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Фрагменты работ


Relevance of the study. In modern world considers the concepts of culture, tourism and communication issues and their mutual relationships. Tourism is centered on the fundamental principles of exchange between peoples and is both an expression and experience of culture.
Cultural tourism is far more than production and consumption of «high» art and heritage. It reaches into some deep conceptual territories relating to how we construct and understand ourselves, the world and the multilayered relationships between them. To define cultural tourism first of all we have to determine the meaning of the term culture. In this paper we do not intend to provide a starting point since we feel that the determination of the context provides us the basics for the researches on cultural tourism.
Cultural tourism can be characterized both from the perspective of supply and demand and also from the point of view of theoretical and practical approach. Cultural tourism is connected with the intercultural communication. The culture influences the norms and patterns of behavior of different societies, including the role and significance of culture in the process of creating communication styles.
Intercultural communication in the context of cultural tourism is considered as a specific interaction between «us» and «them», friend and foe, in which cultural exchange takes place. The paper aims ‒ to reveal how cultural tourism serves as a tool for better cross-cultural understanding; - how the cross-cultural misunderstandings can be corrected or rectified using cultural tourism as a mechanism.
The dissimilarity of people to each other creates favorable conditions for the acquisition of new skills and abilities, improvement of existing ones, but, on the other hand, the more differences in the characters, education, education and level of culture of interacting partners, the more opportunities for contradictions and conflicts between them. Therefore, people should possess a diverse Arsenal of forms and means of cultural communication, the basics of psychological knowledge about the behavior of communication partners. The solution of these issues is the subject of a new scientific direction, called «intercultural communication».
The relevance of the study of this topic is due to the fact that currently the tourism industry is one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the world economy. This fully applies to Russian tourism, which is actively developing, begins to be included in the competition in the world tourism market. At the same time, there are a number of factors that have a negative impact on the life of Russian tourist organizations. And one of the main is the poor professional training of a significant part of employees, manifested in their lack of competence, low productivity, inability to carry out effective professional and business communication.
Purpose of research: theoretical foundations of intercultural communication.
Research tasks:
1. define the concept, meaning and classification of communications;
2.identify the value of business communication;
3. to study intercultural communication in the sphere of tourism and its features;
4. determine the strategy and tactics of negotiations in the field of tourism;
5. to describe the overcoming of communication barriers;
6. to give a functional description of professional and business communication in the field of tourism.
Object of research: intercultural communication barriers.
Subject of research: international tourism.
Hypothesis: the Main hypothesis of our study is as follows. We have suggested that there are barriers to intercultural interaction, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of communication.
Research methods: source analysis, documentation analysis, interview, observation, content analysis.
Degree of scientific elaboration of the problem. The problems of communication, which is the basis of social existence, were the subject of special interest of researchers at different stages of the development of scientific knowledge. From the point of view of the subject it is engaged in: social psychology, sociology, philosophy, linguistics.
The structure of the course work: consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, references.

Table of contents
Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of intercultural communication.........................................................................................................5
1.1. The concept and essence of intercultural communication.............................5
1.2. Model and structure of intercultural communication......................................8
1.3. Types of intercultural communication.............................................................11
Chapter 2. Cultural differences as a factor of intercultural communication.......................................................................................................14
2.1. Phenomenon of cultural identity...............................................................14
2.2. Nature of cultural differences....................................................................16
2.3. Impact of cultural differences on intercultural communication......................17
Chapter 3. Communicative barriers as a problem of intercultural communication.......................................................................................................22
3.1. Types of communicative barriers.....................................................................24
3.1.2 Intercultural communication in the context of tourism...............................27
3.2. Asymmetry in intercultural communication................................................30
3.3. Stereotyping as a barrier.................................................................................32
3.4. Verbal barriers of communication....................................................................33
3.5. Ways and means to overcome barriers in intercultural communication..........35
Conclusion Bibliography.........................................................................................38

Theoretical foundations of intercultural communication

1. Bennett M. J. (Ed.) Basic Concepts of Intercultural Communication. Selected Readings. Boston: London: Intercultural Press, 1998.
2. Gudykunst W.B. Theorizing About Intercultural Communication. London: SAGE Publictions, 2005.
3. Zinchenko V. G. the Dictionary of intercultural communication : Concepts and personalities / V. G. Zinchenko, V. G. Zusman, Z. I. Kirnoze, G. P. Ryabov. M.: Flinta : Nauka, 2010.
4. Kotthoff H., Spencer-Oatey H. Handbook of Intercultural Communication. Boston: NY: , 2008.
5. Leontovich O. A. Introduction to intercultural communication. M.: Gnosis, 2007.
6. Hofstede G. Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations across Nations. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2001.
7. Novinger T. Intercultural Communication: A Practical Guide. Austin : University of Texas Press, 2013.
8. Weeks H. Failure to Communicate: How Conversations Go Wrong and What You Can Do to Right Them. Boston: Harvard Business Review Press, 2010
9. Poplavskaya T. V., Sysoeva T. A. English. Communication problem. Moscow: yurait publishing House, 2018.

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Фрагменты работ


Relevance of the study. In modern world considers the concepts of culture, tourism and communication issues and their mutual relationships. Tourism is centered on the fundamental principles of exchange between peoples and is both an expression and experience of culture.
Cultural tourism is far more than production and consumption of «high» art and heritage. It reaches into some deep conceptual territories relating to how we construct and understand ourselves, the world and the multilayered relationships between them. To define cultural tourism first of all we have to determine the meaning of the term culture. In this paper we do not intend to provide a starting point since we feel that the determination of the context provides us the basics for the researches on cultural tourism.
Cultural tourism can be characterized both from the perspective of supply and demand and also from the point of view of theoretical and practical approach. Cultural tourism is connected with the intercultural communication. The culture influences the norms and patterns of behavior of different societies, including the role and significance of culture in the process of creating communication styles.
Intercultural communication in the context of cultural tourism is considered as a specific interaction between «us» and «them», friend and foe, in which cultural exchange takes place. The paper aims ‒ to reveal how cultural tourism serves as a tool for better cross-cultural understanding; - how the cross-cultural misunderstandings can be corrected or rectified using cultural tourism as a mechanism.
The dissimilarity of people to each other creates favorable conditions for the acquisition of new skills and abilities, improvement of existing ones, but, on the other hand, the more differences in the characters, education, education and level of culture of interacting partners, the more opportunities for contradictions and conflicts between them. Therefore, people should possess a diverse Arsenal of forms and means of cultural communication, the basics of psychological knowledge about the behavior of communication partners. The solution of these issues is the subject of a new scientific direction, called «intercultural communication».
The relevance of the study of this topic is due to the fact that currently the tourism industry is one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the world economy. This fully applies to Russian tourism, which is actively developing, begins to be included in the competition in the world tourism market. At the same time, there are a number of factors that have a negative impact on the life of Russian tourist organizations. And one of the main is the poor professional training of a significant part of employees, manifested in their lack of competence, low productivity, inability to carry out effective professional and business communication.
Purpose of research: theoretical foundations of intercultural communication.
Research tasks:
1. define the concept, meaning and classification of communications;
2.identify the value of business communication;
3. to study intercultural communication in the sphere of tourism and its features;
4. determine the strategy and tactics of negotiations in the field of tourism;
5. to describe the overcoming of communication barriers;
6. to give a functional description of professional and business communication in the field of tourism.
Object of research: intercultural communication barriers.
Subject of research: international tourism.
Hypothesis: the Main hypothesis of our study is as follows. We have suggested that there are barriers to intercultural interaction, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of communication.
Research methods: source analysis, documentation analysis, interview, observation, content analysis.
Degree of scientific elaboration of the problem. The problems of communication, which is the basis of social existence, were the subject of special interest of researchers at different stages of the development of scientific knowledge. From the point of view of the subject it is engaged in: social psychology, sociology, philosophy, linguistics.
The structure of the course work: consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, references.

Table of contents
Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of intercultural communication.........................................................................................................5
1.1. The concept and essence of intercultural communication.............................5
1.2. Model and structure of intercultural communication......................................8
1.3. Types of intercultural communication.............................................................11
Chapter 2. Cultural differences as a factor of intercultural communication.......................................................................................................14
2.1. Phenomenon of cultural identity...............................................................14
2.2. Nature of cultural differences....................................................................16
2.3. Impact of cultural differences on intercultural communication......................17
Chapter 3. Communicative barriers as a problem of intercultural communication.......................................................................................................22
3.1. Types of communicative barriers.....................................................................24
3.1.2 Intercultural communication in the context of tourism...............................27
3.2. Asymmetry in intercultural communication................................................30
3.3. Stereotyping as a barrier.................................................................................32
3.4. Verbal barriers of communication....................................................................33
3.5. Ways and means to overcome barriers in intercultural communication..........35
Conclusion Bibliography.........................................................................................38

Theoretical foundations of intercultural communication

1. Bennett M. J. (Ed.) Basic Concepts of Intercultural Communication. Selected Readings. Boston: London: Intercultural Press, 1998.
2. Gudykunst W.B. Theorizing About Intercultural Communication. London: SAGE Publictions, 2005.
3. Zinchenko V. G. the Dictionary of intercultural communication : Concepts and personalities / V. G. Zinchenko, V. G. Zusman, Z. I. Kirnoze, G. P. Ryabov. M.: Flinta : Nauka, 2010.
4. Kotthoff H., Spencer-Oatey H. Handbook of Intercultural Communication. Boston: NY: , 2008.
5. Leontovich O. A. Introduction to intercultural communication. M.: Gnosis, 2007.
6. Hofstede G. Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations across Nations. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2001.
7. Novinger T. Intercultural Communication: A Practical Guide. Austin : University of Texas Press, 2013.
8. Weeks H. Failure to Communicate: How Conversations Go Wrong and What You Can Do to Right Them. Boston: Harvard Business Review Press, 2010
9. Poplavskaya T. V., Sysoeva T. A. English. Communication problem. Moscow: yurait publishing House, 2018.

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Отзыв AuroraFlante об авторе Gretik28 2019-01-21
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Очень ответственный автор. Работы выполнена раньше срока, все пожелания и требования по работе учтены. Рекомендую

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Отзыв valeriya2903 об авторе Gretik28 2018-12-13
Курсовая работа

Работа сделана вовремя и очень качественно. Преподаватель очень придирчивый, а к этой работе не было ни одного вопроса, всё было сделано ИДЕАЛЬНО! Спасибо огромное!!!!!

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Отзыв nadezdaryashchikova об авторе Gretik28 2018-02-02
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Автор выполнил работу в срок (даже раньше указанного мною срока). Требования были соблюдены. Спасибо автору.

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Отзыв Юрий об авторе Gretik28 2018-03-24
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Работа выполнена точно в срок и очень хорошо.

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