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The relevance of the study lies in the fact that, in the perspective of the current development of translation theory and growing international relations, significant importance in the implementation of not only accessible and understandable to the reader of the text, but correctly competent and decorated translation. The solution of such issues can radically change the approach to the foreign text and the corresponding translation.
The aim of this work is to consider such key issues of translation theory as: semantic and pragmatic correspondence, equivalence and its types in the translation of texts, functional and pragmatic adequacy of the translation of a literary text to the original language, the aspect of the translation of a literary work on a specific language material.
Within the framework of this work it is supposed to solve the following tasks:
- consider translation as a special kind of communication;
- theoretical analysis of the model of literary communication, in particular literary text, as an object of translation communication;
- to study the compliance of semantic and pragmatic aspects in translation;
- determination of the nature and types of adequacy, equivalence and translation of literary text from the point of view of the communicative intention of the sender of the text.
The subject of the research is the peculiarities of semantic and communicative –pragmatic aspects of meanings (language units) and their identification in a particular situation communication.
The object of the study is Tex in a particular speech work.
Methodological basis for the research in master's thesis served as the fundamental work of Professor Komissarov V. N. "The word about translation", prof. Schweitzer, A. D., "Translation and linguistics", Prof. Barhudarov L. S. "Language and translation" and so on, in the field of translation theory.
Method of research. In the master's thesis on philological disciplines the following research methods are used: semantic method (for the analysis and determination of the semantic features of the studied units); comparative method (for the identification and analysis of the universal and unique properties of the compared units); contextual method (to identify the contextual features of the functioning of the studied units).
The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the paper attempts to consider and describe semantic and communicative-pragmatic correspondences in the translation of the problems of equivalence, adequacy and translation considered in the context. It is also new to study the types of equivalence and adequacy, as well as the originality of the problem of translation in texts.
Theoretical significance. This work can be used not only as a theoretical material, but also as a guide to translation. After all, it is quite obvious that the translation should be not only interesting in content, but also in its originality. In this case, meaning its uniqueness and value from the point of view of translation and of finding the relevant lexical units.
Practical significance. The work can also be used in the educational process, in lectures and seminars on the theory of translation of English-American literature, in practical classes in English, in writing essays, term papers and theses on the above theoretical disciplines.
The hypothesis of the study. To identify the correct, competent and formalized translation, the following working hypotheses are put forward, if;
- consider translation as a special kind of communication;
- to carry out a theoretical analysis of the model of literary communication, in particular literary text, as an object of translation communication;
- to study the compliance of semantic and pragmatic aspects in translation;
Structure and scope of work. The structure of the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion and list of references.
Introduction …………………………………………………………………3
1. Translation as a special kind of communication ………………………..5
1.1 The subject of the theory of translation ………………………………..5
1.2 Nature of the transfer ……………………………………………………7
1.3 The Place of translation theory, among other disciplines ……………..11
2. Semantic and pragmatic correspondences in translation ……………….17
2.1 Semantic aspects of translation: meaning and meaning ………………17
2.2 Pragmatic aspects of translation ……………………………………….23
2.3 Communicative intention of the sender: equivalence and adequacy in translation ………………………………………………………………………..27
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………30
References …………………………………………………………………31
Introduction …………………………………………………………………3
1. Translation as a special kind of communication ………………………..5
1.1 The subject of the theory of translation ………………………………..5
1.2 Nature of the transfer ……………………………………………………7
1.3 The Place of translation theory, among other disciplines ……………..11
2. Semantic and pragmatic correspondences in translation ……………….17
2.1 Semantic aspects of translation: meaning and meaning ………………17
2.2 Pragmatic aspects of translation ……………………………………….23
2.3 Communicative intention of the sender: equivalence and adequacy in translation ………………………………………………………………………..27
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………30
References …………………………………………………………………31
1. Academy of Sciences / / Text and translation M.: 1988
2. Harutyunova N. D. Paducheva E. V. Origins, problems, and categories of pragmatics. M.: Progress, 1985
3. Arutyunova N. D. The recipient factor, Izv. An SSS ser.lit. and yaz. T 40, # 4, 1981
4. Austin, Origins, problems, and categories of pragmatics. M.: Progress, 1985
5. Antipov G. A.,Don. Text as a cultural phenomenon. N. "Science" 1989
6. Arnold I. V. stylistics of the English language. Leningrad, 1973
7. Barkhudarov L. S. the Structure of a simple sentence of the modern English language
8. Barkhudarov L. S., Zhukova Yu. I., Kvasyuk I. V., Schweitzer, A. D. Manual translation of technical literature (English language). M., 1967
9. article by L. S. Barkhudarov " Contextual meaning of the word and translation"
10. "Translator's notebook", edited by L. S. Barkhudarov. M., "International relations", №1 -11, 1963-1974.
11. Belinskaya N. English-Russian short dictionary of idioms, set expressions-barkhudarov L. S. " Language and translation"
12. Budagov R. What is the development and improvement of the language. M. 1977
13. Y. V. Vannikov About the types of adequate translation. M.: 1985
14. Vinogradov V. V. on the theory of artistic speech. M.: 1971
15. Vinogradov V. V. The Language Of Pushkin. M.: 1985
16. Gachev G. D. national images of the world.One thousand nine hundred sixty seven
17. E. L. Ginzburg, S. S. hidekel, M. R. Kaul " Difficulties of English word usage »
18. Gyubbenet I. V. the basis of philological interpretations of literary-artistic text.One thousand nine hundred ninety one
19. T. van Dijk Questions the pragmatics of the text // New in foreign linguistics , Vol. 2-M.: 1978-p. 29
20. Zvegintsev V. A. "Essays on General linguistics»
21. Zenkov, G. S., Sapozhnikova, I. A. " Introduction to linguistics»
22. Yeager.D Translation and translation linguistics 1975
23. Karl Buhler Theory of language
24. Kasevich, V. B., "Elements of General linguistics»
25. Kiseleva L. V. Questions of speech influence L. 1976-p. 101
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The relevance of the study lies in the fact that, in the perspective of the current development of translation theory and growing international relations, significant importance in the implementation of not only accessible and understandable to the reader of the text, but correctly competent and decorated translation. The solution of such issues can radically change the approach to the foreign text and the corresponding translation.
The aim of this work is to consider such key issues of translation theory as: semantic and pragmatic correspondence, equivalence and its types in the translation of texts, functional and pragmatic adequacy of the translation of a literary text to the original language, the aspect of the translation of a literary work on a specific language material.
Within the framework of this work it is supposed to solve the following tasks:
- consider translation as a special kind of communication;
- theoretical analysis of the model of literary communication, in particular literary text, as an object of translation communication;
- to study the compliance of semantic and pragmatic aspects in translation;
- determination of the nature and types of adequacy, equivalence and translation of literary text from the point of view of the communicative intention of the sender of the text.
The subject of the research is the peculiarities of semantic and communicative –pragmatic aspects of meanings (language units) and their identification in a particular situation communication.
The object of the study is Tex in a particular speech work.
Methodological basis for the research in master's thesis served as the fundamental work of Professor Komissarov V. N. "The word about translation", prof. Schweitzer, A. D., "Translation and linguistics", Prof. Barhudarov L. S. "Language and translation" and so on, in the field of translation theory.
Method of research. In the master's thesis on philological disciplines the following research methods are used: semantic method (for the analysis and determination of the semantic features of the studied units); comparative method (for the identification and analysis of the universal and unique properties of the compared units); contextual method (to identify the contextual features of the functioning of the studied units).
The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the paper attempts to consider and describe semantic and communicative-pragmatic correspondences in the translation of the problems of equivalence, adequacy and translation considered in the context. It is also new to study the types of equivalence and adequacy, as well as the originality of the problem of translation in texts.
Theoretical significance. This work can be used not only as a theoretical material, but also as a guide to translation. After all, it is quite obvious that the translation should be not only interesting in content, but also in its originality. In this case, meaning its uniqueness and value from the point of view of translation and of finding the relevant lexical units.
Practical significance. The work can also be used in the educational process, in lectures and seminars on the theory of translation of English-American literature, in practical classes in English, in writing essays, term papers and theses on the above theoretical disciplines.
The hypothesis of the study. To identify the correct, competent and formalized translation, the following working hypotheses are put forward, if;
- consider translation as a special kind of communication;
- to carry out a theoretical analysis of the model of literary communication, in particular literary text, as an object of translation communication;
- to study the compliance of semantic and pragmatic aspects in translation;
Structure and scope of work. The structure of the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion and list of references.
Introduction …………………………………………………………………3
1. Translation as a special kind of communication ………………………..5
1.1 The subject of the theory of translation ………………………………..5
1.2 Nature of the transfer ……………………………………………………7
1.3 The Place of translation theory, among other disciplines ……………..11
2. Semantic and pragmatic correspondences in translation ……………….17
2.1 Semantic aspects of translation: meaning and meaning ………………17
2.2 Pragmatic aspects of translation ……………………………………….23
2.3 Communicative intention of the sender: equivalence and adequacy in translation ………………………………………………………………………..27
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………30
References …………………………………………………………………31
Introduction …………………………………………………………………3
1. Translation as a special kind of communication ………………………..5
1.1 The subject of the theory of translation ………………………………..5
1.2 Nature of the transfer ……………………………………………………7
1.3 The Place of translation theory, among other disciplines ……………..11
2. Semantic and pragmatic correspondences in translation ……………….17
2.1 Semantic aspects of translation: meaning and meaning ………………17
2.2 Pragmatic aspects of translation ……………………………………….23
2.3 Communicative intention of the sender: equivalence and adequacy in translation ………………………………………………………………………..27
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………30
References …………………………………………………………………31
1. Academy of Sciences / / Text and translation M.: 1988
2. Harutyunova N. D. Paducheva E. V. Origins, problems, and categories of pragmatics. M.: Progress, 1985
3. Arutyunova N. D. The recipient factor, Izv. An SSS ser.lit. and yaz. T 40, # 4, 1981
4. Austin, Origins, problems, and categories of pragmatics. M.: Progress, 1985
5. Antipov G. A.,Don. Text as a cultural phenomenon. N. "Science" 1989
6. Arnold I. V. stylistics of the English language. Leningrad, 1973
7. Barkhudarov L. S. the Structure of a simple sentence of the modern English language
8. Barkhudarov L. S., Zhukova Yu. I., Kvasyuk I. V., Schweitzer, A. D. Manual translation of technical literature (English language). M., 1967
9. article by L. S. Barkhudarov " Contextual meaning of the word and translation"
10. "Translator's notebook", edited by L. S. Barkhudarov. M., "International relations", №1 -11, 1963-1974.
11. Belinskaya N. English-Russian short dictionary of idioms, set expressions-barkhudarov L. S. " Language and translation"
12. Budagov R. What is the development and improvement of the language. M. 1977
13. Y. V. Vannikov About the types of adequate translation. M.: 1985
14. Vinogradov V. V. on the theory of artistic speech. M.: 1971
15. Vinogradov V. V. The Language Of Pushkin. M.: 1985
16. Gachev G. D. national images of the world.One thousand nine hundred sixty seven
17. E. L. Ginzburg, S. S. hidekel, M. R. Kaul " Difficulties of English word usage »
18. Gyubbenet I. V. the basis of philological interpretations of literary-artistic text.One thousand nine hundred ninety one
19. T. van Dijk Questions the pragmatics of the text // New in foreign linguistics , Vol. 2-M.: 1978-p. 29
20. Zvegintsev V. A. "Essays on General linguistics»
21. Zenkov, G. S., Sapozhnikova, I. A. " Introduction to linguistics»
22. Yeager.D Translation and translation linguistics 1975
23. Karl Buhler Theory of language
24. Kasevich, V. B., "Elements of General linguistics»
25. Kiseleva L. V. Questions of speech influence L. 1976-p. 101
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