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Specific features of modern electronic dictionaries

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  • 2019 год
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Фрагменты работ

At present, computers occupy a significant place not only among programmers and engineers, but also among a wide range of users, including linguists, translators and specialists in need of rapid translation of foreign languages. In this regard, computer dictionaries are a very convenient tool to save time. Now there are programs-translators who can produce more or less adequate translation of foreign texts. This work is devoted to the analysis of some linguistic software products aimed at the translation process automation.
This research topic can be considered quite modern, since the history of development and implementation of personal computers in everyday life (and especially those that could carry out more or less modern machine translation programs) has hardly more than fifteen years. This topic is particularly relevant if we take into account the fact that Kazakhstan is now increasingly integrated into the international community and that, along with economic and political barriers, this is largely hampered by language barriers. At the same time, there are not so many professional translators who are able and willing to carry out such a process of communication of communities in all spheres of science and culture, the consequence of which is that their services are not cheap. Therefore, now it is particularly relevant to search for ways to automate the translation process carried out by a person, on the one hand, to facilitate the painstaking work of a human translator, and on the other-to make this work as effective as possible.
The purpose of this work is to determine the degree of use of modern software products for translation, as well as to identify the most promising, in our opinion, areas of research in the field of its automation.
In accordance with the aim of the study, the objectives are::
- Find out the differences between electronic and traditional paper dictionaries;
- Determine the most effective way to organize electronic dictionaries;
Analysis of machine translation systems on the example of the translation made by PROMT company and comparing samples of translation from a translation made by a human. Analysis of the causes of non-compliance.


Introduction………………………………………………………………… 3
1. A General idea of dictionaries…………………………………………… 5
1.1 Types of dictionaries ……………………………………………………5
1.2 Electronic dictionaries …………………………………………………..9
1.2.1 Advantages of electronic dictionaries……………………………… 11
1.2.2 The problem of vocabulary relevance………………………………. 15
1.2.3 According to the level of achievement of the linguistic science …….15
1.2.4 Machine translation ………………………………………………….17
2. The use of computer programs in translation…………………………. 21
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………26
A list of literature and sources ……………………………………………..27


Introduction………………………………………………………………… 3
1. A General idea of dictionaries…………………………………………… 5
1.1 Types of dictionaries ……………………………………………………5
1.2 Electronic dictionaries …………………………………………………..9
1.2.1 Advantages of electronic dictionaries……………………………… 11
1.2.2 The problem of vocabulary relevance………………………………. 15
1.2.3 According to the level of achievement of the linguistic science …….15
1.2.4 Machine translation ………………………………………………….17
2. The use of computer programs in translation…………………………. 21
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………26
A list of literature and sources ……………………………………………..27

1. Belonogov G. G. "systems of phraseological machine translation of polythematic texts"; http://www.az.ru/person/belonogov/index.htm#I0
2. The encyclopedia "Krugosvet"; http://www.krugosvet.ru/articles/82/1008256/1008256a1.htm;
3. In Selegey., "Electronic dictionaries and computer lexicography" by ABBYY; http://www.lingvoda.ru/transforum/articles/pdf/selegey_a1.pdf
4. Shalyapina Z. M., "Automatic translation: Evolution and modern trends"; http://www.dialog21.ru/Archive/Directions/OBZOR_MP.htm
5. Kostinsky, "People as search engines; electronic dictionaries"; http://www.svoboda.org/programs/sc/2001/sc.050101.asp ahhh!
6. Savina A., Tepikina T., "Science and life", 1999, № 9; http://www.nkj.ru/archive/articles/9857.
7. Taraskin A. A.," Types of dictionaries", http://studyenglish.info/article064.php
8. In Samusenko., "Electronic dictionary-man's friend" 24.02.1999, Computer at school, №2/1999.
9. Vladimir, the author of "Electronic dictionary is a man's best friend" 24.02.1999, the Computer in school #2/1999;
10. G. G. Belonogov, G. Zelenkov, G. Zelenkov, B. Kuznetsov, A. P. Novoselov, A. Alexander Khoroshilov, A. G. Khoroshilov. Automation of compiling and maintaining dictionaries for systems of phraseological machine translation of texts from Russian into English and from English into Russian. Sat. "Scientific and technical information", Ser. 2 | / 12, VINITI, 1993;
11. G. G. Belonogov, Yu. G. Zelenkov,"B. A. Kuznetsov, A. P. Novoselov, N. Alexander Pashchenko, Alexander Khoroshilov, Alexey Khoroshilov. Interactive system of Russian-English and English-Russian machine translation of polythematic scientific and technical texts. Sat. "Scientific and technical information", Series 2 | / 3, VINITI, 1993.
12. Z. M. Shalyapina "AUTOMATIC TRANSLATION: EVOLUTION AND current TRENDS" (Questions of linguistics, 1996, No. 2, pp. 105-117);
13. Sergeev V. N. Dictionaries are our friends and assistants. - Moscow: Education, 1984.
14. promt: 8000 / mtw / class.phtml, which;
15. promt: 8000 / mtw / developer.phtml, which;
16. freedom / software / sc / 2001 / sc.050101.viper

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Фрагменты работ

At present, computers occupy a significant place not only among programmers and engineers, but also among a wide range of users, including linguists, translators and specialists in need of rapid translation of foreign languages. In this regard, computer dictionaries are a very convenient tool to save time. Now there are programs-translators who can produce more or less adequate translation of foreign texts. This work is devoted to the analysis of some linguistic software products aimed at the translation process automation.
This research topic can be considered quite modern, since the history of development and implementation of personal computers in everyday life (and especially those that could carry out more or less modern machine translation programs) has hardly more than fifteen years. This topic is particularly relevant if we take into account the fact that Kazakhstan is now increasingly integrated into the international community and that, along with economic and political barriers, this is largely hampered by language barriers. At the same time, there are not so many professional translators who are able and willing to carry out such a process of communication of communities in all spheres of science and culture, the consequence of which is that their services are not cheap. Therefore, now it is particularly relevant to search for ways to automate the translation process carried out by a person, on the one hand, to facilitate the painstaking work of a human translator, and on the other-to make this work as effective as possible.
The purpose of this work is to determine the degree of use of modern software products for translation, as well as to identify the most promising, in our opinion, areas of research in the field of its automation.
In accordance with the aim of the study, the objectives are::
- Find out the differences between electronic and traditional paper dictionaries;
- Determine the most effective way to organize electronic dictionaries;
Analysis of machine translation systems on the example of the translation made by PROMT company and comparing samples of translation from a translation made by a human. Analysis of the causes of non-compliance.


Introduction………………………………………………………………… 3
1. A General idea of dictionaries…………………………………………… 5
1.1 Types of dictionaries ……………………………………………………5
1.2 Electronic dictionaries …………………………………………………..9
1.2.1 Advantages of electronic dictionaries……………………………… 11
1.2.2 The problem of vocabulary relevance………………………………. 15
1.2.3 According to the level of achievement of the linguistic science …….15
1.2.4 Machine translation ………………………………………………….17
2. The use of computer programs in translation…………………………. 21
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………26
A list of literature and sources ……………………………………………..27


Introduction………………………………………………………………… 3
1. A General idea of dictionaries…………………………………………… 5
1.1 Types of dictionaries ……………………………………………………5
1.2 Electronic dictionaries …………………………………………………..9
1.2.1 Advantages of electronic dictionaries……………………………… 11
1.2.2 The problem of vocabulary relevance………………………………. 15
1.2.3 According to the level of achievement of the linguistic science …….15
1.2.4 Machine translation ………………………………………………….17
2. The use of computer programs in translation…………………………. 21
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………26
A list of literature and sources ……………………………………………..27

1. Belonogov G. G. "systems of phraseological machine translation of polythematic texts"; http://www.az.ru/person/belonogov/index.htm#I0
2. The encyclopedia "Krugosvet"; http://www.krugosvet.ru/articles/82/1008256/1008256a1.htm;
3. In Selegey., "Electronic dictionaries and computer lexicography" by ABBYY; http://www.lingvoda.ru/transforum/articles/pdf/selegey_a1.pdf
4. Shalyapina Z. M., "Automatic translation: Evolution and modern trends"; http://www.dialog21.ru/Archive/Directions/OBZOR_MP.htm
5. Kostinsky, "People as search engines; electronic dictionaries"; http://www.svoboda.org/programs/sc/2001/sc.050101.asp ahhh!
6. Savina A., Tepikina T., "Science and life", 1999, № 9; http://www.nkj.ru/archive/articles/9857.
7. Taraskin A. A.," Types of dictionaries", http://studyenglish.info/article064.php
8. In Samusenko., "Electronic dictionary-man's friend" 24.02.1999, Computer at school, №2/1999.
9. Vladimir, the author of "Electronic dictionary is a man's best friend" 24.02.1999, the Computer in school #2/1999;
10. G. G. Belonogov, G. Zelenkov, G. Zelenkov, B. Kuznetsov, A. P. Novoselov, A. Alexander Khoroshilov, A. G. Khoroshilov. Automation of compiling and maintaining dictionaries for systems of phraseological machine translation of texts from Russian into English and from English into Russian. Sat. "Scientific and technical information", Ser. 2 | / 12, VINITI, 1993;
11. G. G. Belonogov, Yu. G. Zelenkov,"B. A. Kuznetsov, A. P. Novoselov, N. Alexander Pashchenko, Alexander Khoroshilov, Alexey Khoroshilov. Interactive system of Russian-English and English-Russian machine translation of polythematic scientific and technical texts. Sat. "Scientific and technical information", Series 2 | / 3, VINITI, 1993.
12. Z. M. Shalyapina "AUTOMATIC TRANSLATION: EVOLUTION AND current TRENDS" (Questions of linguistics, 1996, No. 2, pp. 105-117);
13. Sergeev V. N. Dictionaries are our friends and assistants. - Moscow: Education, 1984.
14. promt: 8000 / mtw / class.phtml, which;
15. promt: 8000 / mtw / developer.phtml, which;
16. freedom / software / sc / 2001 / sc.050101.viper

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Отзыв AuroraFlante об авторе marselloris 2019-01-21
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Очень ответственный автор. Работы выполнена раньше срока, все пожелания и требования по работе учтены. Рекомендую

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Отзыв valeriya2903 об авторе marselloris 2018-12-13
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Работа сделана вовремя и очень качественно. Преподаватель очень придирчивый, а к этой работе не было ни одного вопроса, всё было сделано ИДЕАЛЬНО! Спасибо огромное!!!!!

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Отзыв nadezdaryashchikova об авторе marselloris 2018-02-02
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Автор выполнил работу в срок (даже раньше указанного мною срока). Требования были соблюдены. Спасибо автору.

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Отзыв Юрий об авторе marselloris 2018-03-24
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Работа выполнена точно в срок и очень хорошо.

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