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Арктикль в английском языке

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Фрагменты работ

Articles play a big role in the English language. Seemingly can not do without it, no newspaper article, no publication, no artistic novel. However, when we read these same articles, novels, we notice that the article is well-managed.
The most important characteristic of a person distinguishing him from other living beings is language. Without it, communication is not possible, because through it we can understand and understand each other. Ability to talk has come to us at once, at first, in ancient times, people are able to communicate only through gestures. Over time, it appeared the first graphical notation of letters and sounds. Different peoples have different designations.
One of the main means of expressing all these values is the article, which is defined as "a structural word that characterizes a noun associated with the lexical meaning of this part of speech and with categories of certainty and uncertainty." [10, p. 209]
In modern English there are three articles: the definite the, the indefinite a / an and the zero (the absence of the article). [19, p.90] This article is not available in all languages. In Latin and Russian, there is no article at all, in ancient Greek there was a definite article that developed from the demonstrative pronoun, and there was no indeterminate pronoun. In different languages, the form can be different.


Articles play a big role in the English language. Seemingly can not do without it, no newspaper article, no publication, no artistic novel. However, when we read these same articles, novels, we notice that the article is well-managed.
The most important characteristic of a person distinguishing him from other living beings is language. Without it, communication is not possible, because through it we can understand and understand each other. Ability to talk has come to us at once, at first, in ancient times, people are able to communicate only through gestures. Over time, it appeared the first graphical notation of letters and sounds. Different peoples have different designations.
One of the main means of expressing all these values is the article, which is defined as "a structural word that characterizes a noun associated with the lexical meaning of this part of speech and with categories of certainty and uncertainty." [10, p. 209]
In modern English there are three articles: the definite the, the indefinite a / an and the zero (the absence of the article). [19, p.90] This article is not available in all languages. In Latin and Russian, there is no article at all, in ancient Greek there was a definite article that developed from the demonstrative pronoun, and there was no indeterminate pronoun. In different languages, the form can be different.

1. Arakin V.D. History of English, 2 nd ed. - 2013, Fizmatlit.
2. Akhmetova SR Articles as an expression of the conceptual category in modern English. - 2012, Alma-Ata.
3. Barmina LA, Verkhovskaya I.P. Practical work in English: Articles. M., 2015
4. Barkhudarov L.S. Shteling D.A. Grammar of the English Language, Moscow: Higher School, 2013
5. Blokh M.Ya. Theoretical grammar of the English language. M., 2013
6. Burlakova V.V. Theoretical grammar of the English language. M., 2013
7. Volkova E.I. English article in speech situations. M., 2014
8. Dragunkin A. Articles and the phenomenon of "detailing", M., Andra, 2013
9. Ivanova IP, Burlakova VV, Pocheptsov G.G. theoretical grammar of modern English. M., 2011
10. Ilyish B.A. The modern English language. L., 2013
11. Kachalova KN, Izrailevich EE, Practical grammar of the English language with exercises and keys, 8th edition, Kiev, METHODS, 2015
12. Kibrik A. A, Kobozeva I. M., Sekerina I.S. Modern American Linguistics: Fundamental Directions, Moscow, 2012
13. Kobrina NA, Korneeva, E.A. English grammar. St. Petersburg, 2011
14. Krylova I.P. Practical grammar of the English language / I.P. Krylova, E.V. Krylov. - M .: Chero, 2011
15. Reiman E.A. English article: Communicative function. L., 2014
16. Pragmatics and textual characteristics of predicative and communicative units. Collection of scientific papers. Dnepropetrovsk., 2015
17. Smirnitsky A.I. Morphology of English. M., 2014
18. Sharafutdinova N.S. Theory of Linguistics: Methodological instructions on the theory and history of linguistics. Ulyanovsk, 2012
19. Shteling D.A. Grammatical semantics of the English language. The human factor in the language. M., 2016

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Фрагменты работ

Articles play a big role in the English language. Seemingly can not do without it, no newspaper article, no publication, no artistic novel. However, when we read these same articles, novels, we notice that the article is well-managed.
The most important characteristic of a person distinguishing him from other living beings is language. Without it, communication is not possible, because through it we can understand and understand each other. Ability to talk has come to us at once, at first, in ancient times, people are able to communicate only through gestures. Over time, it appeared the first graphical notation of letters and sounds. Different peoples have different designations.
One of the main means of expressing all these values is the article, which is defined as "a structural word that characterizes a noun associated with the lexical meaning of this part of speech and with categories of certainty and uncertainty." [10, p. 209]
In modern English there are three articles: the definite the, the indefinite a / an and the zero (the absence of the article). [19, p.90] This article is not available in all languages. In Latin and Russian, there is no article at all, in ancient Greek there was a definite article that developed from the demonstrative pronoun, and there was no indeterminate pronoun. In different languages, the form can be different.


Articles play a big role in the English language. Seemingly can not do without it, no newspaper article, no publication, no artistic novel. However, when we read these same articles, novels, we notice that the article is well-managed.
The most important characteristic of a person distinguishing him from other living beings is language. Without it, communication is not possible, because through it we can understand and understand each other. Ability to talk has come to us at once, at first, in ancient times, people are able to communicate only through gestures. Over time, it appeared the first graphical notation of letters and sounds. Different peoples have different designations.
One of the main means of expressing all these values is the article, which is defined as "a structural word that characterizes a noun associated with the lexical meaning of this part of speech and with categories of certainty and uncertainty." [10, p. 209]
In modern English there are three articles: the definite the, the indefinite a / an and the zero (the absence of the article). [19, p.90] This article is not available in all languages. In Latin and Russian, there is no article at all, in ancient Greek there was a definite article that developed from the demonstrative pronoun, and there was no indeterminate pronoun. In different languages, the form can be different.

1. Arakin V.D. History of English, 2 nd ed. - 2013, Fizmatlit.
2. Akhmetova SR Articles as an expression of the conceptual category in modern English. - 2012, Alma-Ata.
3. Barmina LA, Verkhovskaya I.P. Practical work in English: Articles. M., 2015
4. Barkhudarov L.S. Shteling D.A. Grammar of the English Language, Moscow: Higher School, 2013
5. Blokh M.Ya. Theoretical grammar of the English language. M., 2013
6. Burlakova V.V. Theoretical grammar of the English language. M., 2013
7. Volkova E.I. English article in speech situations. M., 2014
8. Dragunkin A. Articles and the phenomenon of "detailing", M., Andra, 2013
9. Ivanova IP, Burlakova VV, Pocheptsov G.G. theoretical grammar of modern English. M., 2011
10. Ilyish B.A. The modern English language. L., 2013
11. Kachalova KN, Izrailevich EE, Practical grammar of the English language with exercises and keys, 8th edition, Kiev, METHODS, 2015
12. Kibrik A. A, Kobozeva I. M., Sekerina I.S. Modern American Linguistics: Fundamental Directions, Moscow, 2012
13. Kobrina NA, Korneeva, E.A. English grammar. St. Petersburg, 2011
14. Krylova I.P. Practical grammar of the English language / I.P. Krylova, E.V. Krylov. - M .: Chero, 2011
15. Reiman E.A. English article: Communicative function. L., 2014
16. Pragmatics and textual characteristics of predicative and communicative units. Collection of scientific papers. Dnepropetrovsk., 2015
17. Smirnitsky A.I. Morphology of English. M., 2014
18. Sharafutdinova N.S. Theory of Linguistics: Methodological instructions on the theory and history of linguistics. Ulyanovsk, 2012
19. Shteling D.A. Grammatical semantics of the English language. The human factor in the language. M., 2016

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Отзыв AuroraFlante об авторе LinaGaley 2019-01-21
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Очень ответственный автор. Работы выполнена раньше срока, все пожелания и требования по работе учтены. Рекомендую

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Отзыв valeriya2903 об авторе LinaGaley 2018-12-13
Курсовая работа

Работа сделана вовремя и очень качественно. Преподаватель очень придирчивый, а к этой работе не было ни одного вопроса, всё было сделано ИДЕАЛЬНО! Спасибо огромное!!!!!

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Отзыв nadezdaryashchikova об авторе LinaGaley 2018-02-02
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Автор выполнил работу в срок (даже раньше указанного мною срока). Требования были соблюдены. Спасибо автору.

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Отзыв Юрий об авторе LinaGaley 2018-03-24
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Работа выполнена точно в срок и очень хорошо.

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