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Humor is a multifaceted and complex phenomenon. This phenomenon is present in all cultures and permeates all spheres of human activity. The humor reflects the national character traits and worldview of different peoples. In today's world, a special place is occupied by English humor. This type of humor, often referred to as "subtle", is the most difficult to understand in other cultures and is therefore of particular interest to study. English jokes contain the cultural code of the British people, so their study allows you to get an idea of the specifics of the whole nation.
The work focuses on English jokes and peculiarities of their phonetic design.
The relevance of this study is due to the interest of modern linguistics to the study of English anecdote as a speech genre, as well as to the study of prosodic features of English jokes, including the definition of their role in achieving a comic effect. The present study is relevant due to the interest in the analysis of phonetic means of realization of humor in speech in the framework of such scientific disciplines as phonetics, sociophonetics, linguoculturology, intercultural communication and methods of teaching foreign languages.
The object of the research is the sounding texts of English jokes performed by British native speakers.
The subject of the study is the phonetic features of speech, studied as a means of implementing humor in an English joke.
The purpose of this work is to identify the role of phonetic means in the implementation of English-sounding jokes and to create a comic effect.
This goal defines a number of theoretical and practical tasks.
The main objective of the study was a comprehensive analysis of phonetic means used for the implementation of sounding jokes.
Other tasks included:
- formation of the conceptual base of the research based on the analysis of the information presented in the scientific literature
- definition of types of humour that are specific to the English language culture
- identification of genre and structural features of English jokes
- identify ways to create a comic effect
- establishing the causes of misunderstanding of English humor
- establishing the role of phonetic means in the implementation of English jokes
The theoretical basis of this study were the works of domestic and foreign linguists and anthropologists: M. A. Sokolova, G. G. Pocheptsov, Yu. Koroleva, E. Y. Shmeleva, E. L. Freudenau, K. Fox, D. Crystal, J. Priestly and others.
Research methods are selected in accordance with the goals and objectives. The study used a comprehensive method of analysis, which includes communicative-pragmatic, phonetic (audit and phonostylistics) and comparative analyses.
The material of the study was the audio recording of English jokes performed by native speakers of the British version of the English language without reliance on the text in different implementations, as well as one audio recording of reading jokes. In total, the study considered four jokes performed by seven men and three women.
The novelty of this work lies in the fact that it presents a comprehensive description of the main types of English humor and ways to achieve a comic effect at different language levels, as well as an analysis of the phonetic design of the English joke. In addition, the novelty of the study is that the features of the implementation of the English joke are considered taking into account the socio-cultural and historical-cultural context.
The theoretical significance of the work is to clarify and generalize scientific ideas about the national and cultural features of humor in the context of English speech communication, as well as phonetic means of realization of the comic effect in the English joke.
The practical significance of this study lies in the possibility of applying its theoretical and practical material, results and conclusions in courses of theoretical, practical phonetics, sociophonetics, phonostilistics, as well as methods of teaching a foreign language. The results and methodological component of this study can be used for the formation of phonetic, socio-cultural and communicative competences of schoolchildren and students. The main purpose and objectives of this study determined the structure of the work, which consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion, bibliography.
Introduction…………………………………………………………………… 3
1. National-cultural and language features of the English joke ……………….5
1.1 Definition of humor ……………………………………………………….5
1.2 Types of English humor ………………………………………………….6
1.3 English joke as a speech genre ……………………………………………8
1.4 Problems of understanding English jokes by representatives of other cultures ………………………………………………………………………………10
2. English joke as a sounding text. Research result ………………………….13
2.1 research Materials and methods ………………………………………….13
2.1 Rhetorical and phonostylistics features of anecdote ……………………13
2.2 Comparative analysis of the results of the study. Summary ……………25
2.3 The use of jokes in the practice of teaching English ……………………27
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………30
References ……………………………………………………………………31
Introduction…………………………………………………………………… 3
1. National-cultural and language features of the English joke ……………….5
1.1 Definition of humor ……………………………………………………….5
1.2 Types of English humor ………………………………………………….6
1.3 English joke as a speech genre ……………………………………………8
1.4 Problems of understanding English jokes by representatives of other cultures ………………………………………………………………………………10
2. English joke as a sounding text. Research result ………………………….13
2.1 research Materials and methods ………………………………………….13
2.1 Rhetorical and phonostylistics features of anecdote ……………………13
2.2 Comparative analysis of the results of the study. Summary ……………25
2.3 The use of jokes in the practice of teaching English ……………………27
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………30
References ……………………………………………………………………31
1. Antipova, A. M. Rhythmic system of English speech. M.: Higher school, 1984.
2. Arkhipova A. S., Anecdote in foreign studies of the XX century. - M., 2003 [Electronic resource]. Access mode [http:/ / www.ruthenia.ru/folklore/arhipova1.htm].
3. Bakhtin M. M., the problem of speech genres. - M., 1979.
4. great Soviet encyclopedia. — M.: Soviet encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
5. Large encyclopedic dictionary (BES) [Electronic resource] access Mode [http://dic.academic.ru/contents.nsf/enc3p/].
6. Vasilyev V. A. English Phonetics: a Theoretical course/ V. A. Vassilyev. - Moscow: Higher school, 1970. - 323 p.
7. Vezhbitskaya A., Speech genres. - Saratov, 1997.
8. Karasik, A. V. Linguocultural characteristics of English humor, author's abstract of dissertation, Volgograd, 2001.
9. Queen Yu. P., Understanding English Humour. - Moscow: national book center, 2014. - 64 p –
10. Latyshev Yu. V., the phenomenon of humor in social and information interaction: Theoretical and methodological analysis: thesis and abstract. - Novosibirsk, 2003. [Electronic resource] access Mode [http://www ahhh! dissercat.com].
11. Literary encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Soviet encyclopedia, 1987.
12. Pocheptsov G. G. Language and humor. - Kiev, 1982.
13. Workshop on phonetics of the English language for the faculties of foreign languages. – M.: Moscow state pedagogical University, 2013. - 224 p.
14. Dictionary of foreign words.- Komlev N. G... 2006.
15. Sokolova M. A. and others. Theoretical phonetics of the English language. - Moscow: Higher school, 1994.
16. Tikhonova I. S., Freidin, E. L., Kovaleva L. B., Shishkov I. A., the Phonetics of the English language. - Dubna: Phoenix, 2015.
17. Explanatory dictionary of Russian language / Under the editorship of D. N. Ushakova. — M.: State. in-t "Sov. an encyclopedia."; Ogiz; State. Izd-vo Inostr. and NAT. words'., 1935-1940.
18. Tremasova G. G. Language means of expression of satirical sense (English and American fiction and journalism of the XX century): author's abstract. dis. - M., 1979. - 126 p.
19. Freidin, E. L., voroshkevich D. V., Savinov, M. S., M. S. Makovetsky, Abramova G. S., Korolev, Yu. p. Prosody of modern discourse: sociocultural aspect: Monograph/ Under the General editorship of E. L. Freudenau, 2015
20. Chemist, V. V. Anecdote as a unique phenomenon of Russian speech culture. Anecdote as a phenomenon of culture. SPb., 2002. P. 17-31.
21. Shmeleva E. Y. Shmelev A. D. Russian anecdote. Text and speech genre.
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Humor is a multifaceted and complex phenomenon. This phenomenon is present in all cultures and permeates all spheres of human activity. The humor reflects the national character traits and worldview of different peoples. In today's world, a special place is occupied by English humor. This type of humor, often referred to as "subtle", is the most difficult to understand in other cultures and is therefore of particular interest to study. English jokes contain the cultural code of the British people, so their study allows you to get an idea of the specifics of the whole nation.
The work focuses on English jokes and peculiarities of their phonetic design.
The relevance of this study is due to the interest of modern linguistics to the study of English anecdote as a speech genre, as well as to the study of prosodic features of English jokes, including the definition of their role in achieving a comic effect. The present study is relevant due to the interest in the analysis of phonetic means of realization of humor in speech in the framework of such scientific disciplines as phonetics, sociophonetics, linguoculturology, intercultural communication and methods of teaching foreign languages.
The object of the research is the sounding texts of English jokes performed by British native speakers.
The subject of the study is the phonetic features of speech, studied as a means of implementing humor in an English joke.
The purpose of this work is to identify the role of phonetic means in the implementation of English-sounding jokes and to create a comic effect.
This goal defines a number of theoretical and practical tasks.
The main objective of the study was a comprehensive analysis of phonetic means used for the implementation of sounding jokes.
Other tasks included:
- formation of the conceptual base of the research based on the analysis of the information presented in the scientific literature
- definition of types of humour that are specific to the English language culture
- identification of genre and structural features of English jokes
- identify ways to create a comic effect
- establishing the causes of misunderstanding of English humor
- establishing the role of phonetic means in the implementation of English jokes
The theoretical basis of this study were the works of domestic and foreign linguists and anthropologists: M. A. Sokolova, G. G. Pocheptsov, Yu. Koroleva, E. Y. Shmeleva, E. L. Freudenau, K. Fox, D. Crystal, J. Priestly and others.
Research methods are selected in accordance with the goals and objectives. The study used a comprehensive method of analysis, which includes communicative-pragmatic, phonetic (audit and phonostylistics) and comparative analyses.
The material of the study was the audio recording of English jokes performed by native speakers of the British version of the English language without reliance on the text in different implementations, as well as one audio recording of reading jokes. In total, the study considered four jokes performed by seven men and three women.
The novelty of this work lies in the fact that it presents a comprehensive description of the main types of English humor and ways to achieve a comic effect at different language levels, as well as an analysis of the phonetic design of the English joke. In addition, the novelty of the study is that the features of the implementation of the English joke are considered taking into account the socio-cultural and historical-cultural context.
The theoretical significance of the work is to clarify and generalize scientific ideas about the national and cultural features of humor in the context of English speech communication, as well as phonetic means of realization of the comic effect in the English joke.
The practical significance of this study lies in the possibility of applying its theoretical and practical material, results and conclusions in courses of theoretical, practical phonetics, sociophonetics, phonostilistics, as well as methods of teaching a foreign language. The results and methodological component of this study can be used for the formation of phonetic, socio-cultural and communicative competences of schoolchildren and students. The main purpose and objectives of this study determined the structure of the work, which consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion, bibliography.
Introduction…………………………………………………………………… 3
1. National-cultural and language features of the English joke ……………….5
1.1 Definition of humor ……………………………………………………….5
1.2 Types of English humor ………………………………………………….6
1.3 English joke as a speech genre ……………………………………………8
1.4 Problems of understanding English jokes by representatives of other cultures ………………………………………………………………………………10
2. English joke as a sounding text. Research result ………………………….13
2.1 research Materials and methods ………………………………………….13
2.1 Rhetorical and phonostylistics features of anecdote ……………………13
2.2 Comparative analysis of the results of the study. Summary ……………25
2.3 The use of jokes in the practice of teaching English ……………………27
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………30
References ……………………………………………………………………31
Introduction…………………………………………………………………… 3
1. National-cultural and language features of the English joke ……………….5
1.1 Definition of humor ……………………………………………………….5
1.2 Types of English humor ………………………………………………….6
1.3 English joke as a speech genre ……………………………………………8
1.4 Problems of understanding English jokes by representatives of other cultures ………………………………………………………………………………10
2. English joke as a sounding text. Research result ………………………….13
2.1 research Materials and methods ………………………………………….13
2.1 Rhetorical and phonostylistics features of anecdote ……………………13
2.2 Comparative analysis of the results of the study. Summary ……………25
2.3 The use of jokes in the practice of teaching English ……………………27
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………30
References ……………………………………………………………………31
1. Antipova, A. M. Rhythmic system of English speech. M.: Higher school, 1984.
2. Arkhipova A. S., Anecdote in foreign studies of the XX century. - M., 2003 [Electronic resource]. Access mode [http:/ / www.ruthenia.ru/folklore/arhipova1.htm].
3. Bakhtin M. M., the problem of speech genres. - M., 1979.
4. great Soviet encyclopedia. — M.: Soviet encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
5. Large encyclopedic dictionary (BES) [Electronic resource] access Mode [http://dic.academic.ru/contents.nsf/enc3p/].
6. Vasilyev V. A. English Phonetics: a Theoretical course/ V. A. Vassilyev. - Moscow: Higher school, 1970. - 323 p.
7. Vezhbitskaya A., Speech genres. - Saratov, 1997.
8. Karasik, A. V. Linguocultural characteristics of English humor, author's abstract of dissertation, Volgograd, 2001.
9. Queen Yu. P., Understanding English Humour. - Moscow: national book center, 2014. - 64 p –
10. Latyshev Yu. V., the phenomenon of humor in social and information interaction: Theoretical and methodological analysis: thesis and abstract. - Novosibirsk, 2003. [Electronic resource] access Mode [http://www ahhh! dissercat.com].
11. Literary encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Soviet encyclopedia, 1987.
12. Pocheptsov G. G. Language and humor. - Kiev, 1982.
13. Workshop on phonetics of the English language for the faculties of foreign languages. – M.: Moscow state pedagogical University, 2013. - 224 p.
14. Dictionary of foreign words.- Komlev N. G... 2006.
15. Sokolova M. A. and others. Theoretical phonetics of the English language. - Moscow: Higher school, 1994.
16. Tikhonova I. S., Freidin, E. L., Kovaleva L. B., Shishkov I. A., the Phonetics of the English language. - Dubna: Phoenix, 2015.
17. Explanatory dictionary of Russian language / Under the editorship of D. N. Ushakova. — M.: State. in-t "Sov. an encyclopedia."; Ogiz; State. Izd-vo Inostr. and NAT. words'., 1935-1940.
18. Tremasova G. G. Language means of expression of satirical sense (English and American fiction and journalism of the XX century): author's abstract. dis. - M., 1979. - 126 p.
19. Freidin, E. L., voroshkevich D. V., Savinov, M. S., M. S. Makovetsky, Abramova G. S., Korolev, Yu. p. Prosody of modern discourse: sociocultural aspect: Monograph/ Under the General editorship of E. L. Freudenau, 2015
20. Chemist, V. V. Anecdote as a unique phenomenon of Russian speech culture. Anecdote as a phenomenon of culture. SPb., 2002. P. 17-31.
21. Shmeleva E. Y. Shmelev A. D. Russian anecdote. Text and speech genre.
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