knowledge. Holistic, synthesized, systematic perception of the studied issues on a particular topic contributes to the development of breadth of thinking. Statement of the problem investigated by methods of integration, develops focus and activity of thinking.
In-depth study. A deeper insight into the topic under study contributes to the development of depth of thinking.

1.3. Integrated lesson structure
The structure of the integrated lessons differs from the usual lessons in the following features:
* maximum clarity, compactness, compactness of educational material;
* logical interdependence of the material of the integrated subjects at each stage of the lesson;
* large informative capacity of educational material used in the lesson.
In the planning and organization of such lessons the teacher should take into consideration the following conditions:
* In the form of integrated lessons, it is advisable to conduct generalizing lessons, which will reveal the problems that are most important for two or more subjects, but an integrated lesson can be any lesson with its structure, if it involves knowledge, skills and results of the analysis of the studied material by methods of other Sciences and other academic subjects.
* In an integrated lesson of several subjects, one is the lead.

1.4.Benefits of integration in the classroom.
* The world around children is known by them in diversity and unity, and often the subjects of the school cycle, aimed at the study of individual phenomena of this unity, do not give an idea of the whole phenomenon, dividing it into disparate fragments.
* Integrated lessons develop the potential of students themselves, encourage active knowledge of the surrounding reality, to understand and find cause-and-effect relationships, to develop logic, thinking, communication skills. To a greater extent than usual, they contribute to the development of speech, the formation of the ability to compare, summarize, draw conclusions.
* The form of integrated lessons is non-standard, exciting.
* The use of different types of work supports the attention of students at a high level, which allows us to talk about the developmental effectiveness of such lessons.

1.6. Concept of the international Baccalaureate educational program.
The international Baccalaureate educational program was established in Switzerland in the late 1960s as a universal school program with a common curriculum that would allow educational institutions in one country to consider education received in another country equivalent to a national one.
With the spread of the IB Diploma program (in fact-a certificate of graduation) began to recognize the leading universities in the world. Now in the USA, Canada, Ireland, Great Britain, Belgium, France, Norway, Sweden and some other countries applicants with such certificates are admitted to universities without entrance examinations. Stipulate only passing score and assessment requirements in the certificate for a certain set of subjects. In other countries – for example, in Spain-the diploma of International Baccalaureate is recognized along with the national, but does not exempt from the entrance exams.

English teacher. yaz. Conclusion: the Kingdom of bacteria is of great importance in the biosphere, and, in particular, in human activity.
What is the importance of the study of bacteria in human practice?
In nature, bacteria are extremely widespread. They inhabit the soil, acting as destroyers of organic matter-the remains of dead animals and plants. By converting organic molecules into inorganic, bacteria clean the surface of the planet from rotting residues and return chemical elements and the biological cycle.
And in human life the role of bacteria is huge. Thus, the production of many food and technical products is impossible without the participation of various fermentation bacteria. As a result of the vital activity of bacteria, buttermilk, kefir, cheese, Mare's milk, as well as enzymes, alcohols, citric acid are obtained. Processes of fermentation of food products are also associated with bacterial activity.
There are bacteria-symbionts (from lat.

1. Бахарева, Л. Н. Интеграция учебных занятий в начальной школе на краеведческой основе/Л.Н. Бахарева // Начальная школа. - 2011. - № 8. - С.48-51.
2. Браже, Т. Г. Интеграция предметов в современной школе / Т.Г. Браже // Литература в школе. - 2011. - № 5. - С. 150-154.
3. .Ильенко, JI. П. Интегрированный эстетический курс для начальной школы (1-4, 1-3)/ Л. П. Ильенко. - М.: Аркти, 2011. - 62 с.
4. Колин, К.К. Информатика как фундаментальная наука [текст] / К.К. Колин // Информатика и образование. – 2007. – №6. – С.46-57.
5. Мельник, Э. Л. Интегрированное обучение в начальной школе: Теория и практика/Э. Л. Мельник, Л. А. Корожнева - СПб.: КАРО, 2011. - 192 с.
6. Сухаревская, Е.Ю. Технология интегрированного урока. Практическое пособие для учителей [текст] / Е.Ю. Сухаревская. – Ростов-на-Дону: РПИ, 2007. – С.165-173
7. Усова, А.В. Методические рекомендации по осуществлению межпредметных связей при формировании естественнонаучных понятий у учащихся 6 - 7 классов [текст] / А.В. Усова, Н.Н. Кузьмин. – 4-е изд. – Челябинск: ЧГПИ, 2007. – 17 с.
8. Цепкова Н.М. Интегрированное обучение как фактор формирования готовности учащихся к проявлению профессионально значимых компетенций//Вестник КГУ им. Н.А. Некрасова.- № 4, 2014. - С. 401-406
9. Naughton, D. The Natural History of Canadian Mammals.University of Toronto Press. 2012, pp. 235–38. ISBN 1442644834.
10. Minnisa S. Safina Formation of Socio-Cultural Competence in Teaching a Foreign Language// Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 136, 9 July 2014, Pages 80-83
11. https://stuklopechat.com/obrazovanie/83616-v-pomosch-uchitelyu-integrirovannyy-urok-sovety-po-provedeniyu.html
12. https://moluch.ru/conf/ped/archive/150/7921/
13. http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/node/954/poll
14. https://studopedia.su/10_45713_Integrated-lesson.html
15. https://www.coursehero.com/file/9096855/TREES-integrated-lesson-plan/

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Фрагменты работ

Today, it is obvious that a new quality of education can not be obtained by solving pedagogical problems with outdated methods. New school strategies, strategies consonant with our time, new pedagogical technologies are required.
New, it's well forgotten old. The roots of the integration process lie in the distant past of classical pedagogy and are associated with the idea of interdisciplinary connections. At the heart of the idea of intersubject communications was born during search of ways of reflection of integrity of the nature in the content of educational material
The great didactician Jan Amos Komensky emphasized: "Everything that is in mutual connection should be taught in the same connection."
The idea of intersubject connections is addressed later by many teachers, developing and generalizing it.
Thus, D. Locke's idea is associated with the definition of the content of education, in which one subject should be filled with elements and facts of another. I. G. Pestalozzi on a large didactic material revealed the variety of relationships of educational subjects. He proceeded from the requirement: "Bring in your mind all essentially interconnected objects in the connection in which they are really in nature." Pestalozzi noted a special danger of separation of one subject from another. In classical pedagogy, Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky gave the most complete psychological and pedagogical justification of the didactic significance of interdisciplinary connections. He believed that " the knowledge and ideas communicated by any Sciences should be organically built into a bright and, if possible, extensive view of the world and its life."
Integration of knowledge can be one of the ways of mobility and variability of the content of education. Taking into account the age characteristics of younger students in the organization of integrated learning, it is possible to show the world in all its diversity with the involvement of different knowledge, which contributes to the emotional development of the child's personality and the formation of his creative thinking.
Integrated lesson-one of the innovations of modern methods. This technology is boldly invades unwavering school programs and associates at first glance incompatible things. English is no exception. On the contrary, at its core, the school subject "English" is integrated. It is all permeated with interdisciplinary connections and offers students knowledge of many areas of science, art, culture, as well as real everyday life.
Integration (lat.) (integratio) restore, replace,
(integrer) the whole, the Union as a whole of any parts, elements.
Integration is a Union in the whole of separate parts, deep interpenetration, merge in one educational material of the generalized knowledge in this or that area.
1.2. Goals and principles of integrated learning.
The main objectives of such training:
1.Creating optimal conditions for the development of students ' thinking in the process of teaching biology through the integration of different subjects.
2.To overcome some of the contradictions of the learning process.
3.Activation of cognitive and creative activity of students in the classroom .
The principles of integrated learning are designed to fully work towards the main goal of integrated learning - the development of students ' thinking.
Synthesized knowledge. Holistic, synthesized, systematic perception of the studied issues on a particular topic contributes to the development of breadth of thinking. Statement of the problem investigated by methods of integration, develops focus and activity of thinking.
In-depth study. A deeper insight into the topic under study contributes to the development of depth of thinking.
The relevance of the problem, or the practical significance of the problem. Mandatory implementation of the problem in some practical situation enhances the practical orientation of learning that develops critical thinking, the ability to compare theory with practice.
Alternative solution. New approaches to the known situation, non-standard ways of solving the problem, the ability to choose a solution to this problem contribute to the development of flexibility of thinking, develop originality of thinking. A comparison of the solutions developing active, critical, organized thinking. Due to the desire to carry out a reasonable choice of actions, to find the shortest way to achieve the goal, purposefulness, rationality, economy of thinking develops.
Evidence of the decision. Evidence-based problem solving develops evidence-based thinking.

1.1. The concept of "integrated lesson".
Today, it is obvious that a new quality of education can not be obtained by solving pedagogical problems with outdated methods. New school strategies, strategies consonant with our time, new pedagogical technologies are required.
New, it's well forgotten old. The roots of the integration process lie in the distant past of classical pedagogy and are associated with the idea of interdisciplinary connections. At the heart of the idea of intersubject communications was born during search of ways of reflection of integrity of the nature in the content of educational material
The great didactician Jan Amos Komensky emphasized: "Everything that is in mutual connection should be taught in the same connection."
The idea of intersubject connections is addressed later by many teachers, developing and generalizing it.
Thus, D.

1.2. Goals and principles of integrated learning.
The main objectives of such training:
1.Creating optimal conditions for the development of students ' thinking in the process of teaching biology through the integration of different subjects.
2.To overcome some of the contradictions of the learning process.
3.Activation of cognitive and creative activity of students in the classroom .
The principles of integrated learning are designed to fully work towards the main goal of integrated learning - the development of students ' thinking.
Synthesized knowledge. Holistic, synthesized, systematic perception of the studied issues on a particular topic contributes to the development of breadth of thinking. Statement of the problem investigated by methods of integration, develops focus and activity of thinking.
In-depth study. A deeper insight into the topic under study contributes to the development of depth of thinking.

1.3. Integrated lesson structure
The structure of the integrated lessons differs from the usual lessons in the following features:
* maximum clarity, compactness, compactness of educational material;
* logical interdependence of the material of the integrated subjects at each stage of the lesson;
* large informative capacity of educational material used in the lesson.
In the planning and organization of such lessons the teacher should take into consideration the following conditions:
* In the form of integrated lessons, it is advisable to conduct generalizing lessons, which will reveal the problems that are most important for two or more subjects, but an integrated lesson can be any lesson with its structure, if it involves knowledge, skills and results of the analysis of the studied material by methods of other Sciences and other academic subjects.
* In an integrated lesson of several subjects, one is the lead.

1.4.Benefits of integration in the classroom.
* The world around children is known by them in diversity and unity, and often the subjects of the school cycle, aimed at the study of individual phenomena of this unity, do not give an idea of the whole phenomenon, dividing it into disparate fragments.
* Integrated lessons develop the potential of students themselves, encourage active knowledge of the surrounding reality, to understand and find cause-and-effect relationships, to develop logic, thinking, communication skills. To a greater extent than usual, they contribute to the development of speech, the formation of the ability to compare, summarize, draw conclusions.
* The form of integrated lessons is non-standard, exciting.
* The use of different types of work supports the attention of students at a high level, which allows us to talk about the developmental effectiveness of such lessons.

1.6. Concept of the international Baccalaureate educational program.
The international Baccalaureate educational program was established in Switzerland in the late 1960s as a universal school program with a common curriculum that would allow educational institutions in one country to consider education received in another country equivalent to a national one.
With the spread of the IB Diploma program (in fact-a certificate of graduation) began to recognize the leading universities in the world. Now in the USA, Canada, Ireland, Great Britain, Belgium, France, Norway, Sweden and some other countries applicants with such certificates are admitted to universities without entrance examinations. Stipulate only passing score and assessment requirements in the certificate for a certain set of subjects. In other countries – for example, in Spain-the diploma of International Baccalaureate is recognized along with the national, but does not exempt from the entrance exams.

English teacher. yaz. Conclusion: the Kingdom of bacteria is of great importance in the biosphere, and, in particular, in human activity.
What is the importance of the study of bacteria in human practice?
In nature, bacteria are extremely widespread. They inhabit the soil, acting as destroyers of organic matter-the remains of dead animals and plants. By converting organic molecules into inorganic, bacteria clean the surface of the planet from rotting residues and return chemical elements and the biological cycle.
And in human life the role of bacteria is huge. Thus, the production of many food and technical products is impossible without the participation of various fermentation bacteria. As a result of the vital activity of bacteria, buttermilk, kefir, cheese, Mare's milk, as well as enzymes, alcohols, citric acid are obtained. Processes of fermentation of food products are also associated with bacterial activity.
There are bacteria-symbionts (from lat.

1. Бахарева, Л. Н. Интеграция учебных занятий в начальной школе на краеведческой основе/Л.Н. Бахарева // Начальная школа. - 2011. - № 8. - С.48-51.
2. Браже, Т. Г. Интеграция предметов в современной школе / Т.Г. Браже // Литература в школе. - 2011. - № 5. - С. 150-154.
3. .Ильенко, JI. П. Интегрированный эстетический курс для начальной школы (1-4, 1-3)/ Л. П. Ильенко. - М.: Аркти, 2011. - 62 с.
4. Колин, К.К. Информатика как фундаментальная наука [текст] / К.К. Колин // Информатика и образование. – 2007. – №6. – С.46-57.
5. Мельник, Э. Л. Интегрированное обучение в начальной школе: Теория и практика/Э. Л. Мельник, Л. А. Корожнева - СПб.: КАРО, 2011. - 192 с.
6. Сухаревская, Е.Ю. Технология интегрированного урока. Практическое пособие для учителей [текст] / Е.Ю. Сухаревская. – Ростов-на-Дону: РПИ, 2007. – С.165-173
7. Усова, А.В. Методические рекомендации по осуществлению межпредметных связей при формировании естественнонаучных понятий у учащихся 6 - 7 классов [текст] / А.В. Усова, Н.Н. Кузьмин. – 4-е изд. – Челябинск: ЧГПИ, 2007. – 17 с.
8. Цепкова Н.М. Интегрированное обучение как фактор формирования готовности учащихся к проявлению профессионально значимых компетенций//Вестник КГУ им. Н.А. Некрасова.- № 4, 2014. - С. 401-406
9. Naughton, D. The Natural History of Canadian Mammals.University of Toronto Press. 2012, pp. 235–38. ISBN 1442644834.
10. Minnisa S. Safina Formation of Socio-Cultural Competence in Teaching a Foreign Language// Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 136, 9 July 2014, Pages 80-83
11. https://stuklopechat.com/obrazovanie/83616-v-pomosch-uchitelyu-integrirovannyy-urok-sovety-po-provedeniyu.html
12. https://moluch.ru/conf/ped/archive/150/7921/
13. http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/node/954/poll
14. https://studopedia.su/10_45713_Integrated-lesson.html
15. https://www.coursehero.com/file/9096855/TREES-integrated-lesson-plan/

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Development of integrated lesson scenario - games in biology and English for students of schools of linguistic

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Отзыв AuroraFlante об авторе feelingood 2019-01-21
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Очень ответственный автор. Работы выполнена раньше срока, все пожелания и требования по работе учтены. Рекомендую

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв valeriya2903 об авторе feelingood 2018-12-13
Курсовая работа

Работа сделана вовремя и очень качественно. Преподаватель очень придирчивый, а к этой работе не было ни одного вопроса, всё было сделано ИДЕАЛЬНО! Спасибо огромное!!!!!

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Отзыв nadezdaryashchikova об авторе feelingood 2018-02-02
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Автор выполнил работу в срок (даже раньше указанного мною срока). Требования были соблюдены. Спасибо автору.

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Отзыв Юрий об авторе feelingood 2018-03-24
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Работа выполнена точно в срок и очень хорошо.

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4000 ₽
Готовая работа

ВЫПУСКНАЯ КВАЛИФИКАЦИОННАЯ РАБОТА БАКАЛАВРА «Приветственное слово ректора университета США: особенности перевода»

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
500 ₽
Готовая работа

Формирование коммуникативной компетенции на уроках английского языка в средней общеобразовательной школе

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
2500 ₽
Готовая работа


Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
3000 ₽
Готовая работа

Стилистический анализ короткой истории Getting Known

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
550 ₽