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“Infinitive constructions in English and in French languages”

  • 30 страниц
  • 2020 год
  • 2 просмотра
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Фрагменты работ


Any language, as a perfect instrument of communication, is a very complex symbolic system organized into a structure whose elements have a certain relationship between each other and with the structure as a whole. Elements of each language are usually easy to establish, and there are a number of hierarchically ordered organizational units or building blocks that we can talk about, ranging from distinctive features, phonemes, morphs, words, phrases, sentence elements to sentences and utterances.

When you look at the phenomena of word order and orientation, you can easily see that in relation to the message reported, the order of words in the language can be either random or not accidental. To the extent that it departs from pure chance, the analyst must determine the status of its observed patterns in the grammar of the language. If there is an absolute, 100 percent correlation between some aspect of word order and the repetitive feature of messages, it is likely that the analyst is confronted with the sense-signal of the kind of entity that we expect from communicative orientation. On the other hand, if the correlation is not absolute, the analyst probably faces a sequencing strategy - not a signal, but a way of manipulating signals in conditions most understandable in view of the human factor.

Infinitive constructions include Objective with Infinitive Construction, Subjective with Infinitive Construction, and the construction introduced by the preposition for (For-to Infinitive Construction). The cases of using these structures were considered. The cited studies of infinitive constructions available in English from the original showed that there are no clear boundaries and rules for translating these constructions. That is, certain transformations were found when translating infinitive predicative phrases, due to the lack of corresponding constructions in the Russian language. The functioning of the infinitive, as an impersonal form of the verb in various styles of speech, is a formation that has a wide variety of forms, which makes it more flexible and plastic. A careful examination of constructions in English also showed an extraordinary richness and variety of methods of translation into Russian, depending on the semantic relations expressed in the original and on the peculiarities of the translation context. It should be noted that the use of free translation in some cases could be avoided. A more accurate translation of infinitive constructions in a number of cases would be no less adequate and at the same time literary. The linguistic material we have collected and the analysis carried out in this work can be applied in practical lessons in the English language in the study of infinitives and its structures.

In addition, we can expect different interactions, perhaps even conflicts, between signals and strategies. There is only such an order of words that can be circumvented; sequence, which has been defined as a signal, will no longer be free from the influence of strategic considerations. Thus, it can be said impressionistically that the inverted order of words or inversion used in any particular case can be usefully considered as a vector sum of various and sometimes opposing forces.
The relevance of our study is due to the increasing interest of a large number of Anglo-, French - and Russian-speaking linguists to the problem of inversion, which generates a number of completely different points of view. The study under consideration dealt with the problem of inversion, which had not yet been properly studied and therefore merited special attention.

The subject: Infinitive constructions in English and in French languages.
The оbjеct: The rulеs of using infinitive constructions in both lаnguаges.
Thus, the purpose of this wоrk is to cоnduct a compаrative аnаlysis of infinitive constructions in the Russiаn and English lаnguаges. Identify cоmmоn аnd distinctive feаtures in bоth lаnguages.
The study's objectives can be formulated as follows, tasks:
1. Characterizing the system of trends in English and French word orders, paying attention to the classification of sentences;
2. Looking at the order of words associated with the types of sentences;
3. Considering inversion because of the emphasis on supposedly new information;
4. Finding out the features of inversion in English and French.
- The mеthоd of cоmparative аnаlуsis;
- The mеthоd of аnаlоgу;
- The mеthоd of rаting аnd self-еstееm.
The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that these materials can be used by a teacher of a higher educational institution when organizing lexical work in the lessons of the linguistic cycle, as well as in organizing extracurricular activities in English and French.

The study consists of introduction, conclusion, bibliography and two chapters. Chapter 1 addresses issues such as the classification of sentences, inversion related to the types of sentences, and the peculiarities of the word order based on the focus on supposedly new information. Chapter 2 focuses on existing inversion trends in English and French. In conclusion, we will focus on what we found in this study. The bibliography consists of 30 items.

1.1. Features of the English word order due to the classification of sentences 6
1.2. Difference between partial and complete inversion in English. 11
2.1. Factors contributing to inversions in English and French 14
2.2. Inversion for stylistic reasons in English and French 21

Инфинитивные конструкции в английском и французском языках
Оригинальность 80% и выше


1. Браше, О. Историческая грамматика французского языка /О. Браше. – Москва: УРСС, 2005. – 183 с.
2. Буров, А. А. Фразовая номинация и актуальное членение высказывания. (когниволингвистическое измерение) /А.А. Буров, Ю.Г. Завьялова. – Пятигорск: Пятигорский государственный лингвистический университет, 2007. – 185 с.
3. Груенко, С. Е. Практическая грамматика французского языка. /С.Е. Груенко. – Омск: ОГИС, 2009. – 124 с.
4. Камянова, Т.Г. English grammar. /Т. Г. Камянова. – Москва: Дом Славянской Книги, 2014. – 447 с.
5. Минякова, Н. И. English grammar. Syntax. /Н.И. Минякова. – Орск: Изд-во Орского гуманитарно-технологического института, 2012. – 91 с.
6. Мурадова, Л. А. Грамматика французского языка /Л.А. Мурадова. – Москва: Айрис-пресс, 2013. – 317 c.
7. Садыкова, А.Г. Theoretical English gramma. / А.Г. Садыкова. – Казань: ТГГПУ, 2009. – 162 с.
8. Сатарова, А. Ф. Актуальное членение предложения в сопоставительном аспекте /А. Ф. Саттарова. – Сибай: СГТ, 2011. – 125 с.
9. Селихов, О. В. Грамматика английского языка /О. В. Селихов. – Орехово-Зуево: б. и., 2008. – 78 c.
10. Титаренко, Д.А. Инверсия тематического компонента простых повествовательных предложений в современном шведском языке: автореф. дисс. на соиск. yч. ст. к. филол. н. специальность 10.02.04 / Д.А. Титаренко [МГУ им. М.В.Ломоносова]. – Москва, 2012. – 24 с.
11. Утевская, Н. Л. Грамматика английского языка /Н. Л. Утевская. – Санкт-Петербург: Anthology, 2011. – 478 с.
12. Шмелев, В. М. Грамматическое и актуальное членение предложения в английском языке /В. М. Шмелев. – Казань: Изд-во Казанского государственного технического университета, 2010. – 30 c.
13. Aldridge J., The Diplomat / J. Aldridge. – Chicago: The Bodley Head, 2002. – 727p.
14. Babić, J. Europe in the emerging word order: searching for a new paradigm / J. Babić. – Belgrade: Inst. for philosophy a. social theory, Univ. of Belgrade, 2011. – 218 с.
15. Beckett S. Malone meurt / S. Beckett. – Paris: Minuit, 1990. – 365p.
16. Beckett S. Waiting for Godot / S. Beckett. – New York: Grove Press, 1982. – 125p.
17. Bruant A., Les Bas-Fonds de Paris / A. Bruant. – Paris: Editions des Equateurs, 2008. – 372p.
18. Carr, J. D. The Devil in Velvet / J. D. Carr. – New York: Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2014. – 727p.
19. Carter, R. Cambridge grammar of English. a comprehensive guide spoken and written English grammar and usage /R. Carter, M. McCarthy. – Cambridge etc.: Cambridge univ. press, 2006. – 973 с.
20. Chaplin, S. The Whatchers and the Watched / S. Chaplin. – New York: Flambard Press, 2004. – 323p.
21. Christie, A. The Thirteen Problems / A. Christie. – London: Signet, 2000. – 224p.
22. Cusack, D. and James, F. Come in Spinner / D. Cusack and F. James. – New York: Angus & Robertson, 2013. – 444p.
23. Devine, A. M. Latin word order. /A.M. Devine. – New York: Oxford univ. press, 2006. – 639 c.
24. Dixon, R. M. W. A semantic approach to English grammar /R.M.W. Dixon. – New York: Oxford univ. press, 2005. – 543 c.
25. Falk, Y. N. Subjects and universal grammar: an explanatory theory /Y. N. Falk. – Cambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 2006. – 237 с.
26. Martin du Gard, R. Les Thibault / R. Martin du Gard. – Paris: Folio, 2003. – 639p.
27. Mitchell, M. Gone with the Wind / M. Mitchell. – New York: Pocket Books, 2008. – 1472p.
28. Murdoch, B. The Bell / B. Murdoch. – London: Penguin Classics, 2001. – 320p.
29. Murphy, R. English grammar in use: a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English with answers /R. Murphy. – Cambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 2006. – 327 c.
30. Wilson, M. My Brother, My Enemy/ M. Wilson. – New York: Grove Press, 1992. – 328p.

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Фрагменты работ


Any language, as a perfect instrument of communication, is a very complex symbolic system organized into a structure whose elements have a certain relationship between each other and with the structure as a whole. Elements of each language are usually easy to establish, and there are a number of hierarchically ordered organizational units or building blocks that we can talk about, ranging from distinctive features, phonemes, morphs, words, phrases, sentence elements to sentences and utterances.

When you look at the phenomena of word order and orientation, you can easily see that in relation to the message reported, the order of words in the language can be either random or not accidental. To the extent that it departs from pure chance, the analyst must determine the status of its observed patterns in the grammar of the language. If there is an absolute, 100 percent correlation between some aspect of word order and the repetitive feature of messages, it is likely that the analyst is confronted with the sense-signal of the kind of entity that we expect from communicative orientation. On the other hand, if the correlation is not absolute, the analyst probably faces a sequencing strategy - not a signal, but a way of manipulating signals in conditions most understandable in view of the human factor.

Infinitive constructions include Objective with Infinitive Construction, Subjective with Infinitive Construction, and the construction introduced by the preposition for (For-to Infinitive Construction). The cases of using these structures were considered. The cited studies of infinitive constructions available in English from the original showed that there are no clear boundaries and rules for translating these constructions. That is, certain transformations were found when translating infinitive predicative phrases, due to the lack of corresponding constructions in the Russian language. The functioning of the infinitive, as an impersonal form of the verb in various styles of speech, is a formation that has a wide variety of forms, which makes it more flexible and plastic. A careful examination of constructions in English also showed an extraordinary richness and variety of methods of translation into Russian, depending on the semantic relations expressed in the original and on the peculiarities of the translation context. It should be noted that the use of free translation in some cases could be avoided. A more accurate translation of infinitive constructions in a number of cases would be no less adequate and at the same time literary. The linguistic material we have collected and the analysis carried out in this work can be applied in practical lessons in the English language in the study of infinitives and its structures.

In addition, we can expect different interactions, perhaps even conflicts, between signals and strategies. There is only such an order of words that can be circumvented; sequence, which has been defined as a signal, will no longer be free from the influence of strategic considerations. Thus, it can be said impressionistically that the inverted order of words or inversion used in any particular case can be usefully considered as a vector sum of various and sometimes opposing forces.
The relevance of our study is due to the increasing interest of a large number of Anglo-, French - and Russian-speaking linguists to the problem of inversion, which generates a number of completely different points of view. The study under consideration dealt with the problem of inversion, which had not yet been properly studied and therefore merited special attention.

The subject: Infinitive constructions in English and in French languages.
The оbjеct: The rulеs of using infinitive constructions in both lаnguаges.
Thus, the purpose of this wоrk is to cоnduct a compаrative аnаlysis of infinitive constructions in the Russiаn and English lаnguаges. Identify cоmmоn аnd distinctive feаtures in bоth lаnguages.
The study's objectives can be formulated as follows, tasks:
1. Characterizing the system of trends in English and French word orders, paying attention to the classification of sentences;
2. Looking at the order of words associated with the types of sentences;
3. Considering inversion because of the emphasis on supposedly new information;
4. Finding out the features of inversion in English and French.
- The mеthоd of cоmparative аnаlуsis;
- The mеthоd of аnаlоgу;
- The mеthоd of rаting аnd self-еstееm.
The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that these materials can be used by a teacher of a higher educational institution when organizing lexical work in the lessons of the linguistic cycle, as well as in organizing extracurricular activities in English and French.

The study consists of introduction, conclusion, bibliography and two chapters. Chapter 1 addresses issues such as the classification of sentences, inversion related to the types of sentences, and the peculiarities of the word order based on the focus on supposedly new information. Chapter 2 focuses on existing inversion trends in English and French. In conclusion, we will focus on what we found in this study. The bibliography consists of 30 items.

1.1. Features of the English word order due to the classification of sentences 6
1.2. Difference between partial and complete inversion in English. 11
2.1. Factors contributing to inversions in English and French 14
2.2. Inversion for stylistic reasons in English and French 21

Инфинитивные конструкции в английском и французском языках
Оригинальность 80% и выше


1. Браше, О. Историческая грамматика французского языка /О. Браше. – Москва: УРСС, 2005. – 183 с.
2. Буров, А. А. Фразовая номинация и актуальное членение высказывания. (когниволингвистическое измерение) /А.А. Буров, Ю.Г. Завьялова. – Пятигорск: Пятигорский государственный лингвистический университет, 2007. – 185 с.
3. Груенко, С. Е. Практическая грамматика французского языка. /С.Е. Груенко. – Омск: ОГИС, 2009. – 124 с.
4. Камянова, Т.Г. English grammar. /Т. Г. Камянова. – Москва: Дом Славянской Книги, 2014. – 447 с.
5. Минякова, Н. И. English grammar. Syntax. /Н.И. Минякова. – Орск: Изд-во Орского гуманитарно-технологического института, 2012. – 91 с.
6. Мурадова, Л. А. Грамматика французского языка /Л.А. Мурадова. – Москва: Айрис-пресс, 2013. – 317 c.
7. Садыкова, А.Г. Theoretical English gramma. / А.Г. Садыкова. – Казань: ТГГПУ, 2009. – 162 с.
8. Сатарова, А. Ф. Актуальное членение предложения в сопоставительном аспекте /А. Ф. Саттарова. – Сибай: СГТ, 2011. – 125 с.
9. Селихов, О. В. Грамматика английского языка /О. В. Селихов. – Орехово-Зуево: б. и., 2008. – 78 c.
10. Титаренко, Д.А. Инверсия тематического компонента простых повествовательных предложений в современном шведском языке: автореф. дисс. на соиск. yч. ст. к. филол. н. специальность 10.02.04 / Д.А. Титаренко [МГУ им. М.В.Ломоносова]. – Москва, 2012. – 24 с.
11. Утевская, Н. Л. Грамматика английского языка /Н. Л. Утевская. – Санкт-Петербург: Anthology, 2011. – 478 с.
12. Шмелев, В. М. Грамматическое и актуальное членение предложения в английском языке /В. М. Шмелев. – Казань: Изд-во Казанского государственного технического университета, 2010. – 30 c.
13. Aldridge J., The Diplomat / J. Aldridge. – Chicago: The Bodley Head, 2002. – 727p.
14. Babić, J. Europe in the emerging word order: searching for a new paradigm / J. Babić. – Belgrade: Inst. for philosophy a. social theory, Univ. of Belgrade, 2011. – 218 с.
15. Beckett S. Malone meurt / S. Beckett. – Paris: Minuit, 1990. – 365p.
16. Beckett S. Waiting for Godot / S. Beckett. – New York: Grove Press, 1982. – 125p.
17. Bruant A., Les Bas-Fonds de Paris / A. Bruant. – Paris: Editions des Equateurs, 2008. – 372p.
18. Carr, J. D. The Devil in Velvet / J. D. Carr. – New York: Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2014. – 727p.
19. Carter, R. Cambridge grammar of English. a comprehensive guide spoken and written English grammar and usage /R. Carter, M. McCarthy. – Cambridge etc.: Cambridge univ. press, 2006. – 973 с.
20. Chaplin, S. The Whatchers and the Watched / S. Chaplin. – New York: Flambard Press, 2004. – 323p.
21. Christie, A. The Thirteen Problems / A. Christie. – London: Signet, 2000. – 224p.
22. Cusack, D. and James, F. Come in Spinner / D. Cusack and F. James. – New York: Angus & Robertson, 2013. – 444p.
23. Devine, A. M. Latin word order. /A.M. Devine. – New York: Oxford univ. press, 2006. – 639 c.
24. Dixon, R. M. W. A semantic approach to English grammar /R.M.W. Dixon. – New York: Oxford univ. press, 2005. – 543 c.
25. Falk, Y. N. Subjects and universal grammar: an explanatory theory /Y. N. Falk. – Cambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 2006. – 237 с.
26. Martin du Gard, R. Les Thibault / R. Martin du Gard. – Paris: Folio, 2003. – 639p.
27. Mitchell, M. Gone with the Wind / M. Mitchell. – New York: Pocket Books, 2008. – 1472p.
28. Murdoch, B. The Bell / B. Murdoch. – London: Penguin Classics, 2001. – 320p.
29. Murphy, R. English grammar in use: a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English with answers /R. Murphy. – Cambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 2006. – 327 c.
30. Wilson, M. My Brother, My Enemy/ M. Wilson. – New York: Grove Press, 1992. – 328p.

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Отзыв AuroraFlante об авторе user3197859 2019-01-21
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Очень ответственный автор. Работы выполнена раньше срока, все пожелания и требования по работе учтены. Рекомендую

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Работа сделана вовремя и очень качественно. Преподаватель очень придирчивый, а к этой работе не было ни одного вопроса, всё было сделано ИДЕАЛЬНО! Спасибо огромное!!!!!

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Автор выполнил работу в срок (даже раньше указанного мною срока). Требования были соблюдены. Спасибо автору.

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Работа выполнена точно в срок и очень хорошо.

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