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The problems of style every year attract the attention of a wider circle of linguists and literary critics, and the style itself, as it develops, more and more breaks up into several separate disciplines.
At the same time, in stylistics, as in any other science, the opposite process takes place, namely, integration, that is, the strengthening of the mutual influence of different branches of knowledge and the emergence of new sections that combine and generalize these disciplines, which were previously considered to be far from each other. For the effectiveness of scientific research, both of these trends are important. It is known that one of the sections of stylistics studies functional styles.
In official business documents there is a significant amount of archaic words and phrases. In any business document you can find the use of words such as hereby; henceforth; aforesaid.
The diplomatic language is characterized by the use of a certain number of Latin and French words and expressions, which have received a kind of terminological coloring in the language of diplomatic documents. The most common words and phrases are: persona grata; persona non grata; pro tempore; the quorum; conditio sine qua non; status quo; mutatis mutandis et al.
Курсовая работа написана на английском языке. Включает в себя информацию о стилях английского языка(научный, дипломатический).
1. Арнольд И.В. Стилистика современного английского языка.
2. Гальперин И.Р. Очерки по стилистике английского языка.
3. Наер В.Л. Функциональные стили английского языка.
4. Скребнев Ю.М. М.Д. Кузнец. Стилистика английского языка.
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The problems of style every year attract the attention of a wider circle of linguists and literary critics, and the style itself, as it develops, more and more breaks up into several separate disciplines.
At the same time, in stylistics, as in any other science, the opposite process takes place, namely, integration, that is, the strengthening of the mutual influence of different branches of knowledge and the emergence of new sections that combine and generalize these disciplines, which were previously considered to be far from each other. For the effectiveness of scientific research, both of these trends are important. It is known that one of the sections of stylistics studies functional styles.
In official business documents there is a significant amount of archaic words and phrases. In any business document you can find the use of words such as hereby; henceforth; aforesaid.
The diplomatic language is characterized by the use of a certain number of Latin and French words and expressions, which have received a kind of terminological coloring in the language of diplomatic documents. The most common words and phrases are: persona grata; persona non grata; pro tempore; the quorum; conditio sine qua non; status quo; mutatis mutandis et al.
Курсовая работа написана на английском языке. Включает в себя информацию о стилях английского языка(научный, дипломатический).
1. Арнольд И.В. Стилистика современного английского языка.
2. Гальперин И.Р. Очерки по стилистике английского языка.
3. Наер В.Л. Функциональные стили английского языка.
4. Скребнев Ю.М. М.Д. Кузнец. Стилистика английского языка.
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